Monday, December 17, 2012

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow . . . .

Ok, so the weather outside is frightful.  Manzanita has finally received its winter covering, ten days before Christmas.  That is so perfect.  Cheri and I have discussed the idea of the first Christmas in the cabin and inviting the fam down to celebrate Christmas there.

I don't know what year that will be, but it sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

As of today, the local ski resort, Brianhead has posted these conditions;

Brianhead Ski resort as of 12/17/2012

24 Hr. Snowfall: 0″
48 Hr. Snowfall: 5″
72 Hr. Snowfall: 20″
Base depth: 22″
Year to Date Snowfall: 44″ 

This ski resort, Brianhead is about 10 minutes away from the cabin site and has the nearest webcam to the cabin.  There's a snow storm warning tonight that the area will receive another 8 to 12 inches within the next 24 hours, so I think it's here to stay.

Jim Streeter 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We received a picture of the cabin property from our realtory, Kathy.  We've been trying to figure out when the first snow is going to fall, so we know how long our "building season" is going to be...  By the looks of it, we're going to have a long building season.... However, I checked back in my notes from last year, and there was snow on the 10th of November.  What is wrong with this year?  This is a picture of how the cabin property looked yesterday....

We found out that we have to have an engineering stamp of approval on our plans because of "snow load", but, doesn't look like there's too much snow at this point.  Strange...

Doesn't look like anybody is going skiing any time soon.
