Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Well, I've decided that building a cabin is an interesting and frustrating experience.  As you know, we sent the plans off for concrete bids... upon looking at the plans closer, we found that the architect, you know the man that drives me crazy, has made some reasonably unconventional additions to our plans... For instance, there is a pole in the middle of the garage...  he says it's for support - but, who in their right mind wants to have a pole in the middle of the garage?  So, it's back to the engineer and he's going to make some changes.  We are going to bypass the architect this time, and the civil engineer that signs off on the plans, is going to make the changes.  Soooo frustrating.

We are about to take the backhoe down to Manzanita and start to dig the hole, an hopefully, between the civil engineer, the backhoe operator (Jim) and the concrete guy, we can have work completed by the time the snow flies - which seems to be a little early in the year down at Brian Head!
