Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How is it possible that there's so much to do to get ready.

Well, the plans got accepted by the architectural committee.  The head guy even said he really, really liked the plans and that it was going to be an awesome cabin.

We also got the OK to place a Conex (steel cargo container) on the building site to store construction stuff in while we build.

Cheri and I put together a project plan.  I'll post a JPG of it when it's finished but for now it looks kind of like this;  Prepare backhoe for transport to Manzanita, fix broken light on trailer, get trailer registered in Utah, finish building the dump actuator for making the F450 a dump truck, get the last of the logs moved down to Provo, terrace the site for construction, dig up the road for the power company to lay in the power, set the temporary power pole, and it goes on and on.  There's hundreds of "little" things to do.

We think we'll rent concrete forms, learn how to place the rebar, and pour the footings and foundation ourselves with some hourly day help.  But then we're going to have the concrete walls and framing contracted out to save time.

We've also been given a little reprieve, the architectural committee said we didn't have to have the structure up and enclosed in one calender year.  So if for some reason we don't get it all up by fall, we can cover it up and return in the spring to finish the outer structure.