Sunday, July 20, 2014


This past weekend didn't quite get started as planned, but we did make it to the property, and it really was quite productive.

We had it in our minds that we were going to clear the way to put the power pole in so that we can stop using the generator.  There is power at the street, we just need to run a line from the street to the power pole.  The problem is... that stupid manzanita that I swear is reproducing all the freakin' time... We moved the RV out, and, after a little intense discussion, Jim pulled the stupid manzanita up, and I moved it over to the trailer so that we can throw it into the dumpster. We bought a chipper, which we thought would do the job of getting rid of the mass of limbs, but it is just not up to the task.  What a waste...

Talk about viciously hot... We are both so sunburned, it's incredible... and the dirt factor is out of this world... We were both wearing socks and shoes, and when we got home, our feet were so disgusting, it was  directly into the shower....

On the way out of the area, it was really sweet... we saw a mama deer and two babies.  The babies still had their little spots....  I've got a picture.... you have to look really close to see one of the babies..

Really productive day... really hot day...


Sunday, July 13, 2014


Last night was the first night that Jim and I actually stayed in Beluga AT the cabin site...  We've stayed in it before at a campsite, but never at the cabin site... Wow... is it quiet... and dark...and almost scary... when we turn off the generator, it is dark, and quiet... and things outside are howling... not sure I'm quite used to it... I'm used to always having the stereo blasting or the phone ringing, or the tv on or something... but, this quiet is really, really strange.

While I was contemplating, I had a thought from years and years ago... actually, it was when my brother Bart and his wife Jackie were getting married...  Bart had Jackie's wedding band picked out, and Jackie had made a comment about wanting a freezer instead of a diamond.... and it hit me, I'm not that kinda girl... I'm not very practical, and I sure like my conveniences.... actually, I get downright snarky if I don't have my modern conveniences......  I think I realized I was being a little on the snarky side today when I asked why Jim didn't say something to me about a subject I was complaining about, and his answer was, "ARE YOU CRAZY?"  .... ya....

But, the air conditioning in the motorhome works, I cooked a meal, the potty works - though it is a little on the small size, but over all, it's ok...  I don't want to live there for the rest of my life, but it's ok...

Jim plotted out exactly where the cabin is going to go today, we cut down some more trees and figured out where the power pole is going to go...  Next weekend, we are hoping to get some boy scouts or help or some group of people to help chop down the rest of the trees and the stupid manzanita so we can really move forward... We figure that we are going to spend the rest of the summer getting rid of that stupid manzanita, so it's time to get some help.

While we are at the cabin site, we always see deer and squirrels and chipmunks... lots of critters running around...  Today, on our way home, we encountered a different kind of beast.

These guys were not particularly friendly, and really didn't want to move out of the road...

Over all, it was a pretty decent weekend...  Maybe next weekend, my disposition will improve....
