Sunday, November 2, 2014


We had a really productive weekend at the property!

We bought a little 5 x 9 foot trailer a couple of months ago, and we really getting out money's worth out of it... Yesterday, we loaded it up with a storage building (it's in pieces...) and we took it down south.  We have two storage buildings in Provo that are chuck filled with stuff for the cabin, and we decided we are going to little by little, take all the stuff down south...  It was supposed to be a quick, there and back, kinda trip... Well, the little storage building probably weighs 1000 pounds, and we couldn't drive the usual 80 mph on I-15 - so instead of taking us 3 hours to get there, it took about 5.5... So, we got into Kane County really late.

We decided to spend the night, and get a little work done today, and then come home Sunday night....We check into a motel in Panguitch. Jim takes me to a the little grocery store just down the street so I can get the essentials...  You have to remember that this is not a planned trip... so, there was no change of clothes or anything like that...  I thought it would be nice to maybe have a comb and maybe some lotion... we go to the store and there isn't a single comb in the place...but, I did find eye liner and lip gloss - really crappy lip gloss, but it was lip gloss... I thought that I could survive...

Spent the night in the motel... Jim fell asleep at about 9:30 pm, and at 2:30 in the morning, he was refreshed and ready to take on the day!  Really?  He turned on the tv...I hadn't really got into my serious sleep pattern yet, so I was ok with him watching tv...(ok, I have a really strange sleep pattern... Poor Jim just kinda puts up with it...)

We wake up at about 8:30 in the morning, take a shower, and that's when the sad state of affairs starts...  Not only do I not have my regular shampoo, but there is no conditioner, no lotion, no blow dryer, no curling iron... and especially... no comb...  Jim runs his hands through his hair, and looks pretty good...  I look like I just got scared by ghosts and my hair is standing up all over the place... Bad hair day doesn't start to describe this look... I put on my eye liner and my lip gloss, and it doesn't make up for the hair..And, there is nothing I can do about this...( I won't get into the whole thing about wearing the same clothes Sunday as I did Saturday... that's a whole other discussion)...

I'm resigned to go out in public... we go to a restaurant, and I've decided that maybe I should buy a bandana and cover this mess up a little bit...  There's a little general store on one side of the restaurant, I ask if they have a bandana... and of course, no...  I explain the situation to the lady at the counter, and all she says is.."You look fine.. you fit right in with the town"... Oh, my...  did she just say that to me?  I was more than horrified...

So, Jim sits down and orders breakfast.  I walk across the street to a gas station, and they have this whole display of "Support the Cure" items... all in pink... They had a bandana, but I chose a pink hat...  The lady at the gas station, take a pair of scissors and cuts the tags off and gives it to me, and just says, "Bad hair day?"...  again, really?  Giggle..

So, I'm sporting my pink Breast Cancer hat... feeling pretty good about my look... all the mess is covered up...

On the way home, we pull into Provo, and I tell Jim that we need to stop in at the grocery and get some milk... we're all out at the house.. We get into the store, and Jim, bless his heart says to me, "Honey, do you remember when you've said to me, stuff like, "Don't let me go out in public looking like that.."".....Then he says, "Don't take the hat off"...


Apart from my hair experiences, we moved Beluga down to a storage facility for the winter... planted spring bulbs on the cabin site, moved the backhoe back on the property,  and even found a guy to help clear the property over the next couple of weeks.  Was a pretty good weekend... considering...

And it started snowing on the way home.

The season is ending too quickly.