Sunday, February 1, 2015


We purchased a glulam beam from a guy in Salt Lake several months ago... This thing is like 28' long and weighs a billion pounds... it's been in storage in Salt Lake since last fall.. Well, we decided to pick it up this past weekend.

Against my wishes, Jim arranged for us to pick it up at 9:00 am, Saturday morning.  This means that I have to get up at 7:00 am... Saturday morning, and shower and get put together by 8:00 am so we can pick up the U-Haul 26 foot moving truck and drive to Salt Lake by 9:00 am.. Really?  REALLY?  I'm really not a morning person... I think it morning came around noon or so, I would be better with it.

We pick up the truck, and get as far as American Fork when Jim realizes that he forgot to bring his tie down straps... So, we call Brianne... and you know what... she's not a morning person either...  We drive by their place, pick up TJ's tie down straps and carry on... I get a text from Brianne that simply says, "Fail on being up so early on a Saturday morning, Mom..."  I think she wanted to sleep in...

Anyways, we made it to Salt Lake, got the beam and brought it back to Provo...

The truck we rented was a 26 foot U-Haul... Jim backed it into the driveway, broke the branches off the Black Walnut tree at the end of the driveway.. (I just asked Jim what the tree was at the end of the driveway and he says, "It's a black walnut, or an English walnut tree... that's what you had ME mow down with the truck...")  I think he's a little bitter... Giggle.

The beam is now living at the side of our house.

Another grand adventure.
