Thursday, February 25, 2016

Getting Ready for Spring

Relatively nothing has gone on during the winter months... Manzanita is so packed with snow, absolutely nothing can be done until the snow melts!

We pulled the check list for getting the building permits and while we can't work on the mountain, we can get the permits in place, and get a contractor for the concrete work and the framing set up...  There's this huge book that walks you through getting the building permits - gonna take a couple of months, I'm sure.  But, it's nice to get back on track and get working on the project again.

When the snow melts, we'll be back getting Blue Stakes marking the lot again, and maybe this time, we'll only have to get it marked once and then get the power in.  Last fall, we had it marked at least 4 times and the rain kept washing it away.

Not much of an adventure....
