Sunday, May 15, 2016

1st Visit to Manzanita - 2016

Well, this past weekend was the first visit to Manzanita this year!  I didn't go because of the issues with my shoulder and knee... but, Jim went.

He had plans of doing some backhoe work, fixing the generator, moving the RV to the lower driveway...  well, some of that happened.

First of all, we couldn't find the keys to the storage building and the backhoe.  I got a hold of Vince, the guy who did some backhoe work for us last year.. he said he was in San Diego, but, he had left the key in the ignition of the backhoe...  Um... ok?  Well after buying a new ignition switch with a new set of keys, when Jim got down there, he found that the key was not in the ignition, but in the tool box...  Dodged a bullet on that one and we can return the unopened switch!  But, the backhoe wouldn't start!  Upon investigation, he found that the solenoid would not engage and the the Bendix drive would not engage either... (I don't have a clue what that means, but whatever....)  So, he removed the starter and brought it home to work on it this next week...

He then tried to fix the generator... due to it kicking back on him last fall when he tried to start it, the recoil was broken, but he found he didn't have the tools to fix it...  Ok, brought the generator recoil home and the replacement part is $12.95.

Then, the poor man went to move the RV to the lower driveway...  we had pulled the batteries on the equipment for the winter... Jim took a battery down with him...  BUT, the backhoe was parked where the RV was going to go.  So in trying to fix the backhoe starter and it wouldn't start he couldn't move it nor the RV... Sometimes you take three steps forward and you just don't get anywhere.

But, Jim did cut the lock off the storage building, and he got a whole trailer full of stuff put in storage down in Panguitch..

Giggle...  He's tired and sunburned but I'm glad he's home...from another amazing adventure.
