Monday, August 29, 2016


 When Jim and I go to the cabin site, this is usually what it looks like.. This past weekend, we had visitors and everything really changed!!!

On Saturday morning, Brad and Melody, Mahayla and Brea came to spend the weekend at Manzanita with us!  We all met up at our home in Provo, packed our vehicles with a little bit of everything, and we headed off for our new adventure.  We were so stoked that we were going to have more visitors.  We love Bryce Woodlands and we are always excited to share it with others.

After the nightmare last weekend, we decided to take the four wheelers down, first of all so we would never be stranded again, and 2nd of all, to have a little fun when the kids came down.  Jim called the loading of the four wheelers, :"an epic event". The Honda four wheeler was in the back end of the pick up and the Yamaha was on the trailer.  We left the Honda at the cabin site and brought the Yamaha back with us...

The women folk were all in my van, and the menfolk, (Brad and Jim) were in the pick up. We went to the gas station to fill both vehicles up with gas and check tire pressure, because that is just something we have to do (at least that's what Jim thinks) before we hit the open road.  Jim fills the vehicles up, and then asks me to pull through the pumps and over to the air station.  I park in front of the air hose and Jim asks me to pull forward just a little bit, and then get out of my vehicle. I pull forward just a couple of inches and then get out, and Jim shows me this big freakin' bolt sticking out of my front driver's tire... I was like.. what?  This is the third flat that I would have had in this vehicle in one week...  grrrr...

So, the boy's head off to the cabin site, and the "girl's van" heads to Discount Tire in Orem, Utah to get the bolt out of the tire...  The thing was huge...  wasn't any little nail sticking out, but a big freakin' bolt.

We get to the tire store, and they tell us that it's going to take about 30 minutes, but it's going to be free because we do business with them regularly.. The girls and I walk over to Sunflower Produce which is really close, and wander around.  We buy exciting stuff like a coconut, and flax muffins..Jim says he hopes there isn't three more of these muffins somewhere... wasn't one of his favourites...

In about 30 minutes, the tire is fixed and we head down the road.

It takes about 3.5 hours to make it to the cabin site... the girls in the back seat were asleep for part of it, and Melody and I chat the whole time.  Every once in a while, Brea would wake up and ask how much longer, and our stock reply was, "6 more minutes".  That seemed to appease her.

We made a quick pit stop at the Panguitch General store and as soon as I walked in, Cheryl Church from the Blue Pine Motel was there.... Cheryl is Danny G's sister and lives in Panguitch.  She came up to me and hugged me and said that she was glad that I came back... I think after the nightmare last week, people are amazed that we have gone back.  But, this time, it was different.  We came really well prepared.

When we got to the site, we found that it had been pouring rain all night, and we had about a foot of mud.. everywhere... and I mean, everywhere...Jim says there was only about 2 inches, but I disagree...    There was so much mud, and it was really quite cool temperature wise, that the kids couldn't put their tent up, so we all decided that we would all sleep in the RV...

The RV has a Bird's Nest above the cab for kids to sleep in, and the table in the little dining room pushes down, and the cushions make a bed, so we felt we were in good shape.  The girls were going to sleep in the Bird's Nest, and Brad and Melody would sleep in the bed... Ended up, that Brad slept with the girls and it worked out perfectly.  We ran the generator to run the heater, so it was toasty warm in no time.

As soon as we got to the site, we started dinner.  We used cans to stand chickens up in the BBQ for a couple of hours, along with potatoes wrapped in foil.. I figured it would take a couple of hours to cook, so as we were unpacking and getting settled, dinner would be cooking.

While the girls were unpacking, the guys were taking the four wheelers off the trailer and getting them ready for the next day.  They also set up the the fire pit, so we could have smores before bed.

While we were waiting for the food to cook, Mahayla and Brea had their first activity - spiders in a bottle! I bought some plastic flower vases, and we stuffed them with cotton balls, and then put plastic spiders in the vases.. and then put a glow stick in the middle of the cotton balls.. and, in the dark, it looks like spiders in webs...I also bought lizards to put in the vases and the girls thought it was amazing...

Dinner was fantastic... we cooked corn in the RV and put a salad with it, and it was perfect... Everybody was happy..  A little while afterwards, we sat by the fire pit and made smores and just relaxed.... I forgot to bring the bag of graham crackers into the RV before we went to bed, and in the morning, some little critter had made a meal out of half of them... little nibble marks all over the tops... giggle..

When we were going to bed, everyone realized how freakin' small the bathroom is...I am not one to complain or to tell everyone that I don't fit in the bathroom... but, this is really a fact.. I don't fit.. In fact, nobody fits into this bathroom.  I always say that you have to go outside to change your mind, and Brad and Melody now have first hand knowledge of this...  That bathroom is small... really small...  Jim says he is going to pull the cupboard out, to give us a little more space...  Can't be soon enough...

Got up in the morning - everyone said they slept reasonably well...  Had a big breakfast of french toast and bacon, and fried potato and fruit...  It was nice to see the boys just relax and talk and not be texting or answering phones...

The first thing the kids wanted to do was ride the four wheelers.. So Jim and Brad pulled them out and they went off to explore the surroundings.  Mahayla and Brea said they saw deer and a wild turkey, and chipmunks!  They had a great time!

After Melody and I got dishes cleaned up on our makeshift sink, that was situated on the top of the
generator, we made stepping stones with the girls...  I have been collecting shells and stones, and beads and everything else for months for this stepping stone project.....  They got them all arranged in the plastic containers and Papa mixed the cement...  I think we made the cement a little loose because all our fun shells and marbles floated...  Papa and I are going to have a redo on this one.. shhhhh... we want them to look pretty for the girls, so we are going to be working on this one...I was wearing rubber gloves for this activity.... took off one glove and it had torn and my nails were filled with cement...  Needless to say, I have an appointment with my nail tech this afternoon.. Brianne came into my office this morning, and saw my nails and all she said was.."Oooooh.."...  They look really bad...

After breakfast, the little girls decided that it was time to crack open the coconut, and Brad was happy to oblige.  He christened the backhoe by cracking open the coconut on the side of it.... The girls loved the coconut, and now the backhoe was properly christened.

After the first and second four wheeler drives, Jim and Brad decided to get the backhoe out and do some digging... I don't know what it is with men and heavy equipment..  I just don't get  what the big thrill is...  But, Jim showed Brad how the backhoe worked, and then let him dig.. I think he had a blast...  We are going to get a 40' container to store building materials in, so we needed to flatten a space of ground for the container to sit on..

Jim was thrilled that Brad was interested in running the backhoe and said that he learned quickly, and did a great job... I think Jim enjoyed teaching Brad as much as Brad enjoyed doing the work.

Here's the hole that Brad dug!!  He rocks!

On the last four wheeler ride of the day, the girls wanted one of the spiders to take a ride also....

We had planned to get out of the site by about four in the afternoon... didn't quite happen, but we couldn't leave, without a quick treat, so we all headed to the Gem Theater for ice cream...Autumn, our favourite waitress was there, and was sweet as ever.  She met the whole gang, so we are expanding horizons...  They usually serve funeral potatoes at the Gem Theater/Cafe, but yesterday, they were all out... Sad face.  But, as we are sitting there eating our ice cream, the couple that own the Hitch 'n Post RV park came in, and they got to meet the fam also!  I don't know their names, but nice people...

Really was a great weekend - had so much fun, solid relax time, and we'd love to have guests again...

Again, another grand adventure.

Jim and Cheri

LUKE 14:5

 Well, this post actually was supposed to happen last weekend, but I was so ticked off, I decided that I would wait a little bit to calm down before I wrote.  I was so upset last weekend, that I told Jim that I wanted to sell the property and just forget about it...  But, I've put it in perspective now, and I can move forward.

Last weekend, our intention was to go down to the property on Friday night, and complete the percolation test on Saturday and Sunday so we could apply for our building permit.  We have a contractor all set up to put in the power pole, excavate the building site, and do the concrete work this year.. But, basically the only thing that we needed to do is complete the perc test.

We stayed in a terrible little hotel in Panguitch on Friday night... the motel that we stay in, if we can't stay in the RV was fully booked, so we had little choice.  I haven't been to the property this year because the recovery from my shoulder surgery and my knee surgery has been long and drawn out.  Jim has gone and worked, but I haven't.  So, this was my first cabin adventure for the year.

We get up on Saturday morning, and drive to the cabin site, and find that Blue Stakes has come out and marked the phone lines and the electric line and the water lines as promised, so we were good to go.   I've put a couple of picture and you can see the orange paint and the red paint that marked the telephone and the underground power lines.  I was stoked!

The perc test is done by digging a hole that is 5' deep and you have to saturate the ground for at least 16 hours, and then you fill the hole with water and see how fast the water drains out... you take measurements at 30 minute intervals...  So, it's a little time consuming, so we were prepared for the two day event.

Jim dug the hole, and we were setting up to fill it with water.  But, we found we needed a couple of extra hoses to get from the water faucet to the hole.  So, Jim sends me into town to buy a couple of hoses at the hardware store.

I drive into Panguitch and pick up some hoses and drive back.

This is what I encounter as I am driving into town....

They had the idea that they owned the road and it took a little bit to convince them that I really wanted to get by.

As soon as I get back into the lot site, Jim sees that I have a flat.  So, he changes the tire and we're ready to go. At the end of the day, the ground is nicely saturating, and go back into Panguitch for the night.

The next morning, we get up and drive back.  As soon as we get into the driveway of the property, we see that we have another flat.  We are so screwed...  We are on the top of a mountain, with no spare, and sketchy cell service.  We usually don't have service on cell phones, and if we want to get service, you have to walk to the highest part of the mountain and then you get service in intervals of about 30 seconds to a minute.

So, we decide to call the local religious authority, and we find out that he just had back surgery and was recovering, and on top of that, he was released from that job last October.  BUT, he gives us the name of the new guy.  So, we think we're golden.  Think again.

We call the new guy, and the first thing he says is, "I don't work on Sunday"...  um, hello?  We are stuck on the top of a mountain with no food, no electricity, no blankets and no way to get down...  We are pleading out case to this guy... offering to make a donation to the boy scouts in his ward, or buy groceries for someone who is in need, doing everything and anything to get someone to help... and it's always, "I don't work on Sunday".. BUT, he says, he owns a tow truck and he'd be happy to come up the mountain on Monday morning to pull us down.. Are you freakin' kidding me?  I also told him that I was diabetic, and I didn't have insulin, and I needed to get down the mountain...  (Because insulin is a little fragile, I only brought enough insulin for the two days, not three days)....  He stuck to his guns and wouldn't budge...

At this point, I am highly annoyed and Jim is so frustrated also....We decide that we are going to have to drive the RV down the mountain and get into Panguitch for Monday morning, so we can get two tired fixed.  The RV hasn't moved from the site in years, is not insured and the plates are out.... uhuh...

We get the RV out of the site and drive down the mountain.  About half way to Hatch, Utah, where there is a gas station, we run out of gas.  BUT, Jim has a container with a gas/oil mix in it that we use for the chainsaw, and we put that little bit into the tank.  It fires up enough to get us to the gas station in Hatch... Thank you!

We drive into Panguitch and get a spot at the Hitch 'n Post RV park, where we can plug the RV in and stay for the night.  There's restaurants in town so we got dinner, so all was well.

Monday morning, we take the tires over to the Tire repair at about 10 in the morning, and they say they are a little busy, but can get to it around 2... um... ok?  So, Jim and I got to do a little Panguitch sight seeing.

We went into this one little store, it was a cowboy antique store.  I found an interesting clock.  When I was growing up, my parents had this cowboy clock on the mantle.  It was all made of brass and my mom was going to get rid of it, until I snagged it.  I had taken it to a clock repair place, and they cleaned it up and fixed it up and got it working again.  Long story short, when I picked up the clock from the repair place, the owner of the shop gave me a little history on the clock.  It was made in Canada, and the face of it was made of tissue paper.  It was one of the first clocks made, and the clock that I had was one of the original manufacturing moulds made for this product.  I had never seen a finished product of this clock... but, there one was, sitting on the shelf.  Was very cool.

 We wandered around Panguitch for several hours, making it to the Old Fire House Antique store, and the Shed Outdoor Gear store, and finally to the Gem Theater where we had lunch.. complete with funeral potatoes...

 At about 3 in the afternoon, the tires were fixed, (thank goodness we didn't have to buy new tires) and we headed back up the mountain.

We got back up the mountain, completed the perc test, and were still a little annoyed and frustrated, but happy that we got the test completed.

We got back to the cabin site, changed the tires on the van, and then went over to the perc test site.. Apparently, over night, the deer decided they wanted to check out the situation and walked all over the test site.. Giggle..  I guess they were a little curious...

I guess we can chalk this one up to... another grand adventure.

Jim and Cheri

Thursday, August 18, 2016


I love this picture... makes me giggle...  I was trying to figure out what kind of hat would just be "Jim"... looked at lots, and then I saw the pith helmet... it's perfect!

Lots of forward motion going on with the cabin...  we got the excavation certificate yesterday, so we can now put in the temporary power pole, and today we got set up with Blue Stakes.  They are going to mark the property on Tuesday and after that, we can dig the basement and get the concrete poured!

I'm stoked!


Tuesday, August 9, 2016


We had our very first visitor to Manzanita this past Friday.. We had to stop and have a meeting with our contractor on Friday, and our Mahayla was with us...  She had a blast exploring... We found deer tracks and lots of plants... but, the most fun she had was learning how to use a measuring tape - and she started measuring everything!

...really a fun time.
