Monday, January 15, 2018


Welcome to our cabin!  Here's a couple of chairs on the deck just for you!
A friend of our's, Debbie, insisted without a railing, she's not coming.  Sent us this edited version.

Now, after a couple of weeks of coughs and colds and doctors appointments and prescriptions, we got to the point of feeling relatively healthy, and not contagious (we hope), and we made it down to the cabin this past weekend!

We always follow the Weather Channel, and the surrounding area was showing beautiful weather... and, the mountain was just that.. beautiful... very little snow, kinda muddy in places, but beautiful, clear weather.

We had got a call from the "HOA" and they told us that we needed to move our trailer up to our property, so that was the first on the list...  They have a space at the base of the mountain where you can store your four wheelers and snowmobiles, and our trailer has been there, for the last 5 years... This is the trailer that we transported the backhoe from New Mexico to Utah on.. So, it's huge...  I think they were a little sick of looking at it.. So, now, it's moved up to the round about, just down from the cabin on our lot #10....  I'm glad that little job is completed.

Even though the weather was fabulous, it was cold in the cabin... was colder inside the cabin than outside.. A couple of months ago, we bought a propane burner heater, and we hooked it up and turned it on...  really warmed up the joint.  When we originally took it up, we couldn't get the burners to stay lit... something about not enough oxygen, to keep it lit.. But, Jim did a little research (go figure) and found if we put a different something or other on it, it would work.. and it did.. perfectly.. It makes a ton of noise, but also a ton of heat!  Made it very, very comfortable.

Jim's goal was to build the platform for the hearth... and, that project was started.  Mine was to get curtains up... the curtains aren't particularly to block the sunlight, but to block anonymous people from peeking in... Jim and I both accomplished these goals.

Jim also completed a little more of the winterizing the cabin... Above the bay window in the dining area, there was an open space that went directly out to the weather...  A little something that was missed in the framing process... So, he covered that in with sheeting, to keep the weather out, and whenever it decides to snow, it'll keep the wet snow and rain off my curtains...

And, the more things that happen inside the cabin, the more I love it.  I can envision a home. 

The hearth will be covered with cut, flat rocks so the wood burning stove will sit nice and flat.

Sawing these up takes a lot of time, but it will be worth it.

The hearth platform is going to have a rock facing on it, like we've showed you before, with a set of night lights underneath on either side of the cold air return... That was most exciting for me.  One of the antique pieces that we bought years ago, we attached as the cold air return on the front of the hearth platform... and I think it looks amazing...  This cold air return piece was from an old hotel in Nevada, and I fell in love with it, the very first time I saw it.  I think at the time, Jim was wondering where in the world we would use it.. Well, we found it a home.. and it's nice to see these little pieces being incorporated into our dreams.

I've taken some pictures of the inside of the cabin now... My dishwasher is in the livingroom, along with the cabinets for the bathrooms..

I have one pantry cabinet that is actually in the kitchen, and I love it there...
The rest of the cabinets are in the main level bedroom... We also have a shower door in the bedroom - I guess it's the right place for it, right now..  This shower door was purchased at Lowe's... Jim's daughter-in-law, Teresa used to work for Lowe's and whenever she found a smokin' deal on an item, she would call us, and we would go over... This is one of the items.. It's a glass shower door, with the pattern of leaves through the glass.. I think it's amazing, even if it is upside down right now.
We have new neighbours across the street, and he came over and introduced himself.. Very nice man.  He and his family live just outside of Ogden, which is where our Brad and his family live.  Wayne and his wife are about our age and looking to retire...  Ogden is about an hour and a half north of Provo, so it takes them a little longer to get to their cabin, but their love of the mountain mirrors ours.. He came over just as we were about to leave, and we didn't hear him knock on the door.. between the heater and the air compressor, you have to all but scream to be heard... I didn't hear the knock, but, I did see the door handle move - so, I knew somebody was at the door...  We had a nice visit - very nice neighbour..

We were a little nervous with the drop off the side of the balcony, and "Galt's Gulch", so we installed some motion detector lighting to the front and the side... at least, if someone comes over in the evening, they'll see where they are going to land before falling over the side.

"Cheri's Heart" is covered in snow - but, it still looks lovely.

All in all, it was a successful journey, with goals being accomplished... The adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Do you remember the pictures of the rocks in the dishwasher?
Well, those rocks are about to make their debut.

Just before Christmas, we figured that we needed to cut the rocks in slices, so they will fit more evenly on the fireplace hearth wall, and the hearth surface that the wood burning stove sits on.  If we use the rocks as is, they will be too heavy and uneven.. So, we need to slice them to a more uniform thickness and to reduce some of the weight.

We have about 36 quartz rocks down at the cabin and about 75 bigger ones still at home.  Some of them are over 12" thick and maybe 30" long, and they need to be about 2 to 3" thick...So, we had to figure out a way to slice them.

Jim has a bandsaw in his machine shop for cutting metals, but I asked if it could cut rocks and Jim said with a little modification and a diamond cutting blade ($30 Thank you eBay!), it works perfectly.  Jim had to rig up water to cool and lubricate the blade so it wouldn't wear out too quickly.  See the water on the right splashing on the blade.
Today, the first slices were made... and they look beautiful.

I love the rich yellow colour..

Now all we need to decide is do we leave the cut surface natural or seal it for a deep, richer looking colour?

Dry or wet (will look like this if we seal the rock)

The decision was made to seal the rock with a satin finish and go for the deeper, richer colour.  Mmmm . . . . reminds me of bacon, oh but I digress!

Jim found me a heart in a rock!  He's a rock star.
Along with the quartz rock, we gave the grandkids geodes for Christmas.  Jim also got a geode about the size of a football.  I'm excited to see what it looks like inside.

The amazing adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

Monday, January 1, 2018


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We are looking forward to 2018 - We figured the timeline to finishing the cabin - 2 years and $26k...  So, here's to more dreams, more fun, more love, more time spent with my love, and more amazing adventures...  We hope to share the rest of the adventure with y'all.

Cheri and Jim