Sunday, November 24, 2019


Between Jim being in Spain and life getting in the way of cabin building, we haven't made it down to the cabin in the longest...

BUT,..the biggest story this week... was the weather in Utah..record cold temperatures...  And, just to rub salt in the wound, Bryce Canyon was 3 degrees...  I heard Florida or California calling my name!!!

This is what the Weather Channel had to say.... "RECORD COLD: As of 3:37 AM the temperature in SLC fell to 14°F. This not only sets a record low temperature for Oct. 30, but is also the coldest temperature ever observed in the month of October. The dangerous cold is impacting the entire state. Bundle up and stay safe!"  3 degrees is just waaaay too cold for Jim and I..  We must be really terrible Canadians... we don't like the snow, we don't like the cold, and we prefer a beach somewhere...

No photo description available.

We figured out that a better heating design is for two furnaces to heat the cabin in the winter time.. I don't think we are going to be there a whole lot, but it is our dream that for at least ONE Christmas, we have the whole family at the cabin... and, without the furnaces, it's going to be cold, cold, cold... We will only heat the apartment downstairs when people come to visit.  So, this little furnace is for the basement, so whoever stays in the little apartment downstairs, is nice and toasty... This one is a Day & Night Plus 90 furnace that's 40,000 BTU's.   The one for the upstairs, that we haven't purchased yet needs to be at least 80,000 BTU's... That's next on the list.

In true Jim style, when I got out of bed this morning, after finding that Jim had already been up for 4 hours, he had been busying himself by watching a webinar on how to design and install heating duct work... (I figure that if Jim can figure out how to design the septic system for the cabin, and design big industrial aerospace facilities, I'm sure this one would be easy in comparison...)  He told me there are three different methods in the State of Utah for planning the duct work...

1.  Overkill the engineering like it's a commercial building
2.  Underkill - Just say well it's kinda like what I've seen before so let's try this
3.  What the hell, there's three ways of calculating this out, let's pick the most simplistic, this just might work. . .

Last week, we drove to Kamas, Utah (up by Park City, Utah) because there was a guy that advertised that he had over purchased the soffit and facia for a house that he was building.. and was giving the excess away for free - he didn't want to just throw away perfectly good building supplies....  So, we drove up there on a Friday night, and snagged it... It will work perfectly for the cabin and we can purchase more of it at a local lumber yard where he had bought this...

While Jim was in Spain, I was out shopping and saw this bedding set... I at first thought it would be beautiful in the third bedroom (downstairs) at the cabin... It's kind of earth tones but has bears on the edging... I brought it home and then reconsidered... this may end up in our bed in Provo... I considered sending to my brother Barron in Arizona.. because it has bears on it... But, I don't know if a heavy spread would be appropriate for Arizona...  still deciding...

While out and about yesterday, Jim and I found carpeting for the loft area of the cabin...  Years ago, I was talking to an interior designer who told me that most of the people who are purchasing paint and carpeting, buy everything in the colour "oatmeal"... and, I determined that I would never buy that colour for a home again... and guess what... I just did...  But, I like the warmth of this colour, and the dark brown fleck will stay off a little of the dirt that shows on, I'm liking this...

The furniture we have for the loft is a mahogany, and I think this colour carpeting will let that beautiful furniture shine, and not be overpowered.  We bought 70 square yards for the loft.

Anybody who knows me, realizes that I am an eternal list maker... I make lists for the grocery shopping, and the activities for the day...  I really like my lists... I have always used a planner, but in the past couple of years, life has been so complicated that I neglected to buy a new planner... things changed so quickly, that I didn't think it was worth planning, and then having everything fall through.. This year, my attitude has changed...I bought me a planner for next year, and I am stoked to start putting deadlines for the cabin into it.

This planner is from a company called "In The Leafy Treetops"... and I love it...  time to start planning again.

Jim and I are both a little on the "control freak" side of life... My planner will be in addition to the huge white board we have in the hallways, and the paper list on the front door...  Jim calls me a little OCD, but I think we both have a streak of the OCD in us...  Giggle.

And, you thought I was joking... giggle...

We are hoping to get at least one more visit to the cabin this year... but, that is uncertain at this time... It has been snowing earlier and earlier this year.  Normally we can't get up to the cabin after the end of November.  This past week, it snowed, and then thawed which made the road up there muddy...  So, we shall have to see what the weather brings us..

Glad to have Jim home... I kinda missed him...
The adventure continues... Jim and Cheri