Monday, December 30, 2019

..just when you think you're done...

I really thought that I had submitted the last blog entry for 2019, and then a couple of more things popped up, that I wanted to enter..

We were on our way to have dinner on Saturday afternoon with some friends who used to work at Habitat for Humanity, and we came across seagulls... lots and lots of seagulls . . . in a parking lot... I don't think I've seen so many in one place before...  I don't know where their home is, but, thought this picture was kind of cool.

While having dinner with our friends, we expressed the thankfulness that we had for them in helping us with our cabin project... And, it hit me afterwards that these are people who had a 100% clear understanding of what our needs were, what our taste was, and what our vision was.  This is the sign of an amazing friend/sales person... knowing the customer.  I don't know how many time we walked into the store, and someone said, "You need to see this".. or, "I saw this and thought of you" and it was exactly what I would have picked out... Probably Jim was having a stroke, but, he agreed with me on this one, Rachel and Brian have been amazing.  We started out as customers and ended up as friends...  They have moved on to bigger and better things, and we are so thrilled that they are wanting and putting themselves into a position of bettering their lives and families, but we miss them.

I was online a couple of weeks ago, and I saw this knife set, and I thought it was so unique that I just had to buy it.  This is going to go into the downstairs kitchen... I don't think it particularly goes with the main level kitchen, but, will be perfect downstairs...

In keeping with our goal of keeping costs down, we were in Home Depot on Saturday, and saw a trolley of sheet rock, and it was 50% off.. So, we, of course, bought it...picked it up on Sunday afternoon (because it wouldn't fit in the van and I didn't want to try and get it in my Kia Soul - like the bicycle... giggle) and we put it in storage.  The only problem was, it was bitter cold on Saturday afternoon, and Jim and I was hauling these 7 pieces of sheet-rock out of the trailer and into the storage building..  I can attest to the fact that 1/2" sheet-rock weighs considerably less than 5/8" sheet rock... like a lot...  I am not the strongest Mighty Mouse on the block, and this was a serious strain... and it was cold..  (Ok, I'm complaining... but, we're now on our way to collecting sheet-rock...) Jim asks me if I knew how much gyprock we needed to complete the cabin (and I'm still calling it gyprock - because it's gyprock in Canada) and I told him I didn't have a clue... All he said was, "A lot"..

Remember those florescent Boeing flight line jackets from last year? Well, they're still alive and well and... bright.  I wanted to get a picture of Jim, but the reflective pieces in the jacket kind of negated the whole picture!  All he kept saying was, "Hurry up.. it's cold.. my hands are freezing!"

On my travels this past weekend, I found these shelves... I thought the carving on them was just amazing.  I bought them, and showed them to Jim, and he agreed.. they are going to look amazing in the cabin.

And, guess what got put together and ready to ride!!!  I know they say that some things are just like riding a bike, but.... I dunno about this one... I was told that it takes some practice to get the hang of a tandem bike... so, this has me a little nervous...  I told Jim that I think we need to get our mountain bikes out of the garage and let me ride around for a bit on a regular bike first... I just hope his isn't going to be like programming the tv... something that I have to ask the grandkids about...  hmmm...

This this little gem (below) is one of the stocking stuffers that Jim got me this year....  It's wrought iron, mama bear (or maybe daddy bear) and baby bear...  I love it...  Jim went to pick it up, and hid it in the back of the van.  That afternoon we were loading trailer and taking stuff to storage... Jim said that he didn't think I would find it in the van... guess what...  started yanking it out.....Jim figured out at that point, that I'm pretty sleuth at some things.. I thought it was something I had put in the van and forgot about...  uhuh... Either way, I love it...

One of the cute items we got for Christmas was kitchen utensils that Melody and the girls wood burned...  They are going to look amazing in the cabin and I love the effort and time it took to make...  So, a BIG thank you to Melody, Mahayla and Brea for the thoughtful and loving present!

And, this was a stocking stuffer I got for Jim...It's a Smart Vent that is controlled with your iphone - we need another 10 - 12 if we want to have them all over the cabin. Time will tell if we have them in one room, or the whole cabin... I thought it was a cool idea...

And, being that this is New Year's Eve, I think this is going to be the last post for 2019.... It's been an amazing year, and a really wonderful year in the cabin department.  Thank you for all your good wishes to those of you who follow our blog.. it's been an amazing adventure.

And, as always, the adventure continues...  Jim and Cheri

Saturday, December 7, 2019

...Winding up 2019....

Well, 2019 has all but come and gone, and we are now, hopefully, beginning the last year of our cabin building experience... I remember my father building our home in Brampton... started when I was in kindergarten, and, I don't think the building and remodeling ever ended...  The Streeters had really had hoped to get more done this year, but the weather came in early, and we have been snowed out since the end of October...

Christmas proved to bring some fun things for the cabin, the first being Moosie!  Moosie hails from the GWN (Great White North) and we are thrilled to have him as part of our cabin.  Jim's Auntie Betty from Washago Beach, Ontario saw him, and couldn't resist.  We both agree that he has the cheekiest look on his face!  And, with the suitcase between his feet, he was ready to travel!  Thank you Auntie Betty - such a wonderful, generous present from the Blue Mountain area!

One of the presents that I gave Jim this year was a tandem bike... giggle...I think he liked it, not quite sure, but let me tell you the best part...  I order this bike online, and I go to pick it up at the store...  The lady comes out with this bike, on a cart and asks me if I brought a truck or a trailer.. basically, what was I driving?

Well, I drive a Kia Soul... not a particularly big vehicle, but, I like it.  I told her that I didn't think it would fit in my car, and she just said, "Let's try"... So, I'm game... They wheel this bike out to my Kia, and put all the seats flat and then hoist it into the vehicle... This first picture is the front passenger seat, reclined with a People magazine on it...

This next picture is the back seat...

And, the last picture of the vehicle is the very back.  The bike went from front to back, with no room for anything else... Even the driver, (me) was crunched to one side.  Giggle.. BUT, it fit, and I got it home.

Here it is, under the Christmas tree in all it's glory..

We have two vans and a pick up truck at the house... I don't know why I didn't take it - let's just say, this is an experience I will not forget..  Giggle... Jim has started putting the bike together... no handle bars or seats quite yet.. That's probably something that is going to happen in the next couple of days!

Many, many years ago, we were up north visiting my mother's family, and my grandmother Zinovia was making bread...  I don't know how she made the most amazing bread, being that she was super old at the time, and she had a wood burning oven that she baked it in.. But, it was smooth, and smelled amazing.  She never learned to speak English, or at least she never spoke it to us, always spoke Ukrainian and my mother translated.  On this one occasion, she was talking to my mother about baking the bread and she was explaining the importance of wheat, how it is the staff of life, and you should ALWAYS have wheat in your kitchen - that it signifies that you will always have food to eat, and your "apron will always be full".  I was just a kid, but that story always stuck with me, and I have always had wheat in my kitchen... and, my kids have wheat in their kitchens also.  This year for Christmas, Brad and Melody gave me wheat for my kitchen down in the cabin... such an amazing, beautiful gift.  It will be a treasure in my new kitchen.  Thank you.

Continuing on, Brad and Melody and family were at a craft fair in Ogden, and they found this little wooden cabin - said it reminded them of our cabin, and it is the perfect addition to the ornaments on our Christmas tree... I love it!  (And, it even lights up!)

I finally made it home to the "Ponderosa" (that's what my brother Bart calls my parent's property) this past year... major tug on he heartstrings here... The house is gone, the greenhouse is gone, the skidoo house is gone... but, a whole lot of amazing memories are left.  Duane and I walked through the area where the house used to be, and had a little emotional moment...  Jim put this collage together for me... I know this will be one of the first pictures  I hang in the cabin.. such an amazing, thoughtful gift.. Jim I love you for this...I know he must have had some help from a little elf up in the GWN, and I thank you.. It's beautiful.

Before Christmas, I told Jim that I would really like some seat covers.. and the ones I want were Snoopy and Woodstock... Well, Christmas morning, I open a gift, and sure enough, it's a seat cover with Snoopy on it... But, it's a toilet seat cover not a car seat cover.. Jim just had this devilish little grin and said, "You asked for a seat cover... and, I got you a seat cover"... Um.. I guess I can't complain.. I got what I asked for.. This is going to look great in the cabin's downstairs bathroom!  The kids are going to love it...

Brianne and Lowell and Coy got us a corn-hole game... I must admit, I really had to figure out what this game was, but I think it's going to be great!  These are custom made, as you can probably figure out, by Lowell's cousin.  I think it's going to be amazing!  They come with bean bags, and I am sure they are going to be a hit on hot summer evenings...  Love, love, love them! (I kinda like that Canadian flag look!)

I saw this little cartoon a couple of weeks ago, and it reminded me of a whole lot of things... relationships, employment and of course building the cabin...  What will the new year bring... lots of opportunities!
And a thought as we plan for next year, the adventure continues . . . .

Jim & Cheri