Tuesday, February 16, 2021


At the beginning of each year, Jim makes this impressive "To Do" list and every year I see it, it really quite freaks me out....I guess it makes me feel like we'll never get all this done in one summer...  This past year, we came close to getting everything done - and, even with Jim doing extensive travelling, corona virus, and surgeries, we did really well.

This year, the list is two pages long, and has already been posted on the front door at home as a reminder... sigh.

It's even colour coded....

While we were in Hawaii, I wanted some kind of stones or something to build into my wall at the cabin, and I found these two pieces of coral.  The one is right off Waikiki Beach.. Jim told me there probably is something alive in it, so it's been living in a plastic bag since we came home.  It may be stinky if the "something" dies, but the wall is outside the cabin, so, it's going to be ok.  I want to put it somewhere near the rocks that we got from Normandy last year.

While we were in Hawaii, we stopped by the Habitat for Humanity - Restore... ok, you know we just had to go..  and it was an interesting store.  Jim bought this battery charger - said he was looking for one for the longest time, and this fit the bill.  We already had to buy an additional suitcase to come home, so this was not a biggie..

In December, we found this chair.. the upholstery was all ripped at the top edge, but the chair was so pretty, I thought it would be perfect in the main floor bedroom.  Jim was not a fan until I described the plan to him, and then he caught the vision.  Jim took it to an upholsterer who fell in love with the chair and wanted to buy it from us..  They told us to come back at the end of January when it would be fixed.  They called Jim just before we left for our vacation, and I think it looks amazing!  The carving on the top of the chair and the back is amazing.  

Here's the backside of said chair.  When we were looking at it, I didn't see the back at first - but Jim did.. and at that time, it was a done deal.  I think it's going to look amazing in the cabin.

And, here is the last of our Habitat finds from Hawaii... This light fixture is going to go in my stained glass work area up in the loft.  I saw this, and thought it would look perfect...  and it reminds me of our Hawaii trip...  The colours are like the sunsets... amazing...  I can't say it looks like the Hawaiian sunrises, cuz I didn't see any!

Not much else happening with the cabin.. This is the time of the year where very little happens and as Jim said this afternoon, he can't wait to get back and start working... He's been working from home, and not getting out as much as we used to, due to Corona, so it's a little on the dark side...We'll be snowed out of the cabin for another couple of months, and then back into full swing...  But then, we have a plethora of snow in the driveway here in Provo... Can I just say, I hate snow... I mean, I really hate snow...

As always, the adventure continues.. and, I'll try to forget about the snow... Love, Jim and Cheri.