Tuesday, March 30, 2021

On My Goodness... this winter is lasting... for-ev-er!!

 It seems that this winter is lasting absolutely forever, and we are going crazy.  Cabin fever?  My living room is filled with stuff for the cabin, as well as the work (Jim's) van... it's getting crazy!  We were going to try and go this past weekend, but there were snowstorms and 14" of snow.. so it was a no go... And, this week, there are more storms, so again, we stay at home.  Grrrr.

Well, while we can't get to the cabin, Jim has taken on the task of starting to build a cupola that will be on the roof of the cabin.  You don't know what a cupola is, you say.. well, here's a picture... Jim is designing his own, and we have a "moose" weathervane for the top of it.  We went to Home Depot yesterday afternoon, and bought the sheeting and  2 x 4's for the framework. The cost of building materials has gone out of sight!  Our trailer is still full of granite countertop materials, and all our vehicles are full of stuff ready to go to the cabin, so putting more wood in the van was a little tricky...

 And, we found a place in Cedar City that sells the copper colored roofing materials, so we're off to the races.

Here's the side windows/vents that are going on the four sides.  I picked them out.  Jim didn't know I ordered them, until they showed up... He was like..."I guess you want me to start building now?" I'm so subtle, aren't I? The hint worked...

We're trying to find a small piece of TYVEK to cover the copula in, but, haven't found any yet.  They come in rolls that are about 10' feet wide by 100' long... a little more than we need.  So, we'll keep looking.  Jim said we may hit up some builder in the area that is cutting out window spaces from a building project... Talk about dumpster diving!

While we were at Home Depot, I saw a cart that had green-board sheetrock for the bathroom on it.  It was a little damaged on one end, but it was 70% off, so we bought the three pieces.. And, had to put it on the top of the van to get it home...  sigh.. we're getting a little desperate for space here...Giggle...  I know this is going to push some people over the edge, but the green is now stored..... in the livingroom... Uhuh..

I did find a plastic one piece pond liner that I was looking for, so we drove to SLC to pick it up last week.  I know this isn't a priority right now, but we are in the process of picking up all the parts to put in a waterfall and small pond.  I'm thrilled.


I don't know why these glasses amused me, but they did.  I bought them and then drove to Spanish Fork to pick them up... The box that they came in is actually a tin bank that looks like a tool chest.  I like them; Jim just kinda looked at me with that "ok...?" look.. As long as he doesn't have pursed lips, I'm in good shape.

Jim bought this last week.. it's the very high end Denon all in one sound system for the cabin.  It has surround sound as well as controls for everything.  100 watts per 4 channels, music, TV, Gaming, CD player and Blue Tooth, and even an electric guitar and sub-woofer!  I listen to my oldies loud and out of control, or so Jim tells me... So, this is going to fit the ticket well... Rock On!  I have this idea of getting the huge Peavey speakers in Jim's music room and putting the whole system together.  As Jim said "Look at all those inputs and outputs".  Ya, . . . OK.

Here's a little new addition to the family.  I saw this GEM electric golf cart about a year ago and I asked the owner at my work about it.  He had bought it off KSL want ads in Salt Lake and had it in storage for a couple of years with the intention of fixing it up... Well, apparently two years came and went and he still hadn't got to fixing it, so he asked me if I wanted it.  Jim was ecstatic!  He brought it home, cleaned it up, and now is in the process of replacing all the batteries and recovering the seats...He's having a little bit of a challenge getting the title (it was originally purchased in California and then sold to someone in Nevada, and ultimately made it's way to Utah, with no title change...) so, he's working on that issue.  But, I think it might be fun around the cabin, or maybe California.. But, the restoration is coming along nicely.

Whenever Jim has a restoration project, this is the type of thing that ends up in my kitchen sink.  I am not quite sure what it is... cables to batteries, maybe?  I don't know.. I just know that they are from the golf cart, and they're sitting in my sink.... (I am so used to this... between the sink and my dishwasher, they've been filled with car parts and rocks and bricks and a little bit of everything... I'm always surprised, but used to it...I live with an engineer and I think he sees this as being practical...)

We went out on Saturday looking at Jacuzzis...  We were told that this is not a jacuzzi, this is a hot tub.. ok...?  At one showroom we went to, there were absolute zero hot tubs on the floor... like it was completely empty.  The guy there said that because of COVID, they can't get the electronics to power hot tubs so we would have to wait until fall... We thought it was kind of weird, but ok.  We went to the 2nd hot tub store in Orem, which was  Bull Frog Spas and they said that what we were told is absolutely true, but with hot tubs on display their store policy is that  you put a $500.00 deposit down, and MAYBE we'll have a hot tub delivered by September or October.. We were like... October?  October at the cabin is when we are getting into snowfall time, so that timing is just off for us.. I was telling Brianne about the issue, and she said that we could store the hot tub for safekeeping in her backyard.... She said she and Lowell and  Coy would make sure it worked properly, and it was well taken care of over the wintertime... Uhuh...

The guy in the hot tub store asked me how many people I wanted the hot tub to seat, and I told him 1 or 2 adults, and 3 - 4 grandkids.. He laughed and said that was just about right... Giggle.. I think Jim was thinking more along the lines of one grandma and one grandpa... I just had a different idea!

And, I found these curtain rods on Saturday.. I really liked the design, but not sure of the colour choices... I told Jim that I wanted to change the colour to look like black wrought iron... he likes what I call camo...  Only time will tell who wins this one...

And, our 2020 blog book is being printed this week.  I love how this one looks... Our designer Jammie Harper always, always, always does an amazing job!  Her talent and creativity is over the top, and I can never thank her enough!  This our ninth year and edition!  We have all the blogs bound each year.

I am hoping that we only have one or two more blog books published... that means, the cabin building will be finished...  sigh.... I don't know what we are going to do with out time... (Actually, I'm sure we'll come up with building projects, or glass projects, or mosaic projects....)  

We are gearing up to get back to the cabin.  There's a lot of work to do this summer - we are hoping to get the water brought in from the road to the house, and to have the four way construction inspections completed....We are also making plans to complete the deck... big plans, big aspirations, big dreams.  Wish us luck.

The adventure continues...
Love, Jim and Cheri

Monday, March 1, 2021


We are getting so excited to get back to the cabin...  actually, antsy is probably a better word... I looked from a year ago on the blog, and it says that the men made it back to the cabin the last weekend of April... So, being that this is March, we are just preparing....

I came home from work on Friday, and there was this big flat box waiting for me... I didn't realize who it was from until I got a little closer... it was a large metal laser cut sign that was a present I had ordered for Jim... was supposed to be here for Christmas - two months later, it shows up!  I was stoked just how the sign turned out.  Jim is thrilled.  It will make a great house identifier out by the road.  It's like 2 feet square!  Maybe this will be the first thing to be taken to the the cabin this year!!

Jim is constantly telling me to STOP buying stuff for, what he calls, "Cheri's Warehouse".  We have a room downstairs that is full of "DECORATING STUFF".  Amazing stuff.  Recently I found these pillows and thought they would be perfect on the wicker furniture out on the deck.  When I told Jim about them, he had the "pursed lips" action going on.  But, when he saw them, he knew that I would just love them, and thought they would be perfect!  He told me on the phone "you're going to love them".  I really love sunflowers... and moose... The only thing that could make these pillows any cuter, is if they had mooses on them!  Giggle.

At home, Jim and I are in the process of increasing our emergency food and goods supplies, and I was looking online for things like candles and matches and stuff like this.. I came across a guy in Salt lake selling these "stoves"...  You apparently, start a fire in the hole in the top, and then  you can put a fry pan or a pot on top of it to cook with.  The man said the fire will last for three hours. They looked kind of interesting, so on Saturday, Jim and I took a drive up to Salt Lake to check them out...  The man who was making them, apparently, had two Conex units filled with these - approximately 5,000 of them..  They were selling for $10.00 a piece - originally $25.00.  He was hoping to sell them to backpackers and hikers, but Jim and I decided that the guy has chosen the wrong market, and the wrong price.  But, for our purposes, it's perfect.  We think it's a little impractical for a hiker to carry a 20 pound block of wood in their backpack... but, for people with RV's like 5th wheels, or off roading out at the sand dunes, it might be great... But, not hikers or backpackers...  Never the less, we are going to try it just for fun.

And, this was another great find!  You know how I love mooses!!!  Well, we found this brass weather vane in Salt Lake and Jim agreed with me - it's perfect!  Jim is going to put it on the top of the roof at the cabin, and I am delighted!   This was the best picture that we could get.. the wind was blowing and the whole weather vane moving back and forth... so the East is to the West right now... go with it... giggle.

Jim wants to do something like this on the roof to make it a bit more interesting.

And, as usual, the adventure continues!

Jim & Cheri