Wednesday, March 16, 2022

So close... but still so far away... sigh

 Well, spring is on the horizon, but it seems she's a little slow to make it to Bryce... We are still unable to make it to the cabin, but we are feeling hopeful.  Our neighbour, down the hill, sent pictures of the road, and there's all but a river running through it... So, we're going to have to wait a couple of weeks for the snow to completely melt off the mountain, the excess water to evaporate, and then the mud to dry up... So, we're a few weeks off, still... grrrr...

..moving on...we are in the process of building and finishing off the basement apartment bathroom.. The tub is there, and the water is hooked up... Now, we just need to get the propane and the water heater in, and the surround (temporary) and we're ready to shower!  Jim saw this shower head/body wash wall unit and was totally intrigued by it.  I had never seen anything like it before, but, finally found a picture of it online, so I now have a better understanding... and, I think it's pretty cool... So, here's what it's gonna look like...  Kinda cool, huh?

We're still trying to find someone to repair the main level shower that was messed up last summer... The contractor is still ghosting us, and the shower has not been fixed yet... it's still in the leaking phase of it's life...  but we paid or it!  Errr. . . .

On Saturday, Jim and I found this little cabinet...  It's only 24 inches tall and about 24 inches wide and it's from the turn of the 1900 century - I am not sure what it was originally built for - but, it definitely is cool... I was told, the sellers think it was a washbasin cabinet... But, I am not sure it really was, but it's not the size of an end table either.  I was asking Jim where he thought it should go in the cabin, and he doesn't have a clue... So, that is still to be determined... But we like it.

Backing up a little bit... my livingroom is was chuck full of building materials until this past weekend...  We usually work at the cabin in spring/summer/fall... and, we buy stuff for the cabin during the winter.  We have closed out the largest of our storage buildings, so, the things that we have been purchasing, have to be stored in our livingroom...  As of last weekend, we had flooring, and furnace ductwork, and a plethora of other stuff... When it gets to the point of not being able to get to the sofa, you know you have a problem.. So, we loaded up the backseat of the pick up, and the bed, and pulled a trailer, down to Panguitch, and put it in our smaller storage unit there...  When I tell Jim that we really have to move stuff out of the room, because it's pushing me over the edge, he realizes I'm serious... So, we have a little breathing room now...  

Jim picked up the columns for supporting the back deck this past week... Jim designed them, and welded them together, and then took them to the powder coating place to give them a nice finish...  Jim's welding job really is superb, and the supports look truly impressive.  You can see them hanging out the back of the pick-up in the picture below... What's closest is the "U" shape that will hold up the main beam at the front edge of the deck.

We went to the homeshow on Friday night in SLC, and I saw this pizza oven.  If you follow our blog, you'll know that I bought Jim a styrofoam form template to lay brick against, a couple of years ago, to shape a custom outdoor brick pizza oven...  I saw this one, and, of course, I had to do a redesign in my head of what I had in mind...  I like the wood storage below the pizza oven.  One thing I was looking for was a steel door at the front of the oven... couldn't seem to find one... I asked these people who built theirs, and they gave me the name of the company who supplies them...  I went online, and they have several different options.  I was truly excited... I don't know if we're going to get it completed this year... or even started.. But, it's something for the future....(Unless, we all try to convince Jim how desperately important having a pizza oven is.. now...  wish me luck on that one... I'll have to get Coy working on this one... it seems he seems better at convincing Papa to build stuff, than I am... giggle.)

And, I found this shelf/towel rack last week, and I thought it would look perfect in the loft bathroom...I think it will be practical and ornamental, and I totally loved this piece... Jim tells me that when we get to the point that I can start to accessorize the place, I am going to realize we have too much "decorating stuff" and have to get rid of some of it...  (Let me just tell you... Jim does not call it..."stuff"... he has another word for it...  sigh)....  Nevertheless.. .it's really a nice piece.

And, I got a call from the Jacuzzi store yesterday.... our hot tub that was supposed to be delivered at the end of this month, actually showed up on Monday and they were wanting to go down to Bryce this coming weekend and install it...  Which would be really tricky for several reasons... the first being the snow, and the 2nd being that we don't have the cement pad poured in the area where it's going to go, or the electricity lines running from the house to the jacuzzi...   It's gonna be a little challenging... We are gearing up the troops for help - and thrilled that Lowell is willing to come down and work his guts out for a weekend... sigh... And, I hear, through the grapevine, that Chance wants to come down and work with us also.. I don't think Chance realizes that it's really hard work...  We'll have to see...

So, we're getting a little antsy to get back to building... it seems the time is just slowing down and driving us crazy...  There is going to be amazing amounts of work to be completed this year, and we are chomping at the bit to get started... But, I am feeling hopeful..

Until then, the adventure continues.

Love, Jim and Cheri