Wednesday, December 13, 2023

 Uhuh... sure looks pretty, but we're pretty much snowed out until spring.  But, we've still got "stuff" to buy for next summer to keep working on the project.  

Jim and I were in Habitat for Humanity on Saturday... but, it wasn't the things we purchased that impressed me, as much as it was bumping into a friend of mine...Apparently, he is a regular at Habitat - it's amazing who all goes to Habitat. I haven't seen him in years, but in the few minutes (more like 30 minutes) we were visiting, it was so incredibly uplifting and warmed this little heart of mine.  I worked on a reunion several years ago, and this gentleman was a part of the group the reunion was for... He is a true 'Southern Gentleman"... But, the thing that got me the most was he mentioned our cabin - that he read our blog on a regular basis.  I was shocked.  I can see the number of people that read our blog, but not the "who".  This was so fun.  He mentioned that I sure have a lot of pictures, and where do I find the time to write the blog... made me giggle.  So, a big thanks to you, Fred... for visiting.  Made me smile and made my day!

Hockey in Alaska has started and Ben is having a blast participating.  This is definitely his jam.

Brea loves playing hockey and really is a strong little player.  She loves the social aspect of the game also.... here she is with one of her bestest friends... who plays for the opposing team!  Check out those smiles!

And, here's Mahayla... She's not so much into hockey as she is into reading.  Years and years ago, when I was working at BYU, employees were given tickets to fill up the spaces in the stands, and a couple of times a year, I had to endure through a football game... I would show up, with a book, and read the whole time.  So, it makes me giggle to see Mahayla, going to the rink, and reading a book!

Back to the subject at hand.  Jim found these old door hinges...  Very antique looking.  Jim tells me they are going to go on the doors going into the main level bathroom, closet and bedroom.  I think they'll look great!

I found this red wings pot last weekend.  I am not sure if it is a bean pot, or what it is.... But, it appealed to me in some weird way.  I have an idea what it MIGHT be.. Jim and I have been discussing it, but for now, it's going to stay as a... bean pot.  It's brand new so don't get all out of shape over this one...  Giggle.

And, we found a floating shelf to be used in the main level bathroom.  We have a whole wall with absolutely nothing to go on the wall, so this is the start.  I am always so intrigued by floating shelves.  We have a couple in our house in Provo already.. This one will match the cabinet perfectly.

And, when all else fails, I resort to showing off my family... The year is winding down, and we can't get into the cabin, so, this next section is going to be hockey pictures...  Giggle.  Brea looks so tough in this picture... She actually has the cutest smile, and the sweetest personality...

Here's Brad and Brea and Ben... Brad is coaching/playing this year and is loving having the opportunity to interact with the kids so much more.  He's going to start participating in "pick up" games starting January, and I am sure he is going to love it... And, the kids will be cheering him on, I am sure. Maybe Brea and Ben can give him tips on how to improve his game!  Giggle

Ben is having a blast on the ice... He's he's losing teeth and I keep telling him he's gotta stop taking a stick to the face.. Giggle.  I love talking to him - he's such a little chatterbox..

Earlier today, I was getting ready to load pictures onto this blog, and all my previous pictures from this year had disappeared off the blog page.  To say the least, I was having a small stroke - ok, a rather large stroke.... I called Jim who tried to get me off the top of the building, but all I kept thinking was there was no way I was going to be able to recreate a year's worth of pictures.... I talked to my boss for condolences, and I don't know what happened, but they all appeared back...  Too much of a scare for this old girl.

I was told it's super cold down at the cabin... not a whole lot of snow, but super cold...  In fact, by mid-morning it's colder IN the cabin than outside.  Not my particular cup of tea.  And, we'll probably stay away until May or so when it warms up, and snow goes away permanently.

With that, the adventure continues....
Love, Jim and Cheri

"Destiny can throw down a pretty sparse trail of popcorn for you to follow"