Monday, September 16, 2024

Two Weekends

This edition takes in two weekends... It seems my weeks are getting busier and busier and by the time I get home from work, I am so totally exhausted, I just want to take a nap.... After a weekend at the cabin, I always download all the pictures, but don't get the dialogue written out, preferring to nap instead of write. So, the blog suffers... Please forgive my tardiness.

Well, last week started with a pile of foam insulation being stacked on the dining room table in preparation to be installed on the ceiling.  When the guys were finished cutting, the stack was probably about 10 feet tall...

They set up a work station on the deck that would cut the foam to size....

...and Ben found a very efficient way to move the sheets around...

I sent this picture to Kelly, and she wrote me back saying, "Wow, what a stud!"  

Jim and Ben have a great system going on...  I guess if it works, that's all that matters.

..the foam insulation goes up first, then the mesh, and then we have to fill up the space with blown in insulation.  The mesh is to keep the blown in insulation in place before the (knotty) naughty pine gets stapled up on the ceiling.  The tongue and groove naughty pine will go over that to finish the ceiling...

They kinda made a mess, but I didn't complain... at least not vocally..  

We had a bag of loose insulation, so the guys filled a couple of the meshed in sections with it, so we all could get an idea of what was going on...

Here you can see kind of how it is going to be...

If you look to the right of this picture, you can see little pieces of wood nailed into place.   This is to support the transition from the sheetrock walls to the ceiling.  Jim had to cut and nail into place all these little pieces...

...from one end of the room to the other....

..Just to give you a little perspective... He is working at the ceiling on a 10' ladder.... And, he doesn't like heights... The ridge/peak is 25 feet up from the floor.

And, with all the work with foam insulation, and mesh and blown in loose insulation... Jim put a few pieces of the tongue and groove knotty (naughty) pine into place.  As he told the guy at the store, he needed a few pieces of the pine to put up so that the home owner gives her approval.. giggle.  This wood will be covering the whole ceiling.  I wasn't sure I would like it, but after it went up, I really think I approve.  So, this boss (and I didn't realize I was the boss) says yes! (These pieces of wood were brought to the cabin in my Kia Soul.... front to back...with the front up on the dash....)

This is the ceiling in the downstairs basement bathroom.  Jim got the heating duct that run above the shower installed to heat the main floor bathroom.  One step closer to have a working furnace!

Sunday, Jim worked on getting the running water in the downstairs bathroom installed with both hot and cold water.  I was totally stoked.  He installed the sink several months ago, and the faucet that came with the sink, was not working properly.  So, I picked out new faucets, and Jim installed them.. And.. we now have cold AND hot water...  Amazing how small things just excite me!

We didn't have the help of Ben for the 2nd week... He and his wife Kelly decided to brave the elements and go camping...  I just don't understand the whole concept of camping... I just seems cold and damp and inconvenient... I don't find campfires romantic, and I definitely don't want to cook over an open flame... and bugs flying around drive me crazy.... I always tell Jim that my idea of roughing it is staying the night in the Hilton with the window open... But, I'm glad Ben and Kelly enjoy this kinda thing...

On our way home on Sunday night, we stopped in Fillmore, Utah to fill up with gas. Here is something we have always heard about, but never witnessed... So, apparently, this type of thing happens... even here in Utah.  Someone filled up with gas, didn't take the hose out of the gas tank, and drove off... then realized it was still in the tank, came back and put the handle back in the pump... Apparently, it disconnects!

We calculated that we have approximately 20 working days left before it starts to snow.... maybe.  The Farmer's Almanac says that we are going to have our first frost on October 20...At that point, I can no longer go on the weekends with Jim because of the cold... my pneumonia kicks up about that time, so, it's a stay at home moment for me.  I am hoping the duct work gets finished and we have a little heat so I can extend my time a little bit...  Last year, we had the wood burning stove in the living room working, but, with those high cathedral ceilings, and no insulation,  it didn't warm the place up super well. So, here's to hoping for a late, mild winter and the insulation works. . .

With that, the adventure continues...  Love, Jim and Cheri