Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Moving all the stuff for the cabin from Storage A to a bigger Storage B... This is storage B...


Saturday, May 11, 2013


We realized a little while ago, that we were running out of storage space - where we keep all the materials for building the cabin...So, we rented a larger storage unit, and decided that today was the day to move everything from one storage unit to the larger unit...  It was warm this morning, Brad and Brianne and TJ came out to help us... and by 3:00 this afternoon, I was scorched and have a farmer's tan on my arms... Sad day...

We didn't get everything moved - Jim guesstimates that we got about 25% moved, and we'll complete the project this next week.

Hard work...  thank goodness we had help!  Cheri

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Manzanita - in Winter. Holy Mackerel. . . .

I was searching for webcams in the neighborhood of the cabin one day and I found a small business that does snow removal in the winter time.  They had these pictures on their site.  I was not too excited about them.
Snow removal with an extendable boom / forklift?

           before                      and                                  after. . . . . . are you kidding me?


Well we are in for an education.  One winter and we'll be going to Phoenix from then on.  But only from December through April it seems.

Jim & Cheri Streeter

The Blueprints are complete, well sort of . . .

OK, so about a week before the blueprints were to be finished I get a call from the archetect.  He needed to get a copy of the topographical plots of the cabin site so he could prepare a site plot of where the cabin was going to be situated.  This is needed to get a building permit.  So I sent him this TOPO and about 6 others very similar to it.  The two blue squares are the Streeter lots.

The archetect calls a few days later and tells us the drawings are all finished.  I go by and pick them up and get a bill for about the same amount he had quoted. ($2,174.00 vs/ $2,100 quoted)  I told him I didn't have the money with me and that I would drop it off tomorrow.  He agreed.

So I blindly take the prints home and view them later that night at home.  The site plot drawing is not there.  I am so upset I have Cheri call him and he responds that "it will cost an additional $120, but Jim could make that himself and it's really easy to do."

For three days I am so incensed I can't bring myself to take him the money.  Finally, I agree to take it to him if Cheri goes with me.  I refuse to pay this man any more money.  He has been difficult to deal with from the time we agreed to have him do our design.  Never replies to e-mails, doesn't answer his phone, doesn't return calls or messages, etc. 

So we go over and while there I ask him why he wanted the TOPO information if he didn't do the site plan drawing.  His response was that he needed it for the civil (PE) engineering details. Huh? ? ? 

At that point I just paid the guy and we go to leave.  He then says if we want, he'll do the drawing for free if I give him a sketch.

I'm done.  I just tell him I'll get back with him.  (But, I'll do my own.)

I'm just done.

Jim Streeter

Saturday, May 4, 2013


We had the final/final meeting with the engineer this afternoon... that man is so annoying - glad it's over!  Jim will have to explain the events, but all I want to say about it, is Jim is an honourable man..

Love him..
