Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Blueprints are complete, well sort of . . .

OK, so about a week before the blueprints were to be finished I get a call from the archetect.  He needed to get a copy of the topographical plots of the cabin site so he could prepare a site plot of where the cabin was going to be situated.  This is needed to get a building permit.  So I sent him this TOPO and about 6 others very similar to it.  The two blue squares are the Streeter lots.

The archetect calls a few days later and tells us the drawings are all finished.  I go by and pick them up and get a bill for about the same amount he had quoted. ($2,174.00 vs/ $2,100 quoted)  I told him I didn't have the money with me and that I would drop it off tomorrow.  He agreed.

So I blindly take the prints home and view them later that night at home.  The site plot drawing is not there.  I am so upset I have Cheri call him and he responds that "it will cost an additional $120, but Jim could make that himself and it's really easy to do."

For three days I am so incensed I can't bring myself to take him the money.  Finally, I agree to take it to him if Cheri goes with me.  I refuse to pay this man any more money.  He has been difficult to deal with from the time we agreed to have him do our design.  Never replies to e-mails, doesn't answer his phone, doesn't return calls or messages, etc. 

So we go over and while there I ask him why he wanted the TOPO information if he didn't do the site plan drawing.  His response was that he needed it for the civil (PE) engineering details. Huh? ? ? 

At that point I just paid the guy and we go to leave.  He then says if we want, he'll do the drawing for free if I give him a sketch.

I'm done.  I just tell him I'll get back with him.  (But, I'll do my own.)

I'm just done.

Jim Streeter

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