Monday, May 5, 2014


Talk about a productive weekend.... Jim and I drove down to the property on Friday night, in order to make an early start of it on Saturday!  Didn't get up quite as early as planned, but still got a lot accomplished!  Jim's job was to continue clearing the (stupid) manzanita off the driveway and my job was to chainsaw all these little trees out of the way...Yes, I said... chainsaw...  It's hard freakin' work!  I don't know how many trees I cut down, but the next morning, my back, my arms, my legs.... everything hurt...I don't know how people do this type of work for a living.

Jim keeps saying that he doesn't have a clue how to run a backhoe and doesn't have a clue what he's doing, but I think it looks amazing.  We are finding that this (stupid) manzanita plant grows EVERYWHERE.. and I think it is pure evil... The root system of these plants is like nothing I have ever seen before... What you think is one tiny little root, is this HUGE network that over runs every inch of ground.  It looks so innocent and has the prettiest little flowers - we thought it would make a really nice ground cover... um... nope...  Wrong there...

Here's a couple of little friends we met on the weekend!

About a month ago, we found a little eatery in Hatch, Utah... which is about 6 miles from where the cabin is going to be... called the Galaxy Diner/Cafe - we're stopped in there several times now - GREAT FOOD, great atmosphere, excellent place to stop.  We're becoming regulars!  In fact, our waitress, Nancy, knows us by name!  Her husband, Hutch and one of the guys who works in the back, Brad, drove up to our property to visit on Saturday... very pleasant surprise.  In fact, Brad is the person who took the picture of the horny backed toad in the 2nd picture.  They've given up some great suggestions of places to stay, and people to contact for help... Much appreciated.

Just one more picture...

It gets really windy ... and I mean, REALLY windy....  By the time we are finished at the end of the day, words can not describe what my hair looks like, and I'm usually so tired, I don't care.  Giggle.

Had a great weekend...


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