Monday, October 6, 2014


We did more digging this past weekend....  Actually, Jim was on the backhoe, doing the digging... I was directing traffic... making sure he didn't smash over the power pole, hit the motor home, or try driving with the two stabilizers still down..... Jim tells me that I'm supposed to be the spotter - it's kind of a boring job..

But, there was enough of that stupid Manzanita dug that we could reposition the motorhome from a vertical position to a horizontal position..... making headway - slowly, but surely.


The backhoe is now parked farther down the hill...

1 comment:

  1. Cheri has gone from loving the beautiful shiny dark green Manzanita with deep red branches, ground cover to hating it because it is so difficult to dig up. I'm still digging it. Oh, pardon the pun. . . . J.S.
