Sunday, January 25, 2015

Case Dealership

So, we went to the Case dealer yesterday to buy a couple more keys for the backhoe...  all the keys for these bad boys are the same across the board, so it wasn't difficult getting the right keys.

We were talking to the guy at the front desk and told him that we had a blog... he went to the blog and looked at it for a couple of minutes and finally said, "You two are having a blast, aren't you?"  We had to admit, we really were having a blast... and I think it's nice that it shows in the writing in our blog.

We are planning the weekends and weeks that we are going to be at Manzanita this summer.... all long weekends and most of the regular weekends also... gonna be lots of work, but so fun and I am really looking forward to it..

So, if you have a weekend off, and you want to drive 3 hours, sleep in primitive conditions (tent), eat over an open barbecue, and work your tail off for a couple of days, let us know... we'd be glad to have you!  (Seriously.... not kidding on this one....)


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Stuff We Took To Manzanita....Trip #2

List of Stuff we took to Panguitch:

Garage door
Garage door belt drive opener
Scaffolding - 12 feet
Door frames for Shed and Garage
Carved Mexican trim for Garage Door
Chop Saw
Concrete Anchors for framing - nut plates and nuts
Garage Door Track
Hand tools - shovels, scrapers
2 saw horses
Italian marble
Lag Screws
2 laminated beam hangars
10' step ladder


So, we decided to make a quick trip down to the property this weekend - we didn't expect to do any work, but we wanted to drop off at trailer load of building supplies to the storage unit we have in Panguitch.

We left Saturday, planning to come home Sunday afternoon.

Interesting place, Panguitch is.  We found out that about 90% of the town closes for the winter... That includes restaurants, hotels, stores..... And, in Hatch, Utah, about 99% of the town closes down... the restaurants, hotels, stores, AND gas stations.

We found a little motel and we checked in.  The owner of the hotel gave us a little piece of paper that listed all the establishment that were actually open.  At about 8:30 or so, we decide to go out and get some dinner.  We drive to the one restaurant on the list, and... it was closed for the evening.  So, we went to the gas station, got drinks and pretzels and cheetos, and that was our dinner.  We took it all back to the motel, and watched tv and snacked.

Sunday morning, we went back to the restaurant, and it was OPEN!!!  Great breakfast!  We decided to unload the trailer, and then head up to the property. We made a quick stop where we have our RV stored and pulled the battery.  It's going to be sitting for the next couple of months and we didn't want it to go dead...

 On our way up to the cabin, yep, blew a tire.  Jim gets out, pulls off the spare and it's flat... like really flat...  BUT, we are excited because we had a little compressor in the van.  It plugs into the cigarette lighter.... We got it all set up, and, the attachment to air up the tire wasn't attached.. Groan.

I called a couple of friends in Panguitch to see if we could get some help - no answer.  I finally called an acquaintance in Hatch, and he came and took Jim, and the flat tire back to Panguitch to see if they could find an air station.  About 15 minutes later, they come back.  Not only is the tire inflated, but, Jim tells me that the Tire store was.. OPEN!!  We drove back to Panguitch, and the guy waited for us to come back...  Two new tires later, we were back on the road!

It was such a nice day, we decided to drive up to the property.  It was nice and dry at the bottom of the road... however, about half way up the road, it was so muddy and wet, we had to turn around.  The van is covered with mud, the trailer is covered with mud - We're going to have to pressure wash it tomorrow to get all the muck off of it.

All in all, we accomplished everything we wanted - a few twists and turns, but still was... one more grand adventure.  (I am so glad Jim chose me to have grand adventures with....kinda like him...)


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Panguitch, Utah

It's snowy outside, but we are going to be making a trip to Panguitch, Utah this weekend...(Panguitch is about 15 miles from the cabin - it's not a huge town, but it sure is bigger than Hatch, Utah, which is the closest little town to the cabin...) We have a storage unit in Panguitch that we are transferring building materials into.  Today, we're going to move door frames, roof trusses for the garage, the garage door and opener. We already have the parts for a 11 X 8 shed in storage.  Jim has plans to move a whole lot of other stuff - I don't know until I actually see him putting the stuff into the trailer... Exciting times.

Jim says this is what the garage construction is going to look like with the arched roof line.

For Christmas, I bought Jim a mirror from the 1920's - about 30" in diameter. (Jim just asked me if I wanted the radius.. no....)  It has carved glass at the top, very retro.  We are going to put it in the loft bathroom - this is the bathroom that we have the claw foot bathtub for, and the toilet that has the tank that is at the ceiling with the brass pipes and pull chain...  We also bought a brass sconce that looks like a sea shell for that bathroom also.   It is coming together nicely.

Last fall, the temporary power pole went in.  We talked to Kane County to get the electricity turned on, and found out, that as soon as they turn the power on, they charge you $35.00 a month, whether you use it or not.  We don't have access to the property from November to April because of snow load, so we opted not to have it turned on until spring.

We have started working on the package to be submitted to Kane County for our actual building permit.  We don't have to apply for a building permit if we are just doing dirt work - which we spent the last year doing.  This year is going to be actual building.  Jim used his CAD system and mapped out where the cabin is going to be, and the garage, and I got to put in the pergola and fire pit and things like that.  It gave me a better perspective of exactly where everything is positioned on the property.  When we had just 2 lots, I had an idea, but over the past couple of years, while we have been buying the extra lots, the positioning of the cabin changed.  So, it's very exciting.

Life is good... and as we always say, "Another amazing adventure".  I'm glad I get to share the adventure with my Jim.

Jim and Cheri