Sunday, January 25, 2015

Case Dealership

So, we went to the Case dealer yesterday to buy a couple more keys for the backhoe...  all the keys for these bad boys are the same across the board, so it wasn't difficult getting the right keys.

We were talking to the guy at the front desk and told him that we had a blog... he went to the blog and looked at it for a couple of minutes and finally said, "You two are having a blast, aren't you?"  We had to admit, we really were having a blast... and I think it's nice that it shows in the writing in our blog.

We are planning the weekends and weeks that we are going to be at Manzanita this summer.... all long weekends and most of the regular weekends also... gonna be lots of work, but so fun and I am really looking forward to it..

So, if you have a weekend off, and you want to drive 3 hours, sleep in primitive conditions (tent), eat over an open barbecue, and work your tail off for a couple of days, let us know... we'd be glad to have you!  (Seriously.... not kidding on this one....)


1 comment:

  1. If you put it that way. . . . Cheri makes it sound like you're going to be our slave for the weekend. How about this way? We'll be glad to have you visit, sleep in, we'll do breakfast, lunch and a barbeque for dinner, have a blast, get some sun, learn some new skills, help us plan our cabin layout, campfire and marshmallows at night, listen for the coyotes in the distance, and sing around the campfire.
