Sunday, March 15, 2015


So, Jim and I decided to take a trailer full of stuff down to our storage building in Panguitch this weekend.... We got a little bit of a late start because we had an overnight party with Mahayla.... and then we were going to take her to the Living Aquarium for her birthday at 10:00 on Saturday morning.... Well, Mahayla had so much fun Friday night, that she slept 12 hours, until almost 11 in the morning...... Had a wonderful time... can't complain..

We got on the road at about 6:00 pm on Saturday and headed down south... We got into Panguitch around 10:00 and decided to find some where to eat a little bit of dinner....  There are a couple of restaurants in the town, and we figured because it was Saturday night, one of them would be open... Well, guess what..... they all close at or before 10:00.  We even tried to get a sandwich at the Arby's, which is part of the local gas station, and as we were walking up to the doors, the attendant turned on the closed sign...the door was locked. . . Sad..

I told Jim that we had a couple of cups of ramen in the van, and he said he would rather starve than eat ramen.... oh well..

There was a little movie theater on the corner, and we figured we would go in, get a soda, and maybe ice cream or something, and that would be it until morning.  We go in, and they have a grill for burgers and the such... but, it was already cold and was cleaned...  The cook came out, and we asked what he had that wouldn't mess up the kitchen.  He said he would put something together for us.....  something... we were a little concerned...

About 10 minutes later, he comes out with two plates, two amazing sandwiches, and potato salad... the little girl working the front brought us a couple of sodas, and it was absolutely delightful...  I couldn't believe it...  The chef's name was William, and he was from England.  He was wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt and Jim and William had a conversation about music... I basically sat there and ate... It was wonderful.

We go to the counter to pay and the total bill came up to $20.00 and change - Jim hands the girl his card, and she says, "We only take cash of cheque"... Cheque?  Um... no we don't have a cheque on us, and we don't carry cash when we're traveling...  The owner comes out, and just says, "We'll write you an "I OWE U", and you can settle up later"... Jim and I were shocked.... totally shocked...I felt like we had entered into the Twilight Zone... We told the guy we could drive over to Zion's Bank and use the ATM.. he said no, to just come back another time...  Was really cool...

So, the next morning, we drove over to Zion's, got cash, and took it back over... the owner was there again, and we settled our bill.... He had a stack of IOU's in the till, that people never had taken care of... made me feel a little sad that this lovely, generous man, was being taken advantage of...  sad.

So, in conclusion of this part of the blog, in Panguitch, William, and your boss from Scoops... You Rock!  Thank you.

We got over to the storage building at about noon or so, and started to unload... Our trailer, this time, was stacked with concrete tubes, foam insulation, and heavy duty sheeting for the walls, some TPM roofing, one enormous premade floor section of the shed building for onsite and the granite countertop that we had purchased last week.

The only problem was, the insulation was itchy, the floor section of the storage building weighed about 1000 freakin'  pounds, and the marble had to be about the same...  and there were two of us and a refrigerator dolly to get it off the trailer and into storage... We had called a local guy who we had set up to help us on occasion and got no answer from his cell phone.  This floor section is 10 feet by 6 1/2 feet made from 2X6's and 4X4's.

It was quite a feat... not something I want to repeat any time soon....  But, it all got put to bed and locked away, and Jim and I are now home and feeling good about the day.

As we always say, another grand adventure.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

SAT-UR-DAY - in Morgan, Utah

Jim and I had such a nice Saturday... had a fun morning with the grand daughters, spoiled them crazy, took them shopping, spoiled them some more, dropped them off, and then Jim and I took a drive up to Morgan, Utah....Where exactly is Morgan, Utah, you ask?  (I didn't know myself - Jim told me.....)

Morgan, Utah is about 30 minutes outside of Park City, Utah and about 30 minutes outside of Evanston, Wyoming......  It's a little town of about 3,000 people... the view to get to it, is spectacular.

Such a lovely day, and such a lovely drive....

Well, the reason we went, was to pick up some granite for counter
tops...  We're not quite sure which counter top it's going to be - I just loved the granite and thought it was beautiful... Had to have it..

Jim had to load it onto our trailer - he says it weighs about 300 - 400 pounds... I wasn't much help, but in the transportation department of my thoughts, I really don't help much... It's more of a spectator sport for me at that point...
