Wednesday, September 23, 2015


We received some new pictures from Manzanita today from Vince!

The new dirt pad behind the tree is where the large shed is going to be located.  It will look like this with the half round window above the door and back wall.

We are stoked... We get a view now from the lower driveway up to the motorhome which is parked on the upper level parking area.  All the dirt in between will be removed for the construction of the cabin.  It has a walkout basement.

The adventure continues!

Jim & Cheri

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Moving Forward....

I get asked on a regular basis, why I have such a big van, and I usually tell people that it's big enough for 5 child car seats.  Well, this is the real reason why I have this van - I haul stuff.

Yesterday, Jim and I bought the conduit pipe for the power pole.  At the end of last week, we put the money down for Kane County to run the power from the pole to our temporary!  A year ago, the estimate for running the line from the pole to the temporary was right at $5,000.00.  When Jim checked with GarKane Power a month or so ago, they said that impact fees had been reduced, so the cost of hooking up our power, was about 50% less! We were stoked!

So, what we need to do now, is dig a ditch across the road, put down pea gravel, and then pipe, and then cover it all up.  Then GarKane Power comes in, and runs the electric wire inside the pipe!  The pipe that was packed in my van, is the pipe that the electrical lines will run through!

Also, this week, Jim got a smokin' deal on some wire... I don't know exactly what it's for, but, I'm sure, he can explain..
OK, this is a spool of SO cable.  Specifically it is 10-4 SO cord.  The spool is about 2 feet in diameter and 2 feet wide.  It appears to have about 60 to 70% of the SO cord still on the spool.  My guess is there's 300 feet on there.  The seller on a local classified page put it up for sale at $50.  I was the first to call.  We closed the deal on the phone saying I'll be there before sunset.  On my way home from work I got a phone call.  He said he had to turn off his phone and people were knocking on his door.  He realized he had severely list it for too little even though the wire was 8 years old.  Could we raise the selling price?  I sarcastically asked him how much I should take out of the ATM before coming up to pick up the spool of wire.  I insisted I want first dibs on buying it.  We agreed.  I bought it for $100.  Home Depot sells it for $5.00 per foot.  I need a really long, heavy duty extension cord for construction of the shed, garage and the cabin.

Jim & Cheri.

Monday, September 7, 2015


Well, while Jim and I were partying in Cali-for-nia....  Vince, our excavator guy was working at the property, digging, digging, digging...

This is the lower driveway and it now splits.  The drive on the right of the backhoe goes up to the cabin site and the drive on the left is for the shed and garage.  The dirt area behind the tree on the far left is where the lower garage/shop will be.  It's only about 30% completed so far.
This is the driveway up to where the cabin site will be.

We seem to have fabulous dirt on our lot.  We have only found three rocks so far that are bigger than a breadbox.  We have found some gravel, but it seems to be about 4 or 5 feet down from the surface.

Having the time of our lives,
Jim & Cheri.