Monday, September 7, 2015


Well, while Jim and I were partying in Cali-for-nia....  Vince, our excavator guy was working at the property, digging, digging, digging...

This is the lower driveway and it now splits.  The drive on the right of the backhoe goes up to the cabin site and the drive on the left is for the shed and garage.  The dirt area behind the tree on the far left is where the lower garage/shop will be.  It's only about 30% completed so far.
This is the driveway up to where the cabin site will be.

We seem to have fabulous dirt on our lot.  We have only found three rocks so far that are bigger than a breadbox.  We have found some gravel, but it seems to be about 4 or 5 feet down from the surface.

Having the time of our lives,
Jim & Cheri.

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