Sunday, March 11, 2018

Dating - With Engineers

When I was much younger, and I was imagining what my life would be like, I always had my Prince Charming whisking me away to some wonderful and exciting weekend.... complete with dinner by candlelight, and holding hands across the table, and this amazing romantic experience...  Well....I still spend my Friday nights with my Prince Charming, and I love that part of it...... but, it seems like more times than not, we're at Home Depot...  (Dating with Engineers is a part of the engineering set of books such as "Cooking with Engineers", "Living with an Engineer" and "Home Maintenance with Engineers"... giggle.)

We left Provo on Friday night, made our usual stop at Home Depot, and then headed south to Panguitch.  We spent the night at a hotel in Bryce Canyon, with the idea that we would get an early start on Saturday morning...  Well, we were so tired from working all day Friday, and then driving, we slept in... uhuh...

After having breakfast, and running a few errands, we started our drive to the cabin... The roads seemed relatively dry, up until we got to the last two... and they were... incredibly wet... incredibly muddy... incredibly treacherous, to drive on.  We were pulling the trailer, and the truck and trailer combo just didn't seem to want to make the effort.  We were almost in front of the cabin, and the truck's traction gave out, and the tires were spinning - digging holes in the road.  After rocking the pick up back and forth, we finally had enough oomph to get to the crest of the hill, and parked...  Jim stepped out of the truck, and immediately sunk in the mud...

Jim had a pair of Skidoo boots in the back of the truck, so he switched his shoes for boots, and put boards on the ground on my side of the truck, so I could get out... I was wearing Crocs - not really the ideal shoes for walking in mud...(Crocs rock - don't diss the Crocs!)  The only thing worse is squishing a grasshopper in your Crocs with no socks on.  But I digress, that was an adventure a few years ago.

It was cold (52F) and overcast, but, we had to trek through the mud to get the trailer unloaded... The 165 antique brick that were in the trailer had to come out, along with light fixtures and insulation, and a work, we slipped and slid through the mud, until we got it all unloaded... Mission accomplished!

We had amazing plans to get the bridge built over Galt's Gultch, this weekend... didn't happen.

As we were about to leave the cabin, we could see that weather was coming in, and we needed to get off the mountain quickly...  We decided to pull the empty trailer down to the hotel in case it rained more during the night.  Going down the road was so bad, I imagined us having a major crash and ending upside down teetering half way off a cliff... So I sent my son, Brad, a text telling him that if he didn't hear back from us in 30 minutes, to call the Kane County Sheriff's office, and tell them to go looking for us.  Poor Brad didn't know what was happening, but, I expect, figured it was pretty serious.

Figuratively speaking, we slide half way down the hill in front of our cabin, and then slide down the 2nd road... Terrifying to say the least.  Jim's a natural four wheeler. I, am a natural panic-er...  I was having heart failure the whole time.

When we were driving back to the hotel, Jim recalled an incident from years ago.  He was telling me that when his dad and mum were building their house in Bracebridge, his dad had an El Camino... And, at some point, Jim was looking at his dad's vehicle, and there was a pile of mud on the floorboards, and Jim was a little disgusted with the mess... He couldn't understand how anyone could get that much dirt in a car... Well, this past weekend, he now understands.   Giggle... the floor mats, the running boards, the doors, the tires, the wheel wells... any place that mud could potentially be.. it is!  I am expecting a trip to the carwash tonight!

We were hoping in the morning that the mud would freeze overnight, and the road would be frozen and we could drive back and do some work... BUT, we got up Sunday morning, and it was raining...  so, we didn't even attempt.

Instead, we visited Bryce Canyon... and it was beautiful.  Jim bought his lifetime pass to the national parks, and we are making plans to not only visit Bryce Canyon over and over and over, but, parks in California also.  Bryce Canyon is absolutely amazing...I hope everyone will consider coming to visit and just see how amazing it is.  We have been working on our cabin for 6 years now, and this is the first visit I've had to the canyon... was truly impressive.  That red earth looks so much nicer in the canyon, than on our white truck, or my levi's...

In looking at these breathtaking views, I agreed with Jim, that God is the most amazing engineer of all time.... to make these canyons is pure genius... BUT, I am convinced that God has a wife, and she is an amazing decorator...

We have been asked by a couple of people what we do in the evenings in Panguitch...  You know, Panguitch is a little quiet on a Saturday night.  But, there is the Gem Theater, and Jim and I sometimes go to the show - We saw the Greatest Showman there, a couple of weeks ago, and Black Panther is playing there now.  However, this week, we walked through the Dollar Store... and, I bought Paw Patrol crocs for my grandson, Coy... uhuh... we are truly exciting people.

We have made friends with some of the nicest people ever, who live in Panguitch... about a year ago, I saw an ad on facebook from a lady who sold eggs - and, every time we go to Panguitch now, I buy several flats of the freshest, tastiest, most amazing eggs ever...we are addicted... Brianne concurs.  This week, I bought 5 flats of eggs (1 flat is 2.5 dozen)... We start to panic when we are running low on eggs, and there is no trip to the cabin planned...

A lot of people, over the years, have wondered about the relationship between Jim and I... His personality and mine are VERY different.. But, you know.... we click... he makes me laugh, and he organizes my life...  I don't have a clue what I do for him - probably add a little bit of colour and confusion...  But, he lets me take funny pictures of him... Giggle...  They always show a completely different side of Jim, and I couldn't love this guy more.

So, the trip to the cabin this weekend wasn't quite what we expected, but the adventure continues.

Cheri & Jim

Sunday, March 4, 2018


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I am writing this blog to be a permanent part of our cabin building experience... I want how I feel/felt to be remembered.   When the cabin is completed, we are going to take the entries from the blog, and make them into a book, and I want this experience to be included, because of the impact that it has made.

Someone made a comment on Facebook about us bragging and being boastful about building the cabin.

No one but Jim knows the hurt that I have felt this past week...Few people know the tears that I have cried since being verbally attacked about this blog... I didn't realize how hurt I was until yesterday afternoon, when Jim and I were in Habitat for Humanity...  One of the ladies there had seem my Facebook post, and we were talking about it, and I fell apart and just started to cry.. in public - not something I regularly do.  My hurt is deep.  And, thank goodness I have my Jim to steer me through these uncharted waters to a little recovery.

Since then, on my Facebook post, the comments that I've received from so many people have been so inspiring and uplifting, and lovely.  I so appreciate the time and care that so many have expressed on my behalf...

I have decided that people can be hurtful and so mean.... I don't know what the motivation for this one was, and I don't particularly care, but, the words were just that - hurtful and mean.

I was so impressed by the words of a friend of mine, and I don't think he would mind me sharing them on this blog...

For the many, many, many....... many years that I've known you, you have never ever come off "Braggy" or flaunted what you had or pretended to be something that you are not. You are the, "what you see is what you get" type of person and that is why you are loved by many. You are accepting of all, matter what!!! What the people said makes me laugh. Do they even know you? And if they do, what is their hang up? I also wonder, if they thought those things, why did they feel like they could or should tell you???? KEEP IT TO THEMSELVES!!! Your fun experiences that you guys are having with this cabin is awesome. So many fun, fun memories now I'm print. It's a task of a lifetime. You're crazy, your life is crazy......... Your experiences are even crazier, So just keep up the crazy!!!!

Jim and I are having a blast building this cabin.  It is not easy.  Sometimes, it's downright frustrating and we have felt like giving up a million times.... this is hard work - really hard work.  We have taken our time, and sacrificed and saved.  We have spent countless weekends driving down to work for a couple of days, and then drive home, so exhausted I was afraid Jim was going to fall asleep at the wheel...Jim has worked so hard, his hands have been cut and bleeding.  We have both had little accidents like tipping over the refrigerator and the garage door hitting Cheri on the head and thank goodness for recoveries, that we don't usually talk about... This is our crazy dream... We are amateurs at this.

We know we are crazy and we make mistakes; I'm crazy, my life has always been crazy, Jim's crazy, our dreams are crazy, our experiences are crazy, and we're gonna continue documenting our crazy.

Kindness IS powerful... practice kindness instead of hurt.

And, by the way, we signed up for fencing lessons this past week... why?  Because, we're crazy.

The adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri