Friday, October 19, 2018


Oh my... such a busy week/weekend...  I guess I am going to start with a post that I put on facebook earlier in the week... so bear with me...

"Every once in a while, you have one of those moments, when someone validates what you do... and the feeling is amazing... I have always suffered from extreme self doubt/worth... and, sometimes it's absolutely crippling... But, this morning, after the longest time working on my glass project, I took the finished piece to the glass shop to be insulated and framed... the gentleman that I call my "mentor", saw my work, and called it, "exceptional".. For literally, all the blood, sweat and tears that went into this project, to be called "exceptional" by a master, is so amazing... Fantastic start to my day... Thank you, Andy, you have no idea what you did for this stupid little Canadian this morning... Thank you."

Jim has been so patient while I have worked on this project - it's been a difficult year for me, and, trying to motivate myself to get the project finished has been a HUGE challenge.... Jim has been amazing...

I was in the glass shop this morning, because we need the 2nd window insulated to be identical to the 1st window... we took in all kindsd of measurements for Andy... let's just say, we'll be taking the 1st window back from the cabin and into the glass shop next week.  I am glad that Andy is as picky with the glass as I am.  He wants them to match perfectly.  

So, here it is... this is the backside of the glass, but you can see the detail, never the less.  

There's quite a bit of scribbling on the pattern and the glass as it gets completed, and before it goes to the glass shop, it needs to be scrubbed down... Jim always takes a scrubby and buffs up the lead work so the discolouration from the flux is gone...  All part of the process.

And, here's the piece that it will be beside it in my bathroom..

A couple of years ago, we found these 10 amazing tin ceiling materials.. we weren't quite sure what to do with them, but I loved the pattern.  I believe that it came out of a hotel somewhere in the midwest.  Well, Jim had this amazing idea that we should use it as a backsplash in the kitchen, and I think it's a great idea.  So, we pulled out a piece, cleaned it off, and took it over to a powder coat guy to make the colour more uniform.  Initially, we thought that we would do it silver, but, in thinking about the situation, we came up with the idea that we want it to be powder coated a cream/light yellow colour, to match the antique stove that's going into the kitchen... We got one piece done in silver, and I'm not particularly crazy about it.  We need to go to storage and pull out the stove, remove a piece and match it.  Here's the tin before the powder coating...

The pattern is amazing..

... and after...

I'll post a picture when we get the cream coloured powder coating done..

Last week, Jim drove down to the cabin to pick up this little gem.. it's a stove for the front room... it's a little bigger than the one we already had, and it has the glass and brass on the front, so we decided to buy it... the only thing that I think is weird is.. it's a teal blue..  I told Jim that I thought we should sandblast it back to the black, but, he kinda likes the blue...  He says it would be unique... but, all I can think of is that orange piano that used to be in my parent's living room.. my dad thought it was unique...  me - not so much.

When we were driving to the cabin on Bryce Woodlands Road, we drove up on a cow/bull/steer that was laying down in the ditch.  I don't have a whole lot of experience with bovine, BUT, I know if they are laying down in a ditch, and not moving when you drive by, there's a problem.. I told Jim that I thought the animal was probably sick or broke a leg or something.. sad face.  We drove up to the cabin, and started working.  It wasn't much after this that Jim needed me to go into town and run some errands.

So, I'm driving down the hill and about 100 yards from where the downed animal was, I see three pick up trucks back to back... trailer in the middle, and oddly enough, there was a picnic table on the trailer.  And, then, I hear a blast, and a spray of something.. could be blood.. could be smoke.. don't know, don't care... I slammed on my brakes and screamed.. It felt like I was in the Napoleon Dynamite movie, (where the school bus pulls up just as some farmer shoots a steer.. and the whole bus screams...) not fun...

When I finally regain my composure, I drove by, and sure enough, they shot the cow... and they were trying to get it into the trailer.. I was totally freaked... and then ..went into town, and on my way back, I was looking for the splatter on the road... there was more than just splatter... they field dressed the animal and it was piled on the road..  so gross...  (I took a picture to show Jim... he was not impressed either...) . . . . country living.

Now we are continuing to purchase a few pieces of furniture for the cabin.. this week's purchase was a Grandparent's chair...  I love it.. and it will fit one papa and one grandbaby perfectly for story telling or book reading!

With much effort, we placed this in the living room...and the Papa was put in the living room also...

A couple of other pieces we had stored that finally made it to the cabin were:

A vintage General Electric radio

The radio went into the loft - and the next piece transported up to the loft was:

I purchased a set of bells this past week also.. I want to put these by the Jacuzzi... I don't know why I liked them... they just looked different and unique... not orange piano different, just lovely...

But, for now, they are sitting in the corner of the main floor bedroom.

We went down to the cabin on Friday night, and Saturday was absolutely beautiful for working.. Sunday, we woke up to rain... and, with the rain, comes the mud, and with the mud, comes for unhappy builders...  You know how I love my Crocs... well, the Crocs and I were not best friends on Sunday... Jim took these pictures, and said that between the Crocs and my socks, I look like I should be committed... giggle...  (LOVE LOVE LOVE my Crocs)

And, I thought I was stylin'...  Giggle.

Jim has been working feverishly getting different parts of the cabin completed.  Sunday he worked on more of the electrics - started in the main floor bathroom.. he's worked on the kitchen before, he got the wiring in there completed... We were discussing the electrics, and Jim is going to start working on one side of the cabin and work towards the living room... So, next up, is the main floor bedroom!  I'm stoked..

..he's so smart... I don't have a clue about this stuff... I know enough not to put a fork into the toaster when it's plugged in, and that's about it..

We dug out the copper post caps that go on the deck, and got them installed.. found out we are REALLY short and will have to make a little trip to Home Depot for about 12 more... again..

..they are solar, so, they'll light up at night... As we were driving home last night, Jim mentioned that the deck was all lit up at this point... was kinda nice.

Well, between glass and grandpa chairs and steers, it was an interesting week...  The adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

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