Sunday, August 25, 2019


Another couple of weeks have passed, and we are still moving forward....

Jim came home from work about a week ago, and was all excited because, this thing that he ordered came in, and he picked it up... I kind of looked at it and was at the "um, what is it" stage.  It's not really big, but he was really thrilled...  I know it has something to do with the electrics, but beyond that... I'm at a loss...

This is where I leave a space on the blog, and I ask Jim to look at what I've written, and explain... So, whatever you see next, it's not me.. It's Jim..

Jim:  Take it away....This is the main 200 amp breaker that goes out in the meter base that's mounted on the front of the cabin next to the glass electric meter.  If there is a power surge or lightning strike this will trip and stop any damage to the electrical system in the cabin.  There you go Cheri.

Wow... that was easy...

The big project that Jim has been working on over the past couple of weeks is getting the plumbing situated and the water turned on.  We have the plumber arranged, but, because we are not on city water, we have to dig a hole for a septic tank.. that has been the big push lately...  One of us, and I don't want to mention who, doesn't want to have to drive the 20 minutes to the restroom, several times a day, any longer... Thus, the urgency to get the plumbing in.

Here's the start.  Stakes in the ground so we don't get out of hand with the digging.  LOL.

Jim was telling me that as he started digging the hole, there was a mouse that ran out of the brush nearby and into the hole, and his knee jerk reaction was to kill the mouse.. Well, he was sitting in the seat of the backhoe, and was operating the machine doing the digging... he was trying to follow the mouse, with the bucket, to kill it...  the mouse was a little faster than the backhoe, and it escaped... As he was describing this to me, I am laughing crazy.. just thought it was a little overkill trying to exterminate a mouse... with a backhoe.. Kind of like taking a machine gun to a pillow fight... and the pillow won!!!  Had me laughing so hard, I was snorting..  Giggle.

This gives you a little perspective of exactly where Jim is digging..

Yep.. this is the mouse trap...Uhuh... can  you imagine trying to kill a mouse.. with this?  I mean, seriously, with antics like this, how can you not love this man?

Jim is having issues with the air cleaner.  It captures water in the rain and makes the backhoe run rough.  He wants to replace it with something a little more modern.

Jim took a little break from the digging and went inside the cabin to rest...  he was skyping with me at the time, and I noticed all the dirt on his hands... had to have him take a picture....

This is man dirt.

The digging job was finished Sunday afternoon, and this is the result.  This hole is about 7 feet deep, and is 11 feet across...  it's a beautiful thing for a big cement tank that will fill it up.

Last summer, when we were driving to the cabin, we found a cow in the ditch that someone had hit with a truck.. At the time, Jim mentioned that he didn't know how anybody could hit a cow being that they really don't move that fast, and the road we drive on is a dirt road, and the maximum speed we drive is about 30 miles an hour... Well, today, he found out how you can hit a cow.  He was driving from Tod's Junction after a lunch break back to the cabin, and a calf "came out of nowhere" running into the road and then turned down the road in front of him.  It missed getting in contact with the front grill of his truck by about a foot...while Jim was slamming on the brakes and sliding all over the dirt road.

After trying to kill a mouse with his backhoe, I was glad that he was picking on a larger animal, with a smaller vehicle!  Giggle..

Life is good and the adventure continues!

Jim & Cheri.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston "It Takes Two"

The Drifters - Under the Boardwalk

Seriously... Seriously..... sigh....

Have you ever had one of those weeks, where all you can really do is just sigh at the end of it...  Well, both Jim and I just had one... At both of our places of employment, all hell broke loose, and, it was emotionally draining...   THEN, on Thursday, Jim is talking to Garkane Energy, and Kane County about switching our temporary power pole to the fixed meter base, on the side of the house and, we found out all kind of exciting things. But, that story is later on in this blog....So, running away to the cabin seemed to be the right escape.

A week ago, I got a call from our weird neighbor, and he said that he had something that we might like for the cabin... I couldn't imagine what - this guy is totally out there somewhere on another planet.. Well, he said he wasn't sure what it was, but, he thought it might be a bird feeder...  So, I walked next door and there was this gnarly copper and plastic looking thing, and sure enough, it was an old bird feeder.. and, it needed a whole lot of work.  The first thing I did was run it through the dishwasher.  You know, our dishwasher really is a multi purpose machine - it's washed everything from rocks, motorcycle and car parts to bird feeders...  The first pass got all the dirt and muck off of it, and then Jim dismantled it, and I scrubbed it down in the sink some more.

... and it turned out quite pretty.  The neighbor said that he believes it belonged to his parents, so we are estimating that it probably is about 60 years old. We can't find replacement parts, but, Jim did his best to reconstruct it, and it's now hanging in the garage.  I think it's crazy interesting, and will look amazing at the cabin.

Jim's BIG project this past week is building the bridge that crosses from dry land across "Galt's Gulch" to the deck.  This whole balancing act that we have to go through (walking across three 2x10's) just had to go.  I am always so afraid that the boards are going to break and I am going to fall head first into the gulch!  The project starts out looking really simple, and then gets a little more complicated really quickly.

Here's a shot of  the upper and lower boards to be glued together to form a curved beam, 

They don't look like much yet.

As Jim is working cutting wood and measuring and doing all these guy things that he's so good at, I had the task of holding the string or measuring tape... yep, that's my contribution.  But, about half way through the project, I notice that Jim has red on his fingers and I am so sure he'd cut himself and is bleeding all over the place... I am all in a twist over it, and he keeps wiping his fingers on his pants, but no blood is wiping off.. so, I figure it's bleeding like really crazy.. and he keeps wiping... well Jim soon figures out, that he was using a red marker to draw the lines on the board, and he got some of the marker on his fingers...  Thus, we made a trip to Home Depot, and I bought him some construction markers... and they are.. BLACK.

OK, three curved beams and a few things to hold them together and I'm getting the idea.

Jim didn't get all the bridge completed at the house - just enough to transport in the trailer.

And there's those pesky three 2X10's I've had to walk over.  Grrr . . .

.. and, he put more of the treads on the top when he got on site..

I told Jim that I wanted an arbor at the place where the bridge meets the deck, just above the gulch.. I think eventually, we'll get it done, but, for now, I'm just thrilled for the bridge and the two 2x10's that we've been balancing on, are gone... (those two 2x10's scared the heebeejeebees out of me whenever I had to walk over them...but I kept it inside and looked tough crossing them every time.  I swear, the gulch wanted to swallow me, I am sure...)...  I am wanting flowers growing up and over the arbor.. not sure what kind of flowers, but something warm and inviting... which I am SOOO sure is Jim's main objective... giggle... And deer proof!

I think it looks amazing.. What 'cha think?

When Jim was working on the bridge, he had to secure it from underneath... he told me that when he was in "The Gulch" he was singing the song, 'Under the Boardwalk'.  At the same time, I sent him the song by Marvin Gaye...'It Takes Two'.  Maybe he needed my help, maybe he didn't... BUT, I would have loved to be under the boardwalk with him, because it does.. take two!

We are slowly transitioning the cabin to a place where we can do cooking.  We have a microwave and a hot pot, and a little refrigerator, but, still it's not enough to cook a real meal.  When Jim got into Panguitch on Friday night, he bought some waffles and sugar-free syrup, and this was his breakfast.. ON MY MOOSE PLATES!  He said it was great with a cold drink of milk!

Jim's been working on the backhoe on and off over the last couple of weeks replacing the rotted out gas tank, and this past weekend, he tried it out for reals... AND, it starts, and works!  So, he started digging the hole for the septic tank.. I never thought a septic tank would be so exciting, but you have no idea!!!

It was about 2 weeks ago, I had this bright idea... We have had such a problem finding contractors to help us with different projects.  One of them was finding a plumber who was going to be available in our timetable.  I was at work, and I thought of an old friend of mine who has done work for us previously, but, I didn't have his phone number.  I did a search, and I found an address for him in West Jordan.  So, I wrote him a letter, and asked him to call me.  And, guess what - he did!  I told him what we needed and he asked to see a set of plans.  Because Jim works in West Jordan, Jim went by after work last Friday afternoon, and they checked out the plans, and discussed the project back and forth.  My friend, Rick, said that he would like to see the cabin before we moved forward.  He came down on Saturday, and walked the cabin with Jim, and made a plan...  I said, THEY MADE A PLAN...  They made a plan for.. PLUMBING... like toilets, and sinks, and running water.. that kind of plan..  So freakin' exciting.  He is going to do the work in September when his schedule calms down a little bit... We couldn't be more excited.

Jim stayed at the cabin from Friday night to Monday evening, mainly because he needed to meet with Rick the plumber on Saturday, but, also because he was meeting with Garkane Energy on Monday.  We found out that the temporary power pole that they put in... well, it was set up for an RV, not a house, and they weren't sure if they needed to dig up the road and put bigger wire in, or what they were going to do.  We were a little stressed all weekend thinking that along with the several thousand dollars we paid to have the power put in, would need to be all redone and re billed because they didn't do what we asked... Well, Jim met with them, and we found out that they did put the 200 amp wire in, not just the 60, and they don't think they are going to have to dig up the road... just move the wiring over to the house...  dodged a bullet on that one...!

And, we had another woodpecker in the cabin.  We aren't quite sure where they are getting in, but, once Jim saw him, he opened all the doors and invited the little beast to exit.  He did..  because, when they don't, they end up dead on my living room floor.  They are not the brightest, but, they can figure out how to get into the cabin, but not remember how to get out..

And, last but not least, please tell me this is a dog's paw print, and not something in the feline genre...  please... You see the toe nails are retracted and don't imprint in the mud.  That's a dog, right?

Our goal this summer was to have the four way inspection completed (furnace, plumbing, electrical and structural) and that is proving to be a challenge... So much work, not enough time and energy.  The adventure continues for us... gonna be working hard and long for as long as we can, and before the snow flies..

Jim and Cheri