Sunday, August 25, 2019


Another couple of weeks have passed, and we are still moving forward....

Jim came home from work about a week ago, and was all excited because, this thing that he ordered came in, and he picked it up... I kind of looked at it and was at the "um, what is it" stage.  It's not really big, but he was really thrilled...  I know it has something to do with the electrics, but beyond that... I'm at a loss...

This is where I leave a space on the blog, and I ask Jim to look at what I've written, and explain... So, whatever you see next, it's not me.. It's Jim..

Jim:  Take it away....This is the main 200 amp breaker that goes out in the meter base that's mounted on the front of the cabin next to the glass electric meter.  If there is a power surge or lightning strike this will trip and stop any damage to the electrical system in the cabin.  There you go Cheri.

Wow... that was easy...

The big project that Jim has been working on over the past couple of weeks is getting the plumbing situated and the water turned on.  We have the plumber arranged, but, because we are not on city water, we have to dig a hole for a septic tank.. that has been the big push lately...  One of us, and I don't want to mention who, doesn't want to have to drive the 20 minutes to the restroom, several times a day, any longer... Thus, the urgency to get the plumbing in.

Here's the start.  Stakes in the ground so we don't get out of hand with the digging.  LOL.

Jim was telling me that as he started digging the hole, there was a mouse that ran out of the brush nearby and into the hole, and his knee jerk reaction was to kill the mouse.. Well, he was sitting in the seat of the backhoe, and was operating the machine doing the digging... he was trying to follow the mouse, with the bucket, to kill it...  the mouse was a little faster than the backhoe, and it escaped... As he was describing this to me, I am laughing crazy.. just thought it was a little overkill trying to exterminate a mouse... with a backhoe.. Kind of like taking a machine gun to a pillow fight... and the pillow won!!!  Had me laughing so hard, I was snorting..  Giggle.

This gives you a little perspective of exactly where Jim is digging..

Yep.. this is the mouse trap...Uhuh... can  you imagine trying to kill a mouse.. with this?  I mean, seriously, with antics like this, how can you not love this man?

Jim is having issues with the air cleaner.  It captures water in the rain and makes the backhoe run rough.  He wants to replace it with something a little more modern.

Jim took a little break from the digging and went inside the cabin to rest...  he was skyping with me at the time, and I noticed all the dirt on his hands... had to have him take a picture....

This is man dirt.

The digging job was finished Sunday afternoon, and this is the result.  This hole is about 7 feet deep, and is 11 feet across...  it's a beautiful thing for a big cement tank that will fill it up.

Last summer, when we were driving to the cabin, we found a cow in the ditch that someone had hit with a truck.. At the time, Jim mentioned that he didn't know how anybody could hit a cow being that they really don't move that fast, and the road we drive on is a dirt road, and the maximum speed we drive is about 30 miles an hour... Well, today, he found out how you can hit a cow.  He was driving from Tod's Junction after a lunch break back to the cabin, and a calf "came out of nowhere" running into the road and then turned down the road in front of him.  It missed getting in contact with the front grill of his truck by about a foot...while Jim was slamming on the brakes and sliding all over the dirt road.

After trying to kill a mouse with his backhoe, I was glad that he was picking on a larger animal, with a smaller vehicle!  Giggle..

Life is good and the adventure continues!

Jim & Cheri.

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