Sunday, August 9, 2020

..the difference between the men and the boys.....

 The old saying goes, "The difference between the men and boys, are the size of their toys..." or, "Everything I learned in kindergarten, I used today..." came into play this weekend, as an 18 wheeler flatbed truck of blocks was delivered, and the two boys played with them for several hours...

These blocks are to be used for the retaining wall - 30 were delivered on Saturday, and we need two more loads... They are coming from Salt Lake - and, all I can say is, I wouldn't want to be the trucker hauling this load... 

Here comes the truck roaring up the hill...

Prepping the storage area for the 4' x 2' x 2' blocks

...Lowell connected up the blocks on the trailer, while Jim lifted them up with the backhoe and placed them onsite...  Even with everybody working together, it took 2.5 hours to unload the 30 blocks.
..and here's the pile of blocks these boys were playing with.. Lowell said his thighs were sore Sunday morning...  personally, I would have bagged working the next day, and just come home...  Jim said he sat down on the couch Saturday night and fell asleep pretty early...  Lowell turned off the TV and left him asleep on the couch...

The blocks will need to be put into place.. at a later date.
The boys standing in their play area... or, should I say, MEN?

After working like crazy on Saturday, and totally wearing themselves out, Jim and Lowell worked on putting the rest of the can lights up in the great room... First of all, they had to move the scaffolding from the one side of the room to the other side of the room... and install the cans, connect the wiring, add the light bulbs and then turn the lights on!!..

Lights On

and off...
and, a view from the loft... I love it...  gets more and more exciting every time.

And, do you remember the family of quail that were in the backyard a month or so ago.. well, they're all grown up, and living in the front yard now!!

No description available.

In my attempt to stock the cabin with all things good and wonderful and tasty... I decided to buy a bread maker, because the thought of fresh baked bread first thing in the morning, with home made jam, puts me over the edge.... This, in my mind would be the ultimate.  I already have a jam maker (and Coy and I have made strawberry and peach jam here at the house in Provo), so I don't have to buy one of those... But, getting little kids to make some homemade butter for said bread and jam, might be a fun activity!

And, again, on this quest, I thought the kids might enjoy some cotton candy - as if kids don't have enough energy, I thought a little sugar might help them along...  giggle.. 

I was talking to Melody two weeks ago, and she stated that she makes her own yogurt at home.. less sugar, fresh fruit, and I thought that getting a yogurt machine would be a great idea... 

And, these are usually used for making pierogies, BUT, I thought making hand held apple or cherry pies, might be wonderful to eat late in the evening... Again, it's a sugar issue... or maybe it's a pie issue.. I really don't know.. just thought it would be fun..

And, like every family in the world, we lost the cabin's channel changer for the TV...  Jim called me and asked me where it might be.. I didn't know... the kids had it...  giggle.. So, I called Melody - she didn't know... So, we figured it would show up sooner or later... Jim and Lowell checked under the cushions, and under this and that... couldn't find it... Later in the day, after they had given up hope, it was found, on the tool table buried under tools... giggle... Just proves we are a normal family...

Brianne said something this past week that totally warmed my heart... She was writing on Facebook about what to do on the weekend and stated that she wanted to go to the family cabin, but changed her mind... What's this family cabin?  Made me smile... this is exactly what we wanted - a place for family.  She's caught the spirit...

I was asked today when the cabin is going to be done... don't know for sure... hoping to have the four way done by the end of this season, and we'll figure the rest out next year!

The adventure continues...

Love, Jim and  Cheri


  1. Two days later and I'm still reminders from my thighs of what I did on Saturday. It was fun work for sure!

  2. I am glad you are helping out... even thought it's causing body aches!!! Thank you.
