Monday, April 19, 2021

 At the top of our blog this week, the most important thing that happened is that Brianne and Lowell, and Coy bought their first house, and moved in!  What an amazing little family.  It was such a rushed and stressful event to get them out of their apartment and into the house, all on a strict timeline.  But, they did it.  Jim and I weren't the most help moving stuff, but we can provide pizza and snacks, and we were thrilled to at least do that.  Congrats!!

Jim has been in St Louis, Missouri for the past couple of weeks and I've been left on my own.. and you know that old saying, "while the cat's away, the mice will play"... well, squeak, squeak, squeak.  Jim and I looked at hot tubs the day before he left, and this past Saturday, I went back, with the help of the grandkids, and Bri and Lowell, and I bought a hot tub.  Because of COVID, the different companies can't get the electronics to complete the systems, so we are in line to get our tub in August. Which is ok, because we still have to build the cobblestone brick patio area at the cabin for said hot tub to sit on...  Jim has told me that's my job, and I am hoping to recruit Brianne....  We were skyping with Mahayla and Brea, and Coy was with me, and all the grandkids agreed that it was a great tub, and they are excited to come to the cabin and use it...  It was several years ago, when I was away in  Toronto visiting my family, that Jim bought the backhoe, so I guess, it was my turn to return the favor of buying big items while the other is away...  giggle...  It really was kind of fun, but kind of scary also!  But, we all agreed it was a good purchase... The sales person showed Coy how to turn it off and on, and turn on the lights and the various colours of lights...  he loved it.

One of the things that we really need for that hot tub area is more bricks... like, lots and lots of bricks.  I was online and saw that a lady in Provo was selling some of bricks and they matched the ones we need... So, on Saturday, I went over and bought them, and put them in the back of my Kia Soul.  I think the Soul was having heart failure...  At this time of the year, our vehicles and trailers are completely packed with things that need to go to the cabin, so this was the only option.  The lady didn't live too far from our house, so as soon as I got home, I started unloading them... the lady's husband said they originally bought the bricks so they could build flower gardens, but that never happened, so they wanted to get rid of them.  The husband said that they came from a house that was 100+ years old that was being demolished.  The bricks are beautiful and are going to fit in nicely with the others we already have...  I purchased 87 bricks... I told Jim about putting them in the back of the Soul and he was like... "um, did the back of the car sag a bit?"  I didn't notice, I just noticed that it was driving a little bit differently with all that weight in the back end....  poor little car... (we had been getting our bricks from several different places with different stories, but the main place was from Coalville, Utah.. which is close to the Wyoming border... because it's still snowy there, we can't go for another load of brick.... we'll have to wait a little big longer.

On Saturday, while Jim was in St. Louis, he took a trip to Old Towne, and he absolutely loved it.... loved the scenery, loved the ambiance, loved the shops.. the whole shebang... He especially loved the cobblestone look brickwork of the roads.  He sent me some pictures of the roads and the different patterns of brickwork.. This is exactly what I was wanting in the hot tub area at the cabin... I am not sure what pattern I am going to use, but one of these two that Jim took pictures of... I think this brickwork gives everything such a warm and inviting feeling..  sort of old time charm.

I love this look... I don't want the grass growing between the brick and I'm sure there's a way to stop that from happening, but isn't it charming?  I think it's amazing and so glad that Jim took pictures for me...

Soooooo cute.

There must be a story here, but I don't know it...

My friend Angie found this footstool, and because she knows Coy loves cats, she told me about it... I thought it was darling and Coy would love it.  I picked it up on  Sunday, but haven't given it to Coy yet.  When I told Jim about it, he was in the "Jim Mode" and I know he had the pursed lips issue going on... But, when I showed him a picture of the footstool, he agreed that Coy would absolutely love it.  I showed Brianne a picture also, and she concurred.  

A week before Jim left for St. Louis, we found two lamps that I thought would look amazing in the cabin.. I don't know if you can see the design on the base, but, it's trees... I saw them in the store, and before he saw them, he said that we didn't have any place for more lamps..... and, then he saw them... and we bought them... I think they will be perfect.. We might have lamps in the bathrooms or the closets, but they are going to look really amazing there!!!  

The last post I made on this blog, before this one, I posted this picture... I really didn't know what I was buying, but I showed them to Lowell, telling him that they are outlets that pop up out of the island and I was so impressed with that.. He said he thought they were pretty cool... and, then he mentioned that he thought they were cool, not just because they pop up out of the granite, but because they had USB ports on the top... USB whats?  First of all, I bought the pop ups because they were cool, but I didn't even notice there were USB ports on the top...  duh... So, I bought two more.  Giggle.

I must admit, I have this small obsession with clocks... and, I saw this clock and I just had to buy it...  when I bought it, I really didn't see the actual dimensions of it... it's freakin' HUGE...   this thing is about 3' tall.  I had Jim put a dollar bill on the top of it, so you can actually figure out how big it was... This is one piece that I don't have a clue where it's going to go because I think it needs a really big room to support the size - otherwise, the clock will make the room look even smaller...  This one has me completely baffled...

I saw this chair, and I want it go to on the loft balcony... there was something delicate and elegant about it... but I don't like the purple colour, but it's going to get a facelift and be painted black.. but, I just loved it... It reminded me of a French bistro... and I can just imagine sitting on this chair,  the loft balcony, sipping tea and eating a croissant for breakfast, reading the newspaper... Unfortunately, there is no newspaper delivery at the cabin, but, I'm sure I'll find something to read, even if it's a cereal box... Dream with me on this one, people...

We are starting to purchase furnace vents that go in the floors... My question is:  How many vents actually go into a house?  Is there a certain number that most houses have, or do you just starting buying a whole bunch of them, and wing it?

I am the kind of person that always need to have a project... like Jim will tell me we need something or another for the house or the cabin, and I love to start looking and searching for whatever it is... Several months ago, my job was to find bathtubs and toilets and that was such a fun project... I got to research everything through, and then make the purchase.... I loved it... However, my absolute favorite thing is planning a party - that would be my dream job.. But, the little projects here and there just keep me going.  Jim said that he needed an electrical box that is set into the wall and you can plug a clock into it.  I wasn't really sure what he wanted so I started looking and came up with different options... some were ok, some didn't make the grade at all, and I think we now have one that fits the bill.... It's amazing what you learn when you don't have a clue what you're doing!!

And, I wanted a little bench that would hold an extra blanket and I found this little gem.  I know exactly where it's going to go - main floor bedroom at the end of the bed...  I thought it would hold one blanket inside the seat part, and one small child when they want to sit down!

I think it's darling.

We were at Brianne and Lowell's this afternoon, and on our way home, we passed by a business and all they do is build cupolas...!!!  Jim pulled over to the side of the road and I took a couple of pictures for reference.  We didn't have a clue that there was this type of business, and it was so close to home!  We were having a little bit of a problem finding the copper for the top of our cupola and have called different places.. Nobody wants to sell just a small amount - everybody wants to sell HUGE amounts, and we don't need a huge amount.  So, Jim is going to give these guys a call, or drop by and see if they sell just the top part of if we can buy a small amount from them..  I was totally stoked.  They have some really cool ideas!

We will be going to the cabin, for the first time this year, this coming weekend, and I am excited and nervous.. The first time usually greets us with super muddy roads, and a cold cabin.. But, we want to place the toilets and the tub and a sink in the downstairs to make it a little more comfortable for anyone who comes to work...

As always, the adventure continues... Love, Jim and Cheri

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