Sunday, July 25, 2021

"As I say, I don't believe zip until I see it with my own eyes" Cheri Streeter

As most of you know, the saga with the water lines has been ongoing for the last - I don't want to say how many months.  We've gone from the start of this story last December, and so many cancellations and problems including everyone on the mountain's water being shut off because water lines frozen in the winter months, to contractors quitting, to not enough time... it's been exhausting.  When ever we have been given a timeline, I have told Jim that it's a bunch of BS because I don't believe zip until I walk up and see proof with my own eyes...  Jim tells me that I've become a pessimist, but really...  What do you expect.

Well, the water guy that was putting in the hot tap (the connection into the waterline in the street) said that he was going to be at the cabin on Saturday to put the line in.  I was going to go with Jim this weekend, but changed my mind... why?... because, I don't believe anything any longer....  Jim was going to go up early Saturday morning to work with the guy.  Jim had dug the trench from the house to the road last week, and this guy needed to dig across the road and install the underground water line.. Jim would be there for moral support... or whatever.. I don't know...  Jim had just gotten home from Seattle on Friday morning, and was really wiped out, so Saturday would work perfectly after a good night's sleep. We were having dinner at The Strap Tank restaurant in Springville on Friday night, and we got a call from the guy who said that he decided to put the water in that day, so it was a done deal.... Um... WHAT?  Hello?  Did I hear it was done.... Still couldn't believe it...

Jim shows up on Saturday, and sure enough... we have water!!  I haven't seen it with my bare, naked eyes, but, I somehow have to believe Jim when he says we have water... And, he proved it with pictures!  Jim said the guy did an amazing job, and he was thrilled.

That's water falling onto our dirt!

And we have a water meter!

The dirt piles are gone except one that will fill in the hole at the edge of the basement.  All the trenchs to the road are gone.

And, on top of that, the project was coordinated with the Cable company and the conduit for the wire for the TV and security system was laid at the same time.  So, I was absolutely thrilled.

As I mentioned before, Jim was in Seattle on business, and while he was there, he met up with the grandkids, Mahayla, Brea and Ben, and their mama, Melody.  Jim had a choice of having dinner with Boeing engineers, or the grandkids...  hmmm... tough decision (not), and the bunch of them went to dinner...

And then, ice cream afterwards...  I think they all had a blast!

What I thought was the cutest... Melody sent me a picture when she told the kids they were meeting Papa for dinner, and this was the reaction...  I think they liked the idea...

15 years ago, when Jim and I got together, Jim and I and my son, Brad went to Toronto one Christmas, and it was at that time, I realized that Jim's father, Bob, was interested in stained glass.  He told me that he learned how to do stained glass in Florida, where he and his wife Margaret stayed during the winters... (they had a mobile home that they escaped the cold weather in Bracebridge for the winter months every year).  He got hooked doing stained glass.  He did foil work (I prefer lead) but, he really had a creative mind and the projects he completed, were things he could envision.  His cutting tool really was antique and with a little arthritis coming on, he struggled.  I found him a couple of different updated tools, and he was thrilled he could continue to work.  9 years ago, before he passed, he told me he wanted me to have a cathedral piece that I had already admired... It was a huge piece, very dark... really intrigued me... After he passed, Jim's brother, Rick, boxed up the cathedral piece and when I was in Toronto visiting, I picked up three boxes.. But, it was too heavy to take on the plane, and it has sat in the rafters of my brother Duane's garage for the last 9 years.  Finally, since the Canadian/American border is open, Duane took the boxes to UPS in Buffalo and had them shipped to me..  (Let me tell you, if you ever want to ship anything fragile, take it to UPS and let them pack it...They're amazing).  Took about a week and it arrived in perfect condition... absolutely nothing broken... a few of the pieces are cracked due to age, but, apart from that, it's in beautiful condition. The funny thing with this piece, I was expecting the dark mystical cathedral piece, but when I opened the boxes, I started seeing trees and water, which was NOT in the piece I thought was shipped. This is a piece that is definitely Muskoka, Ontario.  The piece is not finished, and Jim thinks this is a piece that was in his workshop.  So, I'm going to finish it...  I am thrilled.. So, a HUGE thank you to Duane for babysitting this glass for so many years, and shipping it... Much appreciated.

Jim has a plan of building me a glass studio and I have told him that I wanted the walls to be all panels of stained glass... This piece will be a part of that studio.

In my quest for all things interesting and different and quirky, (Me quirky?) - I found this rug that I think is going to be perfect for the loft bathroom... these colours match the glass windows, and the green marble countertop of the sink.  I think it's perfect.. as well as different.

As I entered work on Friday, while I was walking to my office, I was passing by the samples area, and a certain book caught my eye.  It was a copy of our blog book from 2018 and I am so honored that it was being shown to others as an example of what our company can print.  The only thing that makes me a little weirded out, is that Jim's and my pictures are featured on the cover... 

Now Jim's plan for the weekend was to connect the water that is right up to the cabin, to the plumbing inside the cabin, and then hook up the toilet, the bathtub and the sink downstairs...  You can see the blue pipe at the bottom of the picture below the ladder and a mud at the bottom of the hole... He was doing a little work on Friday night, but it started to rain, so he quit and went inside for the night.  This photo was taken the next morning, he emptied the muddy hole and found the hole thru the concrete with a dummy pipe coming out of the cabin, and then went downstairs to start removing the dummy pipe and installing a pipe to the cabin plumbing hooking everything up..

When he got downstairs, he realized that with the rain the night before, water didn't come through the dummy blue pipe, but in the tiny little space AROUND that pipe.. and with that water, came dirt until it all plugged up around the dummy pipe... so, there was a couple of buckets of mud on the bathroom floor in the basement...  So, the plans to finish off the basement were replaced by shoveling mud.  I swear, it's always something. You can see the drool down the concrete.

So, Jim shoveled it out, put a fan in the area, and hopefully, it dries, so next week, we can finish the tile job... Apparently, you just can't install tile, when the floor is... wet..... giggle.

Looks like Jim turned into a little boy playing in a mud puddle...  I don't think he quite enjoyed it, however.

Here's the basement drying up.

Before Jim came home, he made sure that the little space between the wall and the blue piping was sealed up... and, hopefully, it won't leak again.  

So, here's the real pipe coming out of the cabin and spray foam insulation around it to seal it up from potential leakage.  Jim foamed the entire length of the hole in the concrete.  Ignore the pipe that sweeps over to the right, that's the TV/Internet conduit.  We'll get to that later.

And, my new word for the week is.. splines...Before Jim left he had a drill bit that he was going to use to make the little hole that the blue pipe goes through, a little bigger.. BUT, he didn't have a drill, that fit the drill bit - and this drill bit had... "splines" - apparently, this particular kind of drill bit is very industrial and expensive, and he was going to rent a drill that fit the splines.. BUT, here in Utah, it was Pioneer Day, and all the rental stores and hardware stores were closed.  So, he took the bit out to the garage, and modified the bit with his lathe, taking off the "splines" and now it worked just fine in his regular 1/2 inch hammer drill.   So, what are splines, you ask? 

a rectangular key fitting into grooves in the hub and shaft of a wheel, especially one formed integrally with the shaft which allows movement of the wheel on the shaft."

And, Jim told me that he hadn't taken a picture of the cabin lately, so before he left, he snapped one... we've come a long, long way...  I think it's amazing..

So, there ya go..... Jim is home from traveling, at least for a while, we have water at the cabin, I got stained glass and life is pretty darn good...

The adventure continues.

Love, Jim and Cheri


When Jim was coming home, he called and said that traffic was backed up and they were detoured off I-15 northbound down I-70 towards Denver.  He asked me to go online and see what the problem was.  This was the problem.  Apparently, there was a sandstorm that suddenly cut visibility at 0% and it was a domino effect on the interstate. Jim's trip home was extended an extra hour and a half, but, thank goodness, he made it home safe and sound....  Others were not so lucky.

KANOSH, Millard County — Children were among the eight people killed in Sunday's series of crashes in Millard County, troopers said as they released new details Monday morning.

Five of the eight people who died were in the same vehicle, two were in another vehicle, and one fatality was from a third vehicle, the Utah Highway Patrol said in a statement. Four of the people who were killed were adults and four were under age 15.

A total of 22 vehicles were involved in the pile-up after high winds caused a sandstorm or dust storm that impaired visibility on the roadway, troopers said. The crash occurred in the southbound lanes between Fillmore and Kanosh around 4:30 p.m.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

...finally... good things are happening!


Well, the heat is still going strong here in Provo valley, but at the cabin, there was a beautiful few minutes of rain, that cooled the mountain down, and made it oh so comfortable.  Jim was driving up to the cabin and this is the little slice of heaven that he saw... so beautiful.  I usually don't like rain, but in this instance, it was so welcomed..  This picture was taken as the rain clouds moved off to the right.

The road to the cabin was a little mucky - maybe one day, the roads will be paved...

Jim sent me these pictures this past week... this was outside his work... four adolescent male deer showed up to graze on tasty Boeing grass.  Check out the racks in velvet.  The deer can't see into the building because the windows are tinted and mirrored, but the windows allow the employees to see out... so, the deer couldn't see Jim, but they could apparently hear things going on inside the building.. They couldn't see anyone, or anything, so they weren't inquisitive... and just enjoyed their picnic.

Jim didn't see Rudolph, but maybe this was a millennial Bambi...  He's kinda cute.

Meanwhile at the cabin on the weekend, Jim continued digging the trench out to the road.

And once the digging was done, he drilled the hole through the concrete wall in the basement for the water pipe to come into the house.

He said the drill got hot and he had to stop and wait for it to cool down a few times.


Jim was talking to the water guy, and he says that we should have water by the end of this next week... It would be amazing, but, I am at the point to where when I see it, I'll believe it...  Until then, I'm still skeptical...

Now while he was making all this great headway a little boo boo happened.  He hit the house with the backhoe!  Here's Jim's take on it.... (actually, this happened a week ago, but Jim asked me NOT to put a picture on the blog... giggle..)

OK, I hit the house with the backhoe bucket.  There I said it.  And I felt like a total loser.  When men screw up doing "manly" things they don't want to admit it.  Especially to other men.  It's kinda like the asking directions thing. . .  But when the Bryce Woodlands water company guy, Eric came by he made me feel a lot more human.  He said he's hit his house three times with his backhoe!  So I am allowing Cheri to post the picture of my mistake.

Later that day the house was repaired.  Now no one will ever know what happened.  Well everyone except those who read the Blog. . . .

And finally, we picked up a canopy tent that we had stored at Brad's house last week.  Jim carried the box into the cabin this weekend and in one minute responded to a significant allergic reaction.  He carried the box under his arm and where the box touched his skin he broke out in bumps, red bumps.  Painful red bumps.  All we can think is that Jim is allergic to Brad's cat Daisy.  When Brad first got the cat, we were over visiting, and Jim picked up the cat.. Within about 5 minutes, Jim's eyes swelled shut, and he had a problem breathing... it was terrible.. So, we figure, the cat had sat on this box or around the box, and her hair, or dander or something stayed behind. This went away in about an hour... Poor Jim...

And that about wraps it up for another week as the adventure continues. . .

Cheri & Jim

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


I know Utah is supposed to be a friendly and inviting place to come, but who invited the 104 degree temperatures?  Please, please, please ask them to leave!!!  On top of that, we have this smoke that is hovering over the tops of the mountains and it makes the air quality terrible.  I read that it's because of the fires in California and Oregon...  we aren't getting any of the fire smell, but we are apparently getting all the smoke - it doesn't come to the floor of the valley, but it makes breathing really uncomfortable...  So, heat and smoke - please go home!!!

Jim spent the weekend working at the cabin - I feel so bad that he goes down on his own, but without running water, there is still no bathrooms (running water), and it makes it a little uncomfortable for me to spend the weekend....  He works all weekend, and I go shopping - makes me feel terrible.

In order to dig the trenches to bring the water from the street we had to have Blue Stakes identify everything underground so we didn't dig up something we didn't want to.  Here's the electric power line that goes to the temporary power pole. 

And here's the markings for the telephone/Internet wires.  They run away from our lot across the street, so we can't get too close to them.

The water company has installed 4 inch pipe for water delivery on the road, but it's across the street so we'll have to trench through the road to get hooked up.

As Jim mentioned above, the big move forward this week was having Blue Stakes come out and mark the road and the space in front of our house for cable TV, Internet and water.  And, after they marked the ground, they sent messages to the subdivision we are in, and to the cable TV/Internet company - so, everyone is aware what we are about to do!  Jim talked to the cable people on Friday, and they are just waiting for the call telling them that the ground has been opened up, and they will run the line... That means, we can have cable tv, and our own security system installed, and WIFI and all that good stuff... I am so stoked...  Jim also talked to the water guy for the subdivision and, even though he still says he is busy, he asked Jim to send pictures of the Blue Stakes markings and where Jim had dug, so he knows what has been completed and when he can come and hot tap into the water lines...  So stoked.

In the scorching heat, Jim braved the triple digits and started digging the trench for the water and the cable.  He said that he was only able to work outside for an hour at a time, and then came into the cabin, and laid down in the bedroom or the living room, with the portable air conditioner blasting on him...  He said it works amazingly well - I guess I made a decent purchase - just made sense to me.  Jim said that he turned it on last night (Saturday) about 11 or so in the bedroom, and even thought it didn't have enough power to cool the whole cabin down, it was beautiful in cooling that bedroom down and made sleeping so much better.  Jim said that he woke up about 7:00 in the morning, and turned it off because it got kinda frosty...  I have always said that I thought Jim was totally "hot", I guess this proves it...

Jim thought that digging the trench was going to be a quick, straightforward job... however, as with every project that is undertaken, there seems to be a lesson to learn... this is the continuing story of..... rocks.  He said that in trying to trench, he kept digging up big chunks of rock the size of footballs and bigger... just like in digging the hole for the septic tank, we came across rock - big rocks.  It's either the stupid manzanita, or the rocks that are driving us crazy.  (Actually, I have really come to appreciate the manzanita... as long as we don't have to dig up any of those roots.. those are evil.)

We're headed for the street!

And, with the heat, I keep calling Jim and telling him to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.. So, he sent me this picture.  This was day one...

And this was day two!  Increasing the dosage with ice cubes!

He says that he drank 1 liter yesterday, and two liters today... I don't know if that is enough, but at least he's getting a little more fluids than nothing at all... So, I am pleased.  And he's using his cup holder!  The one I had to drive into town to get clamps to hold it on with!

Over the weekend, I found these juice glasses... I was looking for glasses that match the tall beverage glasses with the wheat pattern that I previously bought.  I found these three, and they don't have the wheat pattern, BUT, they match the larger set.  I think they fit in beautifully...

We picked up a load of bricks a couple of weeks ago, and Jim took them down to the cabin.  He was going to stack them with the other bricks, but it was too freakin' hot... I told him to just pitch them on the ground and we'll stack them at a later date...  So, he took my advice!!! We still have a pallet or two of bricks here at the house that need to be transported down...  The jacuzzi is supposed to be delivered in September, so, we need to get on the program with the jacuzzi area!

And, in my travels this weekend, I found this picture, and I immediately fell in love with it.  It's about 3 feet tall and I want to put it in the main floor bedroom.  When I showed it to Jim, he agreed with me - we love it! I think Jim likes the saying, but likes the airplane at the bottom of it also.  So, here's your inspiration for the day, "How great would life be, if we lived a little of it everyday".

On that note, remember, it's hot but the adventure continues!

Cheri & Jim