Sunday, July 18, 2021

...finally... good things are happening!


Well, the heat is still going strong here in Provo valley, but at the cabin, there was a beautiful few minutes of rain, that cooled the mountain down, and made it oh so comfortable.  Jim was driving up to the cabin and this is the little slice of heaven that he saw... so beautiful.  I usually don't like rain, but in this instance, it was so welcomed..  This picture was taken as the rain clouds moved off to the right.

The road to the cabin was a little mucky - maybe one day, the roads will be paved...

Jim sent me these pictures this past week... this was outside his work... four adolescent male deer showed up to graze on tasty Boeing grass.  Check out the racks in velvet.  The deer can't see into the building because the windows are tinted and mirrored, but the windows allow the employees to see out... so, the deer couldn't see Jim, but they could apparently hear things going on inside the building.. They couldn't see anyone, or anything, so they weren't inquisitive... and just enjoyed their picnic.

Jim didn't see Rudolph, but maybe this was a millennial Bambi...  He's kinda cute.

Meanwhile at the cabin on the weekend, Jim continued digging the trench out to the road.

And once the digging was done, he drilled the hole through the concrete wall in the basement for the water pipe to come into the house.

He said the drill got hot and he had to stop and wait for it to cool down a few times.


Jim was talking to the water guy, and he says that we should have water by the end of this next week... It would be amazing, but, I am at the point to where when I see it, I'll believe it...  Until then, I'm still skeptical...

Now while he was making all this great headway a little boo boo happened.  He hit the house with the backhoe!  Here's Jim's take on it.... (actually, this happened a week ago, but Jim asked me NOT to put a picture on the blog... giggle..)

OK, I hit the house with the backhoe bucket.  There I said it.  And I felt like a total loser.  When men screw up doing "manly" things they don't want to admit it.  Especially to other men.  It's kinda like the asking directions thing. . .  But when the Bryce Woodlands water company guy, Eric came by he made me feel a lot more human.  He said he's hit his house three times with his backhoe!  So I am allowing Cheri to post the picture of my mistake.

Later that day the house was repaired.  Now no one will ever know what happened.  Well everyone except those who read the Blog. . . .

And finally, we picked up a canopy tent that we had stored at Brad's house last week.  Jim carried the box into the cabin this weekend and in one minute responded to a significant allergic reaction.  He carried the box under his arm and where the box touched his skin he broke out in bumps, red bumps.  Painful red bumps.  All we can think is that Jim is allergic to Brad's cat Daisy.  When Brad first got the cat, we were over visiting, and Jim picked up the cat.. Within about 5 minutes, Jim's eyes swelled shut, and he had a problem breathing... it was terrible.. So, we figure, the cat had sat on this box or around the box, and her hair, or dander or something stayed behind. This went away in about an hour... Poor Jim...

And that about wraps it up for another week as the adventure continues. . .

Cheri & Jim

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