Tuesday, August 10, 2021

...One More Bathroom!!!

I received the cutest little message from my son, Brad this past week.  He and his family recently moved to Alaska - sad grandma face inserted here...  But, he called and said that when he and the family got home the other night, they found a welcome party of three moose waiting for them.  I thought it was so cool just in itself, and then he said that he had sent me a picture.... And, this is the picture he sent - the three moose were the three rocking mooses that Jim had made years ago, for the grandkids.  Apparently, the shipping container with all their belongings showed up, and when they opened it, the three moose were waiting.  The kids were thrilled, and this grandma was thrilled also! (For each grandchild's 1st Christmas, Jim made a rocking moose...something about our and their Canadian heritage coming through here... only one moose has a name, and that's Ben's moose, and the moose's name is... Henry... Henry must weight about 75 pounds and is made of walnut wood... Even if you put all the mooses together, each grandchild seems to know exactly which moose is their moose...  smiles.)

...  we'll come back from Memory Lane now, and start with the cabin...  After one very uncomfortable night on the couch, we moved the Queen sized bed from the main floor up to the loft, and purchased a King sized bed for the main level bedroom.. Poor Jim had the job of moving the Queen bed upstairs, and it wasn't particularly pleasant.  

But, after persevering, and a few eye opening words, the job was completed, and the new bed in it's new home.

I bought this spread with the pillow shams and a small accent pillow to make it look "cabiny"... You know how I love mooses... and, I couldn't resist this...

But after one night with this particular spread and pillows, Jim and I came to the same conclusion that, I must have bought a Queen spread instead of a King because... JIM HOGS THE COVERS... and I spent a lot of the night with just a sheet over me...  Jim has this idea that he has to roll up in the covers like a burrito, which leaves one of us with no blankets...  BUT, the bed size is perfect and we won't be sleeping on the couch any longer.. unless one of us falls asleep while watching tv... seems this is the way it goes more often than not... (Jim insert, she hogs the pillows.  We had three and she needs a minimum of, you guessed it, THREE!)

I did have a spare spread in the cupboard, and I double checked, it is a King sized spread, so I switched the spreads out...  Jim told me that this week, we need to purchase more pillows (thank goodness he has finally seen the light on this one!!!)...  The pillows that were there, were a little on the weak side of life.  But, the spread now fits perfectly!

And, the big, big, big news for the week - the main floor toilet was installed!  Jim initially connected the commode and the bathtub in the basement - it was the logical choice due to proximity to where the water came into the cabin.. BUT, in the middle of the night, if you have to get up, you have to go down the stairs to the basement, and then walk you way through this maze of building materials to get to the bathroom...  wasn't working for this cowgirl... So, Jim said his first project for the weekend was to install the 2nd toilet on the main floor.. and he did, and it works...  Coy christened the 1st toilet, and I christened the 2nd toilet.. so, it's a done deal!

Look... water in the bowl!!  I was telling Brianne today that I feel that my life has been severely reduced... I now talk about installing toilets and using the toilet and how exciting that part of my life is... I seriously have no pride left...  Giggle.

A couple of weeks ago, my bathroom (her bathroom!) at the house in Provo, was out of bathroom tissue.  So, I asked Jim to bring me a package...  He came down with a package of about 20 rolls... Now, my bathroom is a really small bathroom..  But, he wanted to make sure that I don't run out any time soon...  There was absolutely no room to store 19 rolls...  so, I put the bag in the sink...  The next morning, I was getting ready for work, and opened the cabinet under the sink, and out fell.... 19 rolls of bathroom tissue...  So, in honour of all those rolls under my bathroom sink, I bought a 10 pack for the cabin and stored it under the sink to be...... (the grocery store didn't have a 20 pack..)

With all the wild fires in California, our air quality is in the gutter.  It's kind of weird, but the smoke layer doesn't smell like fire in the least... but, it sure is messing with seeing the mountains and it's actually covering up the sun...  So, here's the mountains and the sun at Bryce Canyon...

Being this was my first official weekend sleep over at the cabin, I decided to cook an amazing dinner.  But, we didn't have any pots and pans, so everything went on a very small BBQ grill.. But, it worked.   When I was at the store buying all the stuff, Jim wasn't quite sure what I was going for... 

But, when it was all done, he was thrilled...

..check out that cheeky smile...  He was thrilled... We had our little feast on the deck of the cabin, at sunset...  it was lovely...

This is something that I never noticed, until this weekend...  There are two shower heads in this shower stall...  And, they are on the ceiling...  And there are two sets of hot and cold valves... How cool is that!!

And, here's a 2nd little thing I didn't notice in this bathroom...  When I was building the window, I used more opaque pieces...  But, about halfway through the building process, I switched the glass on the leaves to a clearer type, that was a prettier colour...  The windows have been installed for a couple of years now, but this was the first time that I was on the deck, and the lights were on in the bedroom, across the hall from the bathroom... Jim was in the bedroom, and when I looked through the window, I could clearly see him... through the window...  um... so, when someone is in the shower, or in the bathroom, anyone on the deck can see into the bathroom... ya...  wasn't supposed to happen like that... so, I've got to think of a solution... Maybe a white shower curtain across the window when the shower is being used.

Because bathrooms are being finished, we put in the cabinets and started to pull out the sinks for the various bathrooms...  We realized that we have three glass sinks, and several porcelain sinks...  I  chose one particular sink for upstairs in the loft, but then it was decision making time between the other two glass sinks... I chose the one on the right for the main floor bathroom... And, we chose a white porcelain sink for the downstairs bathroom.  They are all sinks that are mounted above the counter..  I love them.

And, we are slowly but surely cleaning out all the stuff out of the storage building..  This week, we took out this trim wood and hand rails, and dropped it off at the cabin..  Little by little...

And, Jim worked a little bit on the siding, this past weekend...  It's been so hot outside, that working on siding and such is difficult... So, late afternoon, Sunday afternoon... a few more pieces went up, and it's looking beautiful.

It's not going to be forever, but the adventure continues. . . .

Jim & Cheri

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