Tuesday, September 28, 2021

...much needed break....

We needed a break from going to the cabin, so we we have taken a week off, and decided this was the week to relax and recharge.  So, this is what we did... we packed a picnic, and drove to the lake, and just enjoyed each other's company, and the beautiful views...

It was just quiet and relaxing, except someone was complaining there was too much food... but, apart from that, it was perfect.. giggle.... and, I kinda like this guy... a lot...

I don't usually like to have pictures taken, but this was such a perfect evening...  and yes, I drive a Kia Soul - complete with chipmunks under the hood!

Jim bought me this blanket earlier in the week, and I took it to the lake to use at our picnic, but, there's a little too much dirt on public picnic benches, so I didn't want to use it and get it all dirty... And, there a moose on it!!!

When we first got to the lake, there were Canadian geese swimming around.. but, after we had dinner, when Jim went to take pictures, they had all swam away.. I guess they don't like to have pictures taken either.  It's the Canadian in them.

But, even though we didn't go to the cabin, we were working on a little bit of cabin stuff... so, actually, this post takes in two weeks.. one where we didn't go and the next weekend, where we did... So, brace yourself..

One of the things that we decided was that we needed to make the cabin a little more livable so, we decided to take a trip to Home Depot and pick out the cabinets to build an island in the kitchen.  There are so many freakin' possibilities, it's mind-blowing We made some solid decisions, pulled them off the shelves and set them up in the aisle, and after a couple of changes, our decision was made.  I didn't get the bookshelf at the end of the island like I wanted - due to lack of space, but I did get everything else.  We just might be able to add it as we build it in the kitchen. I wanted the bookcase to put some of my cookbooks in it... I have just a few.. like maybe.... 1k...

And, this is how we got it to the cabin... with a plethora of other stuff..

And, this is where the pieces are stored for now... in the middle of my kitchen... it's starting to get a little crowded..  

When we were at Home Depot, Jim and I usually go our separate directions... and, we usually meet up at the cashier...  Jim was done with his purchases, and couldn't find me.. There was a sales person who asked him if she could help.  He simply said that he had lost his wife and she responded..."Oh, I saw her.. she's wearing a purple polka dot shirt today... she's in the plant department".  When Jim told me what she said, I had to look and see what I was wearing... sure enough... What's weird is that they know who we are, not just what I was wearing that day.... weird..

This week we bought some end tables which will eventually go outside on the deck... I was looking for end tables that would match the rattan chairs we already have.  So, I found these end tables and thought they would be perfect.  But, because we don't really live there all the time yet, every time we put the chairs on the deck, we have to bring them back in when we leave, so, they have a temporary home in the main floor, bedroom.  I really liked these.

And, Jim suggested decorating a little bit... This is what he chose to be on his side of the bed... makes sense to me..

And, I thought I had a chicken to go on the end table on my side of the bed, but alas, we only have roosters - so, this guy is going to have to suffice for now.  He doesn't look particularly friendly, but, I think that's kind of how my disposition is first thing in the morning - so, it works!  And coincidentally, we went and saw Clint Eastwood in "Cry Macho" this week!

A couple of weeks ago, we dropped off our trailer in Coalville, Utah so we could pick up another load of bricks.  The lady that we are buying the brick from suggested that we drop off the trailer and her son would load it, and he has been doing that the last couple of times.  So, we drove up to  Coalville on Thursday evening, to pick up the trailer filled with the bricks.  Her son, bless his heart, stacked two layers of brick.. we usually only pick up one.  We didn't know how the trailer would fare behind our truck, but, it was super slick... no problems at all.. Now we know we can get the two layers of brick, drive across two mountains, and up the hill in front of the cabin, and the truck actually can make it.  

However, unloading the brick is a different story.  We had to make it to Orderville, Utah by 12:30 pm to pick up soffit and facia materials, so we had to unload the trailer to make room...  Wow... what an undertaking!  I moved the bricks to the side of the trailer, and then Jim put them in the wheelbarrow and dumped them onto the ground next to the stacks we've piled up. And, we only had time to take one layer of the brick off the trailer..  Didn't have time to stack them right then... that happened on Sunday afternoon.  And even then, I didn't get them all stacked... too pooped to continue.

This is what it looked like when we left.  This will be a job for next weekend.

We have been searching for fascia and soffit for the longest time.. There are still a whole lot of building materials that are currently backordered for months, and this is two of the products.  Whenever we called to ask if anybody had it, they told us that it was backordered for another 2 - 3 months, minimum which will take us into snow season now.  Just by accident, we called a little hardware store in Orderville, and the owner answered the phone.  He said he had some, wasn't sure how much, but it was in a storage warehouse offsite. The store is a grocery store at the front of the building, and a hardware/tack/feed/craft store to the back. He said that if we came back the next Saturday, he would get it out of storage and let us know how many pieces he had.  We needed about 69 pieces and they are 12' long.  We told him what we needed and if he had ANY at all, we would take it.  We got there on Saturday, and he said that he did not have 69 pieces he had almost double that amount, AND he had the fascia.  We paid cash and that really made him happy because he didn't have to run a card through the machine, and pay 5% surcharge.. So, we made a friend.  We were absolutely thrilled that he had it.  He has a bending machine that we are going to go back and use when we are getting to the point of putting the fascia up.  Was a little miracle.

Here's the soffit, sitting on top of the bottom row of bricks... We didn't have time to get all the bricks out before we left..  But, it worked, so we're happy.

I don't know if we mentioned it before, but the water on the mountain is hard, hard, hard... unbelievably hard... And, because we don't have the propane set up yet, whenever we need hot water, I boil it on the stove - like for washing dishes etc.  This is what the pot looks like after boiling water.. it's incredible.  We were talking to the neighbours, and they said that they bring water from their home in Nevada whenever they go to their cabin... I think we are going to be doing the same..

As we've mentioned before, we have had a whole lot of  building materials in several storage units - we had 3 units in Provo and one in Panguitch, and we have decided to start closing them out.  We closed out the biggest one in the spring, and now we are working on the smaller unit in Panguitch.  This storage building has additional roofing materials, and a whole lot of wood in it.  I think Jim forgot how heavy and awkward the roofing stuff is... it was beastly to get onto the trailer.  We'll use it for the covered deck.

And, we finally got a little bit of a walking space between things.  We're moving things out little by little... and, there was only so much strength left in our arms when we got done.

But, I did find a couple more of those cool doors.  Jim says he knew that the doors were in this storage building, but I totally forgot.

And, I totally forgot about this beautiful piece of granite.  We decided we are going to put it as a counter top in the basement bathroom... You can't see the colours very well, but, this piece has a pink and grey stripe to it.  It was a little dark in the back of the unit, so I couldn't get a really good picture.

And, in my quest to find a company to reproduce the brass signs for the bathroom door, Jim found the "Boys" door, so I can send this picture to companies.  It's been a little difficult trying to explain to someone what I need made.  I sent the picture of the boy's door to a company in Lehi, Utah, and they said that they can make the signs I need... Now, I just need a quote before they're made.  I know it's going to be expensive, I just don't know HOW expensive, or if there are any alternatives.  I'm supposed to get a quote some time this week.

And, you see this brass plate... well, if you look at the door below, this plate fits over where the door handle used to be... We aren't sure what this plate is called... it's not a kick plate, but is it called a push plate?  Questions....

You can't see the "GIRLS" sign as well as the "BOYS" sign...  thank goodness Jim found the other door.

We're still purchasing bits and pieces that are going to be needed... this week, we bought the shower head for the basement bathroom, and more flooring for the bathroom.

My assignment this week, is to pick out the flooring for the main level bedroom... I am so stoked.  This is what I absolutely love doing.  When Jim asks me to pick out something, doesn't matter what it is, it is like Christmas all over.  So, the search is on....and as Jim knows, I love shopping and I'm really good at it - much to Jim's dismay...

And, remember how much I love mooses.... well, here's the latest find...

And, with that, the adventure continues, and we sign off for this week.

Love, Jim and Cheri

Saturday, September 18, 2021


 Hello:  In June, we were talking to the most amazing stone mason while having dinner in Panguitch, Utah.. his name is Paul and his wife's name is Carol.  We lost their address and phone number, but they follow this blog.  So, Paul or Carol... if you are following, please give us a call, or drop us an email.  We're looking for you!


Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 Well, I don't know how to say this, without being ignorant... BUT, our sub-contractor who put in the shower, said he was going to come back this past weekend and find and fix the leak, but and didn't show up... Kinda disappointing and sad.  I have worked for the last ten years for a company that takes pride in our work and customer service - the customer is first and we strive to make the customer happy... I guess I have got used to this work ethic.  He was supposed to come on Saturday at 9:30 am... we were there, we were actually up and waiting for him... no show... Jim texted him and asked when he was going to show - no response... We called, messaged and texted, and got no response... totally ghosted us.  I am truly disappointed... 

With all that, the work went on... With all that has gone on, Jim has decided to take a different tact in the cabin building... While we were talking, he said that he is going to concentrate on making the cabin more livable, instead of pushing to get the four way done...  I must admit, having a flush toilet, (actually a couple of flush toilets) has been amazing.  This has made my life so much easier... So, this past weekend, Jim concentrated on starting to get door hung into place.  If you remember, we bought these 100 year old doors that came out of a school in south Provo - several years ago.  We decided we wanted the door that said "GIRLS" on the bathroom, and the one that says, "BOYS" adjacent to the bathroom on a linen closet.  The doors haven't been refinished yet - I was just wanting a little privacy in the bathroom and the bedroom...

Jim and I have both decided that the floor is a really long way down!!

If you look closely, you can see the "GIRLS" sign faded into the door.  I am hoping to find a replacement for the brass letters that were pulled off.. So far, I haven't found any, but we have lots of time to find them...

And, I'm looking for a brass plate to cover the place where the door handle used to be.. So far, I've been on eBay and Etsy and a whole bunch of other sites, to no avail.  I guess I'll just keep looking..

With the weather starting to cool down, Jim has been working on the siding... This week, he started putting up the scaffolding which will make it a whole lot easier to get the siding up..

And, last, but not least, I have decided to continue my efforts to clean up the mess made by contractors and Jim keeps adding to it!... some of it has been hanging around for several years, so the clean up has begun.  We got about 3/4 of this mess put in the dumpster... which is about 5 miles away.. But, hey... every little bit helps.  I can attest to the fact that this used to be the home for lizards and bugs and spiders... They got their eviction notice on Sunday!

I truly don't understand why contractors just can't clean up their messes as they leave.. I don't get it.

We are feeling a little burned out from working at the cabin every weekend, and this next weekend, we decided to take it off from building..  I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do, but, it won't be in Alton, Utah!

Looking forward to a week off...... but, until we make it back, the adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

PS:  Jim was talking to the people at Provo City Water Department today - trying to figure out where to send our water from the cabin to get it tested...  I have a little issue with calcium (kidney stones) so we wanted to make sure the water was ok for me to drink... From the discussion, we found out the water is most likely extremely high in calcium and magnesium... like extremely high... Jim was telling the gentleman about having to go to the emergency room after having broken out in extreme hives a couple of weeks back.... The water tech said that there have been many people in the Provo area that have broken out with a similar situation and their water is really pretty good for Utah, but it is "hard"...  So, even though we haven't figure out WHAT actually caused the problem, Jim knows, he's not alone.  

Friday, September 10, 2021

.... kinda depressing...

 I swear, I'm going to cry... We had the Kane County Building inspector show up on Friday for another try on the inspection on the shower.. and guess what... it's failed.. again..  It's starting to get really depressing...The sub-contractor is supposed to show up next Saturday to make ANOTHER repair, but, seriously...?  At least it's not the major flooding like we had before... this is just a little bit, but we can't move forward on finishing the shower, until this problem is resolved.  The inspector says he thinks the problem is with the drain because there is dripping in the basement off the drain pipe.  I personally don't care WHERE the problem is, I want it fixed.. now.

In my quest to have a completely working bathroom, Jim mounted a big mirror in the main level bathroom... It was at this point, that I realized that the cabinet and the matching mirror were more black than Mahogany, but I'm ok with it.. I love both...  and, I can even curl my hair in the morning without having to walk across the room to a little medicine cabinet!  It's amazing!!  Thank you Jim...

When we drive to the cabin from Provo, we always stop at Joe's Market in Panguitch and get some groceries.  It was last Friday that I saw this sight in the parking lot.  I have never in my life seen something like this, (except on tv on the Beverly Hillbillies) which is  a truck with compartments for dogs - in the back.  I walked up to them, and they seemed friendly.. Jim tells me they are hunting dogs.. well, thank goodness they didn't chase me up a tree or something...(not much chance of me climbing a tree...).

Jim tells me that hunting season has started... I don't know exactly what they're hunting, but hunting dogs none the less.

And, speaking of animals, we went to a subdivision HOA get together on Saturday, and found someone had brought their pig.. Again, a very nice pig.. and I am so digging the pink bow.  They served refreshments for everyone... The glass I got was 80 proof bourbon, water and sugar... Um... wasn't expecting that...

When we got to the cabin on Thursday night, I told Jim that I thought it was weird that someone (something) had cleaned the outside of the BBQ that was on the deck.  When we left, I didn't have time to wipe the outside of the barbecue down, and there was a little grease spatter on the base... and it was all gone.  I thought it was weird, but not too concerning.. it had rained a little bit and I thought that maybe the rain got to it.  We were putting the key in the lock and opened the door and there was a really funky smell at the front door... we looked all over the place thinking it was a dead mouse or chipmunk or bird that had got into the place and died.. couldn't find anything.. When the inspector came the next morning, he asked us if we had a cat because he could smell cat pee right at the front door.. We don't have a cat... After he left, we continued to look for something inside, but I took the time to clorox and hose down the front door and deck, just to get rid of the "cat" smell.  Well, when Jim went downstairs, we figured out what CAT was at our door and helping us clean.  It was a cougar... because, his tracks were all over the patio area... it had rained a little bit, and you could see his foot prints all in the soft dirt... 
Notice there's not claws!  Cougars tuck their claws in when they walk.

Apparently, after he cleaned the BBQ, he was a little ticked off that we didn't leave him any more snacks, and sprayed out front door..  so gross.. so, the inspector was right.. it was a cat, just a little bigger cat than we anticipated...

The digging on the area for the patio and the jacuzzi continues.  So many decisions and it's really starting to get old.  We have this jacuzzi that is supposed to be delivered in the next couple of weeks and we are far from ready.  But, the digging continues.  Lowell, I think, really likes working on the backhoe and he's become super proficient.

Jim took to moving retaining wall block.. it's super heavy work, but we need it around the patio and the jacuzzi area to keep the mountain back.

And,  you see all those bricks around the tree... they had to be stacked so that the backhoe could make it into the spot to pick up the big blocks...

And, still a lot more digging to do on the patio area.. We took out a couple of trees and started putting the blocks around....

Monday morning... such a beautiful sight from the upstairs loft... calming...

And, we still have a few humming birds hanging around... We found out that they don't like the feeder on the left - they prefer the feeder on the right.  I thought that it was because of the red colour, BUT, it's actually the plastic flower where their stick their beaks in to get the food... the feeder on the right has multiple openings that look like yellow flowers, and the one on the left has but one.  Do they have to be so picky?

I was standing on the deck looking down at the big blocks and I saw these weird looking things beside the trailer.. When I went down to look closer, I saw that these were a cluster of big mushrooms.. so weird.  I was so afraid that these were "Destroying Angels" and for the life of me I can't remember what they are called..  Lowell pulled them up and said they were super heavy - like they were filled with water, and the next day, they were all shriveled down to nothing...  They looked like a cluster of bombs looking down from the deck...  strange.  We decided to treat them as poisonous just to be safe.

And, Jim started working on the doors for the main level bathroom and the closet beside it.  We purchased these doors several years ago from a 100 year old school that we being demolished.  The door that is going on the bathroom says, "GIRLS" on it, and we are putting the one that says "BOYS" on the door for the closet - that are next to each other.. I kinda liked it.

I am hoping this weekend goes better than the last.  The stress level is just too intense and there are just too many tears...  Jim, at least, has been going down to the cabin every weekend all summer long... I have not made it as much, but it totally wears you out physically and emotionally.  We have been talking this week, and are changing our game plan, so I am hoping the change will be beneficial.

The adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri