Wednesday, September 15, 2021


 Well, I don't know how to say this, without being ignorant... BUT, our sub-contractor who put in the shower, said he was going to come back this past weekend and find and fix the leak, but and didn't show up... Kinda disappointing and sad.  I have worked for the last ten years for a company that takes pride in our work and customer service - the customer is first and we strive to make the customer happy... I guess I have got used to this work ethic.  He was supposed to come on Saturday at 9:30 am... we were there, we were actually up and waiting for him... no show... Jim texted him and asked when he was going to show - no response... We called, messaged and texted, and got no response... totally ghosted us.  I am truly disappointed... 

With all that, the work went on... With all that has gone on, Jim has decided to take a different tact in the cabin building... While we were talking, he said that he is going to concentrate on making the cabin more livable, instead of pushing to get the four way done...  I must admit, having a flush toilet, (actually a couple of flush toilets) has been amazing.  This has made my life so much easier... So, this past weekend, Jim concentrated on starting to get door hung into place.  If you remember, we bought these 100 year old doors that came out of a school in south Provo - several years ago.  We decided we wanted the door that said "GIRLS" on the bathroom, and the one that says, "BOYS" adjacent to the bathroom on a linen closet.  The doors haven't been refinished yet - I was just wanting a little privacy in the bathroom and the bedroom...

Jim and I have both decided that the floor is a really long way down!!

If you look closely, you can see the "GIRLS" sign faded into the door.  I am hoping to find a replacement for the brass letters that were pulled off.. So far, I haven't found any, but we have lots of time to find them...

And, I'm looking for a brass plate to cover the place where the door handle used to be.. So far, I've been on eBay and Etsy and a whole bunch of other sites, to no avail.  I guess I'll just keep looking..

With the weather starting to cool down, Jim has been working on the siding... This week, he started putting up the scaffolding which will make it a whole lot easier to get the siding up..

And, last, but not least, I have decided to continue my efforts to clean up the mess made by contractors and Jim keeps adding to it!... some of it has been hanging around for several years, so the clean up has begun.  We got about 3/4 of this mess put in the dumpster... which is about 5 miles away.. But, hey... every little bit helps.  I can attest to the fact that this used to be the home for lizards and bugs and spiders... They got their eviction notice on Sunday!

I truly don't understand why contractors just can't clean up their messes as they leave.. I don't get it.

We are feeling a little burned out from working at the cabin every weekend, and this next weekend, we decided to take it off from building..  I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do, but, it won't be in Alton, Utah!

Looking forward to a week off...... but, until we make it back, the adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

PS:  Jim was talking to the people at Provo City Water Department today - trying to figure out where to send our water from the cabin to get it tested...  I have a little issue with calcium (kidney stones) so we wanted to make sure the water was ok for me to drink... From the discussion, we found out the water is most likely extremely high in calcium and magnesium... like extremely high... Jim was telling the gentleman about having to go to the emergency room after having broken out in extreme hives a couple of weeks back.... The water tech said that there have been many people in the Provo area that have broken out with a similar situation and their water is really pretty good for Utah, but it is "hard"...  So, even though we haven't figure out WHAT actually caused the problem, Jim knows, he's not alone.  

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