Wednesday, October 20, 2021

..Working Hard... tryin' to beat the weather....

After waiting 8 months, a small miracle happened this week.. We got the call that our Jacuzzi was delivered to the store and was ready for installation.  There is only one small problem... they won't be able to get up the hill with the hot tub because of the snow at the cabin...  We were originally told that the tub would be ready in August, and we thought that would be just perfect - we would have a couple of months of use.. BUT, it didn't get built until October, and now it's just too late.  So, it's going to be stored at the store in Springville, Utah until spring.  When I left the store, I went looking for our tub, and found it.. with my name written on the side!!!  (For those who don't know... my first name actually is Love...)

Our tub is the 2nd down on the right!  Hopefully, she's not getting squished!

We had a snowstorm on the mountain this past Tuesday, and this is what was left.  We were told that it was super cold, and the storm was pretty fierce... We have part of the deck that is covered, and you can see which part is NOT covered...  This past weekend, it was in the mid 50's which was nice for working, but at night it gets down into the lower 30's, so it's too cold to sleep there... I didn't go down to the cabin this weekend because of the cold.  I have atypical pneumonia, and the cold really causes me havoc, so, I usually stay home after the first snowfall..  Jim stays in a motel for a couple of nights, and at least doesn't freeze or get sick by sleeping in the cold.  We are waiting on the HVAC guy to schedule installation of the furnace still... When that goes in, I am anticipating a lot of things to change.  We still have the two skidoos on the property, so if the furnace goes in, we can skidoo into the cabin each day and still work during the winter cold.

As you can see, we got a little bit of snow sliding off the roof....

A couple of weeks ago, we purchased the cabinets that go under the island, and this weekend, Jim started to put them together.  The drain and water lines are now routed inside the cabinet.  I decided that I didn't want the black granite as the top of the island because it would make the kitchen too dark, and switched to the idea of butcher block.  I ordered one maple top a couple of weeks ago, and it came in last Thursday... I wasn't quite sure how I was going to like it, but when Jim put it together, I absolutely love it!  I think it's beautiful.  We'll glue two countertops together to make one large island top.

The wood is maple, (I don't know if it's Canadian Maple, but.....) and I am such a huge fan of butcher block, I couldn't resist.  I think it's so warm and beautiful.

And, the deck building project is coming along superbly.  This is the first column support form with rebar set up that was dug, waiting for the cement to be poured.  The plan is to prep four of these and then call in a cement truck.  Jim will make steel columns to hold up a big glulam beam.

And, I believe, this is the 2nd hole dug... but, I could be wrong.. I think it looks a lot like a grave, but that's just me.  Jim confirmed it really is another hole for a form to be set in.

In digging the 2nd hole, with all the snow and the warmer temperatures, the ground was really muddy and sloppy, and the backhoe got stuck.  The guys had to work for about 40 minutes to get it unstuck.  (As a side note, when I was a kid, we had these neighbours that bought a backhoe or a trackhoe or something along those lines, and they were going to dig a hole for something... I flat don't remember what.  But, their digger got stuck, and it stayed stuck in the front yard for years and years.  When they sold the property and moved, the backhoe/trackhoe/digger thing was finally unstuck and moved.  We lived way out in the country and nobody really cared that the backhoe was left in the front yard, but I am sure the new owners didn't appreciate it.  I wish I remembered what they were going to build, but I just don't.. But, I do remember that backhoe thing.  I think, if my brothers are reading this, they might know what kind of machine it was......)

I don't know how the guys got the backhoe unstuck, but as you can see, they did!  Jim said it is going to take a couple of days to dry out, but also said it is super mucky down there... It sticks to your soles really bad.

It is so relaxing to work in the trees.  Even if you get the backhoe stuck, it's a great time.

There are going to be 5 supports for the deck,  Four of them will support the big glulam beam running across the front of the cabin.  Jim built four of the forms for each of the columns to be built on.  This is going to make the deck super strong.  There also has to be a form for a pad for the propane tank to go on - something that needs to be poured and the tank delivered at the same time the furnace goes in.

And, yes, when Jim got to the property, there was LOTS of snow... it melted as the weekend went on.

Our deck builder brought his own rebar bender/cutter.  Apparently he didn't like the one Jim had, and yes Jim's was a lot more awkward to use!

Can I just say, I hate snow... But the rebar looks so good.

When we were in California this past week, I found this little coat hook and I immediately thought of Coy.  I am not quite sure where it is going to go - probably in the basement bedroom.. or at least, where Coy is going to sleep.

 Some of the other gems I've found recently.  

I am not too sure how to install this piece, but it shows the different cycles of the moon.  I thought it would be an interesting piece by the jacuzzi...

While in California, I found these two mail slot fronts.  I don't know the history behind them, and I don't have a clue where I am going to put them, but I found them interesting.  Maybe it's because my father worked for the post office, or maybe I just liked the brass... I don't know... they just appealed to me.

And, I found a pair of these mugs in the Golden State also.  And, I know exactly why they appealed to me...  Moosehead - making Canada proud!  Giggle.

It's been a productive week... I didn't particularly work hard, but I am sure a couple of other people did. 

We'll keep you updated, as weather permits.

Love, Jim and Cheri

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