Monday, June 6, 2022

...It Looks Like Giraffe-ic Park...


Finally... the hearth and rock wall are completed, cleaned and ready for your approval...  Actually, Jim and I have already approved, and literally, it's set in stone!  We love it...

It was while we were away on a long weekend "va-ca" that the top triangle rock was installed and the grout applied.  It was a little weird talking to the rock mason.. trying to explain what colour I wanted...  But, he actually figured out what I wanted and it is spot on!!!  He really is an amazing "stoner"...  I called him a magician, he called himself a stoner... Giggle...

I think the hearth part looks kind of like a giraffe... But, as the mortar dried, it became less dark and more like the colour I wanted!

Jim and Ben have been working feverishly on getting the patio area ready for the Jacuzzi to be delivered and installed, and they're just about there!

Brianne and her clan are coming this next weekend, and we will be placing the block that goes under the jacuzzi...  But, the dirt has been prepared and levelled to this point... Jim told me that after he placed all the retaining wall blocks, he was moving the backhoe back into trench for the electrical hook-up, and he knocked one of the top blocks on the left hand side out of it's resting place... ooops!  

I love how the retaining wall block makes a curve on the left and over on the right it continues around down the drive into the back drive behind the cabin....  

And, the underground conduit that carries the wires to power up the Jacuzzi had to be installed before the Jacuzzi is set in place.  Although this is something that is buried, it's essential for turning on the system.  It's a necessary whole lot of work!

Jim and the backhoe ripped out the trench in a day... The "on" switch will be mounted on the wall next to the sliding door.

Jim can't dig under the backhoe and here he's backed up all the way to the retaining wall blocks.  So a shovel was needed for the last foot of excavation.

Here's our Ben breaking a sweat!! I keep telling Jim that I know Ben goes home and sleeps... really well...  Poor man... I'm not sure if it's his military background but he's the fastest shoveller Jim has ever seen.  Talk about a cardio workout!

Here's the start of the rigid conduit being layed.

First thing you do is slide it over the wire.  This is some big wire!

Almost up to the concrete basement wall.

And, finally the conduit and the wiring was... almost completed... The boys got the conduit ALMOST to the house.  Jim said he was short exactly a foot and needs another couple of bends to make sure the heavy duty conduit is flush against the wall when installed...

And, Jim, Ben and Howard are still working on pouring cement for the support system on the deck.  After a few set backs, the cement was finally poured in the last sonotube and in a week or so, it will be ready for the cardboard tube to be torn off and the steel column supports bolted in place...  At the front of the deck, it will be about 16 feet above ground.  The view will be fantastic across the valley.

This one is a little blurry, but this is the last sonotube to be poured..

Jim sent me this picture... I am always looking for interesting ideas, and after I got this picture, I told Jim this is exactly what I want for the outside shower.  It looks like a little grotto complete with waterfall.  Jim was a little hesitant, and I just told him he shouldn't have sent me the picture, because now, I am totally inspired... Now, wouldn't this be an amazing outside shower??  I mean, seriously!!

I told Jim that the ceramics for the loft bath room needed a little colour put into it... we have the little circles called, Arctic Grey at the top of the 6 inch white ceramic tiles, and the slipper foot bathtub has the same white and grey colour in it, but the countertop by the sink is green onyx.  So, I decided I am going to get a little bit of the green onyx and replace some of the little circles with green ones... So, I tried to order some green onyx, and nobody wanted to sell me just one piece.. But, I finally found a company in California that would sell me one 12 x 12 inch piece.  I was all excited to have it delivered.. It was packaged incredibly well, BUT, when I finally got it unwrapped, I found it was broken in three pieces... Sad face.  I'm waiting on a replacement from the company...

Here's my Arctic Grey circles...  Just imagine replacing the grey with green.  I think it will pull the whole bathroom together nicely.

Before Jim left on Sunday evening to come home, he took this shot for me... I think it looks beautiful and peaceful...  Coy is coming this weekend, so I think the whole "peaceful" is going out the window... but, it will be fun!  That boy has more energy, and more vocabulary than most scholars...

Until next week, the adventure continues..

Love, Jim and Cheri

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