Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Jim sent this to me to peruse... When I say I would like an updated picture of the cabin,  never, in a 100 years thought I would get NASA satellite pictures....   Let me just say, Jim continues to surprise me...and make me laugh... and roll my eyes... I guess that's why I love him... But, he did send me exactly what I asked for......

And a Happy Mother's Day to all!!  This Mother's Day, I received the cutest picture from the two I claim as mine...  Brianne and Brad took a picture I had from when they were little squirts... I believe Brianne is about 5 in this picture, and Brad is just a couple of months old... They recreated the picture, when we were in California last Christmas... and kept it a secret for all these months!  I absolutely love it... They've grown a little bit, but are just as freakin' cute!

As you can see, the snow has melted.. it's still pretty cold at night time, but, the daytime is pleasant.  Jim has geared up to working every weekend again... It's still too cold for me to make an appearance, but instead of working at the cabin, in Jim's opinion, I go shopping!  I guess, I really didn't need to put this picture on this blog, because you can see the whole cabin in the first picture...  uhuh... giggle.

We finally picked up the flagstone for the outside shower, and dropped it off at the cabin.  I think we have enough rock to cover the walls and floor now... I think Jim is sick to death of rock shopping...  On the other hand, I have totally enjoyed it.

Jim dropped off the first pallet of rock on Saturday, and on Tuesday, he picked up the 2nd pallet.  His Silverado was not feeling big and bold and strong, so, Jim made two trips to pick up the rock.  I really love this rock... I need to mention, that each pallet of rock weighs over 1000 lbs... 

It was placed in the bed of the truck on the pallet, so Jim spread it out a little bit... just for balance.  Jim drives it down to the cabin, and then Jim and Ben have to unload it.. I don't know what's worse... loading it, or unloading it.

The work on the deck continues... the boys got as far as they could with the decking that was already put down... now, they need to finish off the decking, and then on to the railings again.  

I think it looks amazing....  I love the look of the wood and the colour..

Remember what I told you about shopping?.... While Jim was at the cabin, I got a pizza oven.  I thought it would be a fun thing for the deck.  When I first told Jim about it, and I break these types of things to him, gently... he was a little bit resistant... But, when Ben told him it was a great idea, he started to soften up and see the possibilities... I figured sooner or later, he would see the light...

And, the work on the ducts/furnace continues.  I don't think Jim and Ben particularly like this part of the job... it's necessary, but with arms over their heads all the time, it's tiring and wears them out quickly.  So, I think they are going to be working on this part of the project a little at a time...

We didn't go to the cabin this past weekend... We took a well needed break and went to California for a couple of days.  Jim has taken up remote controlled car racing... He has built his own car from scratch, and he's having fun with it... He says he's learning lots, but still having fun... I guess, that's all I can ask for... He's happy. And, if Jim's happy - Cheri's happy...

With that in mind, the amazing adventure continues.

Love, Jim and Cheri

"The quandry with life is you're halfway through before you realize it's a do-it-yourself project."


  1. It was great taking the photo of Bri and Brad in California, damn near the funniest thing all trip.

  2. I absolutely love it! I am so glad y'all took the time, and had so much fun doing it... I don't know how you kept it a secret for so long!! But, so appreciative.
