Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Jim wrote me this past week and said that, "It's so hot, I just walked outside and ran into Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago!"
I told him as long as Daniel and the lions don't show up, he'll survive!  As you can tell, it's HOT!!! (If you don't know who these people are, it's a biblical thing...) It wasn't just hot at the cabin... it was HOT HOT HOT!

As before, the work on the deck goes forward...and we are about to sheet the roof.

Sheeting going on!

Jim absolutely hates heights, so whenever possible, he gives these jobs to Ben...  Ben does all this rock climbing and rappelling stuff, and so, he's happy to do jobs in the bucket truck...

Jim says "no way" and Cheri has the same feeling...  The pitch on the roof is quite extreme, but Ben even does jobs up there...  Not this cowgirl...

The repair waterproofing work on the main level shower has started up again.  We pulled out all the cement work that was defective and poured a new base and Jim went to red coat  it, and... we think the bucket of red stuff froze over the winter... It was just a bucket of goop, so another trip to the hardware store, and we are back in business.

The red coating is like a waterproofing pudding like consistency substance - so, if there is a leak, it will seal it.  Jim did a quick water test, similar to the one the Kane County inspector is going to require - fill the bottom of the shower, leave it for a couple of hours, and see if it will leak - and, after 3 1/2 hours, there were no leaks, so we're good to have the inspector come out.

We did see the original shower contractor at a grocery store in Orderville.... you know, the one who installed it incorrectly, and then ghosted us.... He saw me, I saw him, and he didn't talk to me - just left the store rather quickly... go figure.

Here's the 2nd part to the covered roof on the deck.  The first set of the pictures in this particular blog are building the covered roof.. This part is putting on the Tyvek to waterproof it, and then put the metal roofing material on... We had to find where the original roofing material was purchased - Jim found it in Cedar City, ordered it, and what was supposed to be a pick up in 3 - 4 days, actually takes 10 days, so this part is going to be delayed a little bit.  

But, the deck is now covered, so we will be able to sit on the deck in the pouring rain, and just enjoy being outside.  Here's my Jim checking it out.  I am always so amazed and thrilled when another part of the cabin comes together.  He does amazing, exacting work... I was telling Jim this past week, that before we got married, I thought that all guys knew how to build stuff.  My father built a couple of houses, and I have had brothers either build houses, or remodel houses, so that was my baseline. So, when I have a hairbrained idea of what I would like done, he has to pause sometimes, and think it through before he agrees to the project.   He informed me, that it's not a genetic thing... All men don't know how to do this stuff.  But, Jim does beautiful work...

We originally were going to put the cedar coloured shake shingle siding on the dormer - that's the thing with the two little half circle windows in it...  it's actually the loft bathroom...  but, I changed my mind and have decided that I want verticle siding, in a darker caramel colour... I think the contrast will be really pretty...  We are going to have the same effect on the cupola (that's a little house like structure you put on the roof with a wind vane on top of it).  I am not sure how we are going to incorporate it with the cupola... I have hammered copper for the roof part of it, so, this project is going to take some thinking... Jim absolutely loves it when I change my mind, and put the project in his lap...  Giggle... (No he doesn't).

Jim started putting the drip edge on.

And the first piece of metal roof was put up.

I went outside on the deck and found this lady checking out Jim's truck... I tried to sneak back into the cabin to get my phone to take a picture, but she caught wind of my desires, and moved back into the bushes...

My three aspens that we planted last year, made it through the winter... however, these stupid deer keep eating the top part of the trees.  I asked Ben to put more of the covering to the top to protect them, and he did a great job.  Maybe now, the deer will have to find some other plants to destroy...

Ben got the job done, and then sent me pictures... complete with a note to the deer....  I don't know a whole lot about deer, but I am pretty sure they are like teenagers... they don't listen.

I really hate the freakin' deer, but I love the sunsets! They are so beautiful.  I don't think I want to find out what the sunsets are like in the wintertime, but, I can truly appreciate God's beauty in the summer.

I don't send my blog out to many people any more, but one of the friends I did send last week's edition to, wrote me back, and it truly made Jim and I laugh.  The paragraph was talking about needing Simpson hangers... we had run out, and needed 5 extra's, so, Jim ordered them, and I went and picked them up...  this is what our friend wrote:

You can call them hangers, straps, clips, etc. Nobody but Cheri calls them Simpson Strong-Ties LOL!

This friend is an engineer, but I always make sure when something is written in the blog that I really don't understand, I let Jim write about it.  And, this issue is one of them...  So, just to clarify and let everyone know... the paragraph was actually written by.... JIM!!!  I would take this teasing from this gentleman and his wife because Jim and I truly love him and his wife... Good friends... I told him that when it gets to the point of reading something about gyprock, then he can be sure it's me writing... It's a Canadian thing - When I say something to Jim about needing to purchase gyprock, Jim gets it!  It's really sheetrock!  The whole thing made me laugh..

On another note:  We had the security cameras go off about midnight or one in the morning, the other night.  Jim checked his phone, and on the real time version, he couldn't see anyone/anything.  Then he looked at one of the parts that recorded... and low and behold... it was a black spider walking across the camera...  Wasn't quite what I was expecting, but, he was alive and checking out the cabin in the middle of the night...  something I don't really want to know about...

With that, the adventure continues...

Love, until next week, Jim and Cheri

"Destiny can throw down a pretty sparse trail of popcorn for you to follow."


  1. Looks wonderful , really came together great Thankyou for sharing

  2. Your cabin is coming along nicely! What a determined couple you two are!! Hats off to you guys! It looks great!! I’m happy if I can put up a tent in the backyard for the grandkids !! No cabin making for this family!! Love ya!!🇨🇦❤️

  3. Love your cabin and the updates. Conrad was talking about putting a cabin on the bush block his family still owns.
    Let me explain what an Australian cabin is, a one room shack😆💚
