Monday, November 20, 2023

I think the small window of time we had has closed...

 Well, our time at the cabin this year is coming to a close.  We had a little bit of a window to do some last minute jobs, and then the winterizing has started full force.  Jim was at the cabin on Saturday and Sunday, and on Sunday morning, this is what greeted him...  He was not particularly impressed...

By Sunday afternoon, it really started to snow, and it was time to high tail it off the mountain and come back to Provo.... where it was pouring rain... sad face...  Fall and winter is not my friend...It's my theory that you won't be burning in hell, people will be frozen in hell...  I don't like the heat, but I like the cold even less... When I was a teenager, I loved going skiing... now, not so much.

Jim was making a little footprint path across the bridge to get back and forth to his truck..

Here's the side view of the property... The jacuzzi got winterized and the top was supported so it didn't sink like it did last year...  and a tarp was put over the backhoe.

And, this is the road everybody is totally ticked off about.. From the highway to the turnoff, it's Garfield County... But, we live in Kane County.  Garfield doesn't get our taxes to plow this road, so they have decided not to plow any longer... We've owned property here for over 10 years, and they've plowed every year... until last year they decided not to both, which leaves the residents that stay on the mountain year round, stranded...  

The furnace was installed, but the duct work was not finished, so this is our only source of heat.  Saturday afternoon, Jim said that it was in the 20's in the cabin.  This little stove did it's best but with cathedral ceiling and no insulation, unless you stand right in front of it, you don't feel a whole lot of heat.  (Side note:  when Jim went to start a fire in this baby on Saturday, he found a bird... and the bird had gone to visit friends on the farm...) The top part of the stove pipe blew off during a wind storm, and it got too windy and cold to hoist Ben up there to get it back on... so, some little bird decided to check out the pipes and couldn't find it's way out... rather, it went to the farm...)

And, I found his ceramic basket last week.  I know it's handmade, but I don't know the story behind it.  I love it.  I wanted to put it in the upstairs loft bathroom because it's all in white/grey and green, but I think Jim had another plan for it.  I want to put the spare bathroom tissue rolls in it... Made sense to me.

And, I found another ceramic chicken.  Jim is at the point now that he says I have too many chickens, but doesn't complain any further.  I guess he's getting used to it.  This was just too interesting to pass up.  

And, remember the Pika from last week.  Well, he brought another friend to visit, or maybe this is the same one we released last week... don't know.. We just know he was caught in the trap.  We haven't found the entry yet, but sooner or later we will.  Jim thinks that he came in when door were open, but I think he's found an entry and we haven't closed it off yet.  It's been too cold to have the doors open.

And, here's one of the granite window sills.. They really go nicely with the ceramics in the bathroom.  

And, here's the finished floors all grouted and dried.

And, Jim started putting everything back in its place...  One piece by one piece.

And, this is where Jim decided to put my ceramic basket.  I don't know if this is going to be it's home, but for now, it's in the main level bath.

Jim told me that he didn't figure for the ceramics behind and under the cabinet, and when he went to put everything back into place, the holes in the back were a little bit off and need to be drilled out... I just think it looks pretty.

It's been a crazy year.  Jim is wanting to get back down to the cabin a couple more times this year, but I am not sure with the crazy weather we have been having.  Salt Lake City had a major snow storm on Saturday and Sunday (about 45 minutes north of us) and Duck Creek, which is about 20 minutes away, got slammed also.  It's supposed to be a super snowy winter, so it's going to be a hit and miss.  Drive carefully, friends.

Jim and I were watching the series (Six Feet Under) on Sunday night, and someone on one of the episodes said a line that resonated with Jim.... He loved it, and came upstairs as I was doing dishes, and so sweetly said to me:

"I must have done something really good, because I've been rewarded 1000 times over." Still love this man something stupid.

With that, the adventure continues and we'll close this chapter.

Love, Jim and Cheri

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