Thursday, January 4, 2024

And, 2023 has come to a close....

 Another year has ended, and the hopes and aspirations for the new year have begun.  This year, Jim and I decided to bring in the New Year at the movies and we chose, "The Boys in the Boat"... We loved it.  Very uplifting, very inspirational and if you know a little about history, you already know the ending, but, we enjoyed it nonetheless.  We got out of the show right at midnight, so our traditional kiss, was not at the Kissing Place in Provo, but in front of the movie theater. So, happy New Year to you all.

We really try to stay off the streets of Provo at New Year's...  There were lots and lots of police on the streets, but didn't see any crashes which is good.. Growing up in Toronto gives me a whole different perspective of New Year's - Provo is VERY different - but, I think I still have memories of mum and dad telling me to be VERY careful driving... probably due to a combination of celebrating Torontonians and snow... Giggle.

We haven't been at the cabin in a couple of months.  I have been seeing pictures from the neighbours, but, we have avoided the journey.  We don't have the furnace in, (actually we have the furnace in, we don't have the duct work in...) so the inside of the cabin usually is somewhere in the mid 20's, even though it is warmer outside... and that's just too cold for this cowgirl..
There's still a lot to do, but almost impossible with the cold.

But, I did find something interesting for the cabin - I am not sure what this piece was originally used for, but I am going to put walking sticks in it, and store it by the front door.  It almost looks like it could be used to shovel ash out of a fireplace, but, I seriously don't have a clue.  I thought it was interesting.

And, my son Brad, had his first hockey pick up game this past week.  I bought him a Wayne Gretzsky jersey and a Mike Eruzione jersey for Christmas, and I was pleased he wore the USA jersey for his first game.  So proud of him... He was telling me he was super sore the next day - which is expected.  But, he stuck with it and is an amazing example to everyone.  Proud of you Brad!  I sent Ben a Davey Keon jersey (my all time favourite player of the Toronto Maple Leafs)... He politely said thank you, but said he wanted a Gordie Howe jersey because Gordie Howe had the same number that he wears... Oh my... Where did I go wrong?  After I picked my teeth up off the floor, I told him I would look for a Gordie Howe Red Wings jersey...  Did I actually say that?  I must be getting old or something...  I'll go with the something...

I still like the Keon jersey over the Howe jersey... I guess Ben and I are just going to have to disagree on this one...

Ben... really?

Here's my boy... I still think of Bradley as being only 3 years old... He plays pretty decent hockey for a 3 year old.   Giggle.

Over  Christmas we were in Los Angeles visiting friends... Our friend had these old 7Up cases.  I absolutely love them.  I am not sure what my style of decorating could be called exactly.... I know what I like and a lot of my conversations with Jim go: "Cheri,  where are you going to put that.?" .."Jim, I don't have a clue, but I really like it."  Same with these crates.  I didn't know where to put them, but 2 of the 5 already have a home.  The other three, the gentlemen asked if I could sell them for him.  So, if this is your jam, let me know, and I'll hook you up.  I used two of them stacked on top of each other as an end table with a lamp on top...  It looks great!

Jim and I are making plans for 2024, and it's exciting... He is excited about insulation and I am excited about duct work... I personally think the duct work is more exciting than insulation, but different strokes, I guess.  So much was accomplished this past year.... Jim is an amazing carpenter... I would say I am an amazing project manager, but I think Jim would define me more as just a pushy/demanding project manager... C'est la vie.

Well, the 2023 Manzanita blog will go to print this next week... One more year of blogs is literally in the history books.  Thanks for everyone's love and support.  It's been a difficult year for us, lots of laughter and lots of tears, but we are managing.

With that, the adventure continues...  I thank Jim for taking me on this incredible journey with him.  I can't think of anyone else I would ever consider travelling this road with.

Love, Jim and Cheri


  1. Cheri, wishing you and Jim a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. I so enjoy your blog 🥰 Deb L

  2. Much love to you both..from your old Aunt Betty, turning 88 this January 14.
