Monday, March 25, 2024

In Case You Don't Remember... I HATE SNOW!

 This edition started the beginning of March... and, at that time, this is what Bryce Woodlands looked like.  And, thank goodness for my neighbour who sends pictures... otherwise, there would be nadda... It looks so calm and peaceful... and cold... so cold....

We've had several snowstorms blow in this month... some worse than others... and, it was pretty much the same in Provo... We checked our cameras, and it snowed a little bit today... not a lot... but, it also snowed in Provo this morning, and the temperature dropped, so, I guess, all of Utah is in a little bit of a cold funk right now.

Changing the subject before I forget... - Jim and I went to see "One Life" on Friday night.... what an amazing story.  It takes place in Czechoslovakia just before Hitler invaded... One man, Nicholas Winton (a stockbroker) was part of a program to remove children from Prague, and send them to England.  The movie shows that he saved 669 children by moving them.  As I was watching the movie, it hit me that Jim had two uncles who were moved from Scotland to Canada during this same time period.  It was a very emotional exchange between the two of us, as we both realized the anguish and sorrow the children's mother's endured just to save their children.  I personally don't know if I could have done it.  The mothers didn't have any idea if they would see their children again - and the majority of them died in concentration camps.  Jim's uncles were sent to Toronto and stayed for the rest of their teen years with a single mother whose children were already grown and gone (Olive) whom they didn't know, but were treated very, very well.  Both attended University of Toronto and had amazing careers because of this woman's generosity.  The sacrifices that were made were unimaginable.  The movie made the whole process very, very real.  I encourage you to find where it is showing, and see it.

... Back to cabin stuff....One of the very first things we are going to tackle when we get back to the cabin is working on insulating... So, we've been buying insulation and putting it in our storage.  We still have quite a bit at the cabin, but we know we are going to need more... So, the bales are piling up and we are just waiting, waiting, waiting to start working again.

This is what we did on Sunday afternoon.... pack the van and drive the insulation (and the bullfrog) over to storage.... we were running out of room at the house!  And, it was so freakin' cold, it was a really quick, quick, quick trip! The frog has been sitting to the front of our house and every morning I "ribbit" to it.. Jim thinks I'm crazy, but it makes me laugh.

This past week, I found these two window frames, and I absolutely love them.  Jim has them leaned up against each other, but they are actually two separate frames.  My plan is to mosaic them with gradiated colour from light at the top to dark at the bottom.  I am not sure where I am going to put them when I am done, but I am thinking somewhere around the jacuzzi.  I absolutely fell in love with these pieces... I need to do a little preservation work on them - they haven't been treated nicely in the past, and a little restoration work needs to be done... None the less, they are like two beautiful old ladies who just need a little pampering.

This is what the coloured pieces will look like behind the wood frames.... I think it's going to look fabulous.

On Saturday, I found these cabinet pulls.. I've been looking for something like this for several years now, and I found 17 of them.  I am still totally in love with wrought iron, and these little leaves are going to find a home in the main level bathroom.  If we have any left over, I am thinking the remaining few will go on the cabinet in the bathroom downstairs.  Something about wrought iron just speaks to me.  I think I must have been married to a blacksmith in another life... (ok, that's a joke...)

And, I found these wrought iron napkin holders.  I don't know when I will ever use them on a dinner table, but I love the look.

Brad and Brea made it through the hockey season in Alaska, and they played the Parents/Player game on Friday night.  Jim and I watched it online, and it was an absolute blast to watch them play.  We were first of all at dinner... watching the game... then in the grocery store... watching the game... and then at home... watching the game... Technology is amazing!  Brea is a solid little player and we enjoy her enthusiasm.  Brad is such a supportive parents... couldn't ask for a better dad.  This is Brad's first year playing drop in hockey, and he's enjoying it, although, I think his body is not having as much fun!  Giggle.

Great pictures and great fun!  I wonder who won this faceoff?

So cute.  Brea always has such a positive attitude and a great smile!  She's so pretty...

It was so nice to see the parents give each player their own time and space to take a shot at the goal - without any interference.  Some parents just stood back and waited and others took a knee... Here's our Brea, doing her thing!

At the end of the game, Brad pulled Brea's jersey over her head - having a little sparring match on the ice.  I don't think she quite liked it when her tummy hit the ice and she didn't have the jersey to insulate her... giggle... It's all part of the game!  I think Brad was just waiting for an opportunity to spar with Brea... I am sure she loved it.

And, here's the team... So much fun!

Jim has got into an organizing kick... he purchased a box with all little compartments for screws and stuff, but found that the little lids were always falling off.  So, he found a better solution and it seems to be working out really well..

I don't have a clue what half this stuff is.

And, yes... I bought another chicken for the kitchen... Jim just groans and rolls his eyes at this point, but I thought this one was so freakin' cute, I couldn't resist!  Go with me on this one!!

This picture was taken Palm Sunday by my neighbour, Kelly.  We still are not able to get up the hill, and hoping by the end of April, beginning of May, the road will be clear enough, and not too muddy to get to the cabin.

Right now, it just looks... cold.

The scenery is so pretty... but again, it's cold... I was telling Jim this past week, that I am not really looking forward to him going to work at the cabin... it's still too cold for me to spend days there, without the furnace running, and I really enjoy weekends with him... So, these past 5 months have been really nice.

And, our firstborn grandchild turned 13 this month... 13???  When the freak did this happen?  Such a pretty baby....

And, such an amazing, pretty, sweet teenager! We agreed that she is just 3 years old because I just can't be that much older than when she was born... giggle... (I still can't believe it)... What an exciting time for her... the whole world is at her fingertips...

And, this month, I've decided to end this edition with a giggle.  My son says this type of activity should be called, "Slap Shot" instead of skeet shooting... I agree... truly made me laugh...

On that note, we end this edition - and the adventure continues...  
Love, Jim and Cheri

"Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, but everyone refuses to believe in magic."

Sunday, March 3, 2024

This edition begins on the last day of January and carries through until March 3, 2024.

January 30, 2024 - 60 degrees...  Our neighbour sent this picture titled:
"The Calm Before The Storm"
Somehow, I believe it.  It seems one day we have beautiful weather, and then Mother Nature realizes what she's done and drastically changes the situation.  But, it sure is beautiful today.

There's a winter storm warning for Thursday through Saturday...  just sayin'...

Well, this is the result of the snowstorm on  Thursday... My neighbour says it's really windy, and they got a couple of inches of snow, but they aren't snowed in by any means... Kinda the look you want for Christmas Eve...

We found handles for the loft doors, this past weekend.  They haven't been powder coated yet, but, we bought these and the railings that go to the top of the door.  The door is unfinished wood, so this is going to look fantastic.

                  I don't know if this is going to work, but I downloaded the snow falling off the roof from our door camera, onto this blog... Might work...might not work... I'm trying something different, however!

Jim and I went to the Snow and Ice festival in Provo over the weekend.. There wasn't a whole lot of snow and ice, but there were a couple of ice sculptures.  This is one we really liked... so, we had to recreate a previous picture...

And, here's the recreation!!!


Here's the original... And, yes... he did propose, again, when we were at the top of the tower... sigh..

Another Valentine's Day has come and gone - and on this day, which I always call, "Cheri loves Jim Day", my sweetheart opened his lunchbox and this is what he found.  He was a little surprised, but pleasantly.  Seriously, how can anyone not be excited when you find chocolate covered strawberries.  I just told him, that somebody loves him...

I got these pictures from our neighbour this morning...  It's snowed, and is still snowing at the cabin...

Our neighbour said that her husband had plowed the road three times today, and needed additional help...  and advised anybody who wanted to come to the mountain this weekend, perhaps should reconsider.  They've pulled out a couple of cars that got stuck - and I don't want to be one of them.

You can see the progression of the snow...  I am so glad I am in Provo - not as pretty, but much less snow!

I was watching a program on Netflix - The making of the song, "We are the World".  It's really an interesting show...There were a few things that impressed me.  First, the music and lyrics were already written and sent to the performers before they showed up.  The process started at 10:00 pm after the American Music Awards concluded and ended at 8:00 am the next morning. Second, before any of the performers showed up,  Quincy Jones put a note on the door that simply read:  Leave your ego at the door.  And, finally, in an interview with Lionel Ritchie just recently, he talked about a conversation he had with his father.   When production was finished, his father said when referring to the experience, "You can never go home... the house might still be there, but it's the people in it that will be gone".  He was talking about the performers today, who are no longer with us.  Ritchie was in the recording room during this interview, and said things like, Billy Joel stood there, and Diana Ross stood there, and Bruce Springsteen stood there and Michael Jackson stood there... The room is still intact at A&M Records, but some of the voices are gone.  With that, remember, you can never go home. I can walk the property where my childhood home is/was, but it's the people who made it a home, are gone... Thought

Well, the hockey season has ended, and the kids spent two days at the state tournament.  As you can see, they're all pretty stoked! I am so glad they have found something that they enjoy and are making memories and friends.

I must admit, this bunch is pretty cute... and a little crazy.

Ben has decided that he wants to be a goalie... Oh my...  But, he seems to do well and is enjoying the position.  I told Brad and Melody that this summer, they should put him in ballet lessons to help with his flexibility.  I'm sure he'd love it!

On the first day of state finals, Brad sent me a link to the game, and this is how I spent a little time, while at work...  Giggle.

It was so fun watching Brea play, and just as fun to every once in a while, see pictures of my Brad...  Brea's games are live online, and I find myself looking for Brea on the ice, and Brad and the family in the stands... Brad is the dad standing in front of the glass in the green hoodie and blue toque... Makes me smile.  

I was telling Brea that I watched her games... on Saturday, it was just on my phone - which is a little small and difficult to see sometimes... BUT, as I walked around Lowe's and Wal-Mart and the grocery store, and the fish store, EVERYBODY shared seeing Brea skate...  I was so proud of her and I really don't care if anybody else minded... they all got to know what a proud grandma I am..

I found some frogs for my grotto at the cabin.  This is a big bullfrog... I showed it to Jim and he just had the "look", so I know it's gonna be amazing.  I asked Jim how big he thought the bullfrog was, and he just said "enormous"....  I think it's about 2' x 2'... He's a big boy...  When we left the house on Saturday, this is what he looked like.....

And, when we returned, this is what he looked like... wearing his "snow coat".  

And, I found a smaller frog also..  This one is considerably smaller... less than half the size of the bullfrog... But, this frog is made to put tea lights in the body...  Makes me smile.

On Saturday, we found this light fixture that is going to go into the loft bathroom... A couple of years ago, Jim installed a light in the loft bath, and I don't really like it, but, I couldn't find anything that I really liked to go into that area.  Saturday, I came across this piece, and I think it will be perfect! It's a little different, but I think it will look spectacular.

We are planning on insulating the cabin this summer - so, every payday, whoever gets paid goes to Home Depot and buys a roll a insulation.  We've got a storage issue, so we have to be really careful what to buy and where to store it.  This was the best way we knew how to get what we need by the time we make it back down, and to stay within budget.  But, while I was there a couple of weeks ago, I saw this mat for the front door.  Made me smile.  I showed it to Jim and told him when he sees it, he will know exactly WHY I had to buy it... No question... he knew and didn't try to dissuade me on this one!

And, I bought some digital doorknobs for the cabin.  I don't know exactly how well they are going to work, but we are going to try them.  I'll let you know at a later date!

 And, I'm moving offices at work from one side of the building to the other, and cleaning out my office after 13 years has been an interesting experience.  I'm finding things that I haven't seen in a long time, AND finding things I flat don't remember and why they are in my office is a mystery to me... But, here's a couple of things...  

This is a piece of rock for our grotto outside.  It's a dyed quartz geode - and I love the purple colour.

And, this one is a natural coloured geode... It's super pretty also.

And, lastly, a piece of labradorite.  I know I must have purchased it because of the blue colour... but, that's about all I got.  

And, last, but not least, a chicken soup tureen....  I showed it to Jim and his line was..."Another chicken?"  I also found several pieces of the rock that is on the hearth, and a Boeing 787 cookie jar... But, the cookie jar is not going to the cabin, so I didn't take a picture.  Cleaning out the office has been like Christmas all over again.

Our neighbour told us that it's super windy today - not a whole lot of snow as predicted... Just super windy.  Here in Provo, we had snowstorms on Saturday, and a little more has just started... but, it is also super windy...  grumble, grumble, grumble... I hate winter...

On that note, this edition is ending...  the adventure continues... This edition has taken a little longer than usual - there isn't much going on, except snow, so I combined a couple of days/weeks/months into one edition.  As summer approaches, I'm sure things will change.  Thanks for reading.

Love, Jim and Cheri

"In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear and hope to despair."