Wednesday, August 7, 2024

It's too freakin' HOT!!!

 It's super hot in Bryce Woodlands right now, but the work continues in the heat!  The push right now is to complete the insulation and the heating/cooling duct work... It's hot, but the work must go on.  The rest of the long wall in the great room has been completed, and the prow wall started!

There's some pretty tall ladders that need to be climbed to get to the top of the room, and I am just glad that Ben has climbing experience to get to the tops... I just wish he was wearing climbing gear and tied up there with ropes so he doesn't fall.  I keep telling him that he's not allowed to fall and die in my cabin!!!  Here, you can see how far he has to climb to get to the ceiling to work!

It makes me dizzy just looking at it...

But, they climb up and do a great job.  It's when Ben puts one foot on the ladder and one foot out on the window sill that my stomach churns...

Jim doesn't particularly like heights, but he also climbs the ladder and did some repair work that needed to be done.  Jim repairs, Ben insulates...  Cheri watches...

After the prow wall was completed, the next part was to turn the corner and start on the bay window wall...  I am most excited about this bay window... Jim is going to build a window seat for me, to complete the room.  I am not expecting this to be done any time soon... lots of other jobs that need to be completed first... But, I can dream.

I found a set of chairs at Habitat for Humanity and I fell in love with them.. I did a little bit of painting and replaced the seat covers, and this is what they look like now...

And, this is what they looked like before.  I kinda saw some potential and thought I would see if they  would turn out to be something fabulous.. and they did... Before, the seat covers were orange/yellow and the wrought iron really needed a facelift. But, I think they turned out fantastic.  This isn't quite my forte.... but, it worked.

While Ben was working on insulation, Jim started working on duct work... He had to start by doing a little building...  This is the junction where the heat comes up from the basement and diverts out to the loft bedroom, the loft bathroom and a second one for the other end of the loft bedroom... Everything is figureoutable!

He installed a damper so we can regulate how much heat goes up there.  And here is our very first heat outlet on the bedroom floor in the loft!

And, I put up a new hummingbird feeder on the deck... and we have a little family that has been coming by to visit.  There is a teeny, tiny little humming bird... Ben thinks she is less than a year old... she comes frequently...

Update on the shattered glass shower door...  We filed a claim with Delta because they have a warranty for 5 years on their products... However, their warranty isn't worth the paper it is written on.  They came back and told us that it was installed incorrectly - which is weird because we hadn't even finished the installation when it shattered... in fact, we weren't even in the bathroom when it exploded...  So, buyer beware... Delta products have a warranty, that they are not going to honour... BUT, I called Home Depot corporate, and the lady I was talking to said that Home Depot honours their products for 3 months, and we were within that time limit, so they gave us a new door... In fact, they gave us 2 new doors.. We were thrilled.. So, Delta - two thumbs down... Home Depot - two thumbs up!

And, we switched out the tv in the living room for one a little smaller (55 inch).. The larger set needed the sound amplifier looked into, so, when the insulation was put in, the TV was switched out... I usually listen to Pandora while we are working, but, while I was gone to the grocery store, the TV went up, and when I came home, Murdock Mysteries was playing.. I am such a fan of Murdock Mysteries...  giggle..  

Anyways, we are making great progress.... even in the scorching heat...

With that, the adventure continues...
Love, Jim and Cheri

  • Everything starts out small, it's how we build from the ground up that matters.

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