Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Jim got the paperwork for the building permit today - or should I say, the freakin' book that you have to fill out in order to get a building permit... It's HUGE!!!  Gonna take a while to get all the forms, and get all the information. 

Jim got the topographical maps sent from Kane County today, also!

Wow.... still moving forward!



Last night, Jim and I met with the architect - David Ferre - lives in Orem, Utah.  He was recommended by a friend of mine.  We've contacted a couple of architects, but this guy is great!  He's been drawing homes and building homes for like 40 years - really knows his stuff.

Looked at our plans, told us what we needed to have changed, gave us lots of great suggestions - we were totally impressed.

He shared a little bit of his personal philosophy with us.  He said that his goal in life is to "make that little lady in there happy".. He was talking about his sweet wife, Diane.  Not to go into all the details, let's just say, I think I'm gonna get my octogonal breakfast nook because I am now so sure Jim wants to make "this little lady" happy!  Giggle.

We need to get a topographical map and the platte map for him, and send him idea of what we want included in the plans... Jim is looking after that today!

I think this is going to be a good fit!  I am encouraged.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Ok... we are meeting with an architect tonight... Jim has already sent our preliminary drawings and any other pertinent information.... We'll go see if this is a good fit...


Saturday, August 4, 2012


As you can see from Jim's post, we worked with logs today.... Actually, let me 'splain.... Jim and Cameron worked with logs today...

We knew that we were going to get the logs ready for winter today, and there was no way I was going to grind grasshoppers in my shoes again...  It was super hot, and I didn't want to wear my running shoes, so I decided to wear my trusty pink crocs again, BUT take a pair of socks with me to protect my feet from grasshopper guts...

We had to run over to the post office and Lowe's before we drove north, and guess what... I forgot my socks on the island in the kitchen.... We were about half way there, when I realized the socks were still at the house, and not in the truck...

When I got there, I walked over to the logs just once, and those stupid grasshoppers were like a swarm.. I swear, I've never seen so many freakin' grasshoppers, and crickets in my life... Just couldn't do it..  So, Jim and Cameron moved the logs... I sort of sat in the truck and.... orchestrated the whole event... No... I didn't even orchestrate... I sat and took pictures...

But, there were no smashed grasshoppers today...


Moving Day for Logs

We ventured north today to the land of Liberty, Utah.  Beautiful country where we arranged, piled and tarped our logs in preparation for the winter.  These suckers are heavy, but the Komatsu tracked fork lift made quick work of it!

Sitting on our logs.  Cheri avoided the grasshoppers today.  LOL.

Cameron, the seller of the logs was a real help and much appreciated.  He's a cool guy.

This one is 28 feet long.  Much too big but once trimmed to 23 feet it should work well right over the sliding patio door that goes out to the deck.

Bye for now, Jim Streeter