Saturday, February 23, 2013

A View Like No Other - More Windows

We found these at Habitat for Humanity today and since our design is requiring a center column support right down the front of the cabin, the single arched center window we had in mind won't work.  We had to buy them for the very top of the cabin up in the vaulted ceiling area.  These should make for a spectacular view from the loft down the valley.  You can see my chicken scratch idea for these windows in the previous Blog insert on the front view of the plans.

The windows have been installed but the paper brochure had never been removed, so they are essentially new.  Here's what the info sheet said.  I guess it's good stuff. . . .

We are still sitting indoors waiting for spring.  It's the end of February, snow everywhere and we have cabin fever.

Bye for now,
Jim & Cheri Streeter

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