Saturday, February 2, 2013


Ok... so, I didn't go to the architect's appointment today... just couldn't do it... and I was at the point this morning where I was so frustrated and angry and annoyed that I was going to tell Jim to bag the whole project, sell the land, sell the house here in Provo and we'll move to California... I'm sick of the architect, and sick of getting nowhere and sick of the cold and sick of the snow...  Havin' a day...

So, Jim goes to the architect's appointment by himself.. He just got home, and amazingly enough, HE HAS PLANS!  Actual architectural plans!  All printed out, not just on the computer.... ACTUAL PLANS!

And they look amazing.  There's the nice big kitchen, and lots of closet space, and a great room, and a big dining room, and a bay window, and transoms and lots of stuff that I wanted. ACTUAL PLANS!!!

So, this guy redeemed himself...

Actually, I think this guy doesn't like me... he really likes Jim because Jim appeals to his organized, engineering/architectural side... And, I'm just an annoyance, like a little mosquito flying around... I realize I'm a tough ticket to work with, but, I think by not going, this guy got rid of me, and plans can move forward.

...frustrated, but moving forward..


1 comment:

  1. Cheri, you're not a mosquito. Love you, Jim.
