Saturday, August 10, 2013

Logs . . . Big Freakin Logs!

OK, so today we made a trip up to Liberty, Utah to pick up the first load of logs.  We hooked up the trailer that we have for the backhoe and departed.  Now this trailer is bigger than a car hauler, so we figured it would be plenty big enough for, well the smaller logs.  So, here's what she looked like fully loaded, strapped and chained down.  Holy crime-any the little logs look freakin big.  I told Cheri, every step of the way was going to be an adventure. . . . Seven down and thirteen to go.

We're going to have to rent a bigger trailer for the big logs.   I'll quote a line from "Jaws", "We're going to need a bigger boat!".

Bye for now, Jim & Cheri

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