Sunday, August 11, 2013

Unloading the First Logs

Today I fired up the backhoe and with TJ's help we unloaded the trailer.

Remember these are 30 year old logs from a barn in Idaho.  

The interior of the log is pristine, but the outside, when sand blasted and finished will look like this, well sort of.  We have other plans, but they will look sort of like these.

Moving a thousand pound log is delicate work.  I tried hard to not knock down trees or damage cars.

Well these are now put to bed until they are needed next year.

Bye for now, Jim & Cheri


  1. OK, Where are the rough sketches, plans, etc???

  2. We had to do some revisions with the plans.... weren't too happy with the finished product that the architect did, so we sent them back for revisions... They are supposed to be completed this week. Cheri
